The Unpretty Club || Non-AU Facebook Roleplay || Literate with exciting theme! || Help complete BTS and Topp Dogg!



the unpretty club --- (always get what you need)
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  Celebrities, just like any other person, have needs. They need help, fun, an escape...but with the press everywhere and their company setting up strict rules, where are they supposed to go?

That's where The Unpretty Club comes in. Founded in the 70's, this elite celebrity-only organization helps the rich and or famous get exactly what they need in a manner that won't clue the press or their management in. The Unpretty Club  (UC) started off as something informal and blossomed into a structured society that operates secretly with the help of underground hip-hop crews and big name artists under big labels. Whether it be a romantic get-away with a secret partner or obtaining prescriptions from the UC's private doctor, the UC always gets you what you need.
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( rules)  terms  of  agreement

[read them in their entirety for the password]

Before Applying:

  1. We recommend you be at least fifteen years old due to the themes of this roleplay, but if you can handle mature topics you're permitted to apply at a younger age (no younger than thirteen)
  2. Apply through our Tumblr or through our AFF page with an active account. Brand new accounts will not be accepted.
  3. This is a semi-literate roleplay, meaning we accept para and action styles and expect emojis/chatspeak to not be used in face-to-face interactions.
  4. Respect for fellow members is a must, and we expect kindness above all.
  5. We only accept Asian characters that are active in an Asian market and do not accept stars or adult entertainers.
  6. Don't add anyone from outside of the roleplay, and if you are recycling your account make sure your friend list is cleaned out.

After Acceptance:

  1.  Add the Operator within two days of acceptance and the admins will add you from there. It is mandatory that you accept Cheetah and Kidoh's friend requests within a day of the Operator welcoming you!
  2.  If you use Hangul in the account name, make sure to have your alternate name set in English characters. Your account name must be recognizable for the character (Donghae can be Donghae or Aiden but not Christopher). We will not be able to add you to the groups if you don't! The password is "I feel Unpretty".
  3. Put "The UC" in your about me so we know it's you and make sure your privacy settings are tight so people outside the RP can't find you.
  4. This is not an AU roleplay so stay true to your character, both in terms of their culture and real-life story. You will receive a message from the admins if we feel you're straying too far from that path.
  5. You are allowed to have two characters and they cannot be from the same group. The second one can be applied for after two weeks of activity. If you're super active and welcoming on the two you already have, you may ask Admin permission for a third account.

Code of Conduct:

  1. Never make IC drama an OOC problem! We're all good people here, even if our characters might be a little cold. If you feel you're being harassed just let an admin know.
  2. Keep your OOC posts in the OOC group or put brackets around your posts/comments that are on the feed.
  3. Do not godmod or metagame. Godmodding is when you say someone else's character did something as simple as sneezing or as serious as reacting a certain way to something your character did. Metagaming is when you OOC read something on the feed and let your character know that it happened even if they weren't present in that thread.
  4. Welcome newcomers and interact with older members as often as you can! We don't want anyone camping out on a character and you'll receive an activity warning if that's all you're doing.
  5. Post on your own page at least once a week, in addition to interacting with others, or you'll receive an activity warning.
  6. Keep any triggering or material in private so that you don't make anyone uncomfortable, and make sure to get permission from all parties involved before utilizing that plot! Character death (suicide or otherwise), terminal illnesses and unplotted ual assault are forbidden here. Keep on wall posts, not pictures, gifs, etc. Do not publicly share ographic videos or gifs.
  7. Keep romance realistic! Remember all of the scandals surrounding idol relationships, the no-dating rules many companies have and the stigmatization surrounding homouality in Asia before you embark on a public relationship with someone so that the plot is as realistic as possible. You must wait at least two weeks before posting a public relationship update on Facebook. We do accept pre-established couples from other roleplays.
  8. Pregnancy/Adoption plots must be approved by the admins and you can't forget the baby after it happens. The admins need to see that the child is an integral part of your character's every day life and that updates on them/posts involving them are frequent. The real pa.ssword is "Customer Service, please". As such, actively promoting idols will not be permitted to have a baby plot until their schedules have cooled down. M-Preg is not allowed.
  9. The most important rule is to have fun, though! We want everyone to be able to feel comfortable and welcome here. We're exploring every facet of a celebrity's life, and they're the experts on having a good time.


( application ) join the club
Hello, this is the Operator. Please provide the correct password at the top of your application.

{IC Info}
Name/Stage Name:
Why have you come to The UC?:

{OOC Info}
Any other characters:
Will you write in para style?:




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sonekimjunghwa #1
IC info:
Name/stage name: Kim Tae Yeon
Group/occupation: Girls' Generation
Because i watched the unprety rap star and iM very intrested.

ooc info:
Name: Yvonne Lee
Age: 15 year old
Timezone: GMT+8
Any other characters: -
theunprettyclub #2
Update: 2NE1's CL was accepted on Tumblr!
theunprettyclub #3
Update: BTS' Suga was accepted on Tumblr!