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Denouement (n.) /ˌdāno͞oˈmäN /

the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.


      Throughout his years, Chanyeol has felt like an abberation. That is, he has never been compatible with any one group of people, or any specific area of interest. To add on, his tall, austere demeanor certainly does not aid in his coming off as an amiable guy. Despite the fact that he tries to evaluate why this is so - from an hour of staring at himself in the mirror, to straight out asking people - his peers always seem to have some sort of aversion toward him. So when he is accepted into his dream university, he feels as if the world is finally giving him a chance. That all his troubles were behind him. He no longer feels weighed down by all the aspersions of society.

      However, just when he is set free, he notices someone, a girl, who effortlessly captures his attention. This feeling was inadvertent; he had vowed to treat others as they had neglected him all those years. But this girl was different. She was imperturbable, impassive, and immutable. Usually, he would immediately recognize when someone would coldly reject him before even locking eyes. But she was welcoming and fair, showing no favoritism toward anthing nor anyone. Chanyeol finds himself falling harder and harder for this enigmatic girl, but when he finally takes note of how such a mysterious girl can make his heart race like so, he wishes he hadn't discovered that she was at the last chapter of her life.


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