Kiss Me

Love Me Right (Abandoned)
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(a.n) you'll be needing this: (sorry its not kpop but still a good song )

Xiumin's POV

I woke up the next morning to find Chen in my bed. He almost looked like a kitten with his eyes shut and the slight smile playing on his lips. I realized that I was trapped between the wall and his body, so I tried to wake him up in the nicest way possible. First, I tapped his nose a few times. He didn't move, so I then whispered for him to wake up. He ignored it, so I just climbed over him. I searched the closet the same shorts I had worn the day before and my gray T-shirt. The shirt was fairly new, but the shorts had been mine for around 5 years. They came up to the middle of my thigh now, but they still fit fine because I was a little chubby 5 years ago.

I shuffled out of the room and opened the door to my mother's room. She was asleep in her waitress uniform and she hadn't even pulled up the covers. Not wanting to wake her, I pulled up the blanket at the edge of her bed and kissed her cheek. Then, I walked back into my room to find Chen waking up. "Good morning," I called quietly. He looked towards the door and smiled, his eyes still half shut. "I'll let you get dressed."

I walked downstairs and a while later Chen joined me. "Good morning," he said. I grabbed two small bowls from the cabinet and started to spoon out the rice from yesterday when his hand grabbed my wrist. "I'll get you some breakfast. Don't eat the rice just now."

"Chen, we have to eat it. We aren't going to waste." I tried to move the bowl closer to the spoon, but he pulled it out of my hand.

"You can eat rice for lunch, dinner, and tomorrow's breakfast if you want, just not while I'm here." I put the bowls back in the cabinet and followed him out the door. "I'm gonna take you to my favorite bakery," he said and we walked out the door.

"I've never had breakfast at a Korean bakery," I said at last. "I was born here, but this is the first time I'm ever experiencing the country, actually."

Chen led me across the street. "Well, now you'll get to see around the area." If I stayed long enough, I thought.

We walked the rest of the way in silence because neither of us knew what to say. Finally, we reached the bakery. It was the bottom floor of a tall apartment building and the outside was painted white. Someone had parked their bike at the edge of the building, and the fact that it wasn't chained almost gave the entire place a happy and friendly feeling. Inside, there were seats in front of the widow, just like the bar in my kitchen. Behind that, there was a counter with a friendly looking guy. "Hey, man!" the guy said to Chen.

Chen walked over and leaned on the counter. "Hey. This is Xiumin. Xiumin, this is Junmyeon. He's in the same grade as us, too. His parents own the bakery, so sometimes they drop the prices."

I smiled. Junmyeom seemed like a nice person. He had a perfectly proportioned face and his black hair was combed back neatly. "Hello," I said. "Nice to meet you."

"You must be new to Korea, huh."

I shrugged. "I was born here, but I didn't actually live here for too long." I hadn't known that my accent was that obvious, but apparently it was.

Junmyeon gave me a thumbs up. "Hope you like it here."

Chen and I then walked around the the store looking at the pastries. He pointed to the sign that said Manju. "I always get this one because it's the biggest discount with his parents, and it's pretty good." I nodded, and he picked up the pastry with the tongs near the basket. "I know it only looks like bread, but there's a filling."

After he had payed, we sat at the counter in front of the window. "Open," he said, and I opened my mouth, just to get it stuffed with the pastry. Chen stuck it in his own mouth and took an even bigger bite. I chewed for a while, my face probably contorting into weird shapes. "What's the face for?" Chen laughed after he swallowed his bite.

I shrugged. "It didn't taste like I thought it's kinda dry, actually." We both turned around to Junmyeon, who had a hand on his heart as if he was offended. "But it's still great," I reassured him with a thumbs-up. Chen held up the pastry and I took another bite. After a while, we finished our breakfast and decided to get my mother the same thing.

We had just left the bakery when Chen's phone beeped, signaling a message. He answered quickly, and stuffed it back in his pocket. "Luhan asked if I wanted to go see a movie, but I'm with you right now."

Upon arriving at the apartment again, we found my mother walking down the stairs. "Morning, boys," she said in her sweet voice, causing Chen to blush. We said 'good morning' back, gave her the pastry, then ran upstairs.

"Stop that," I said, jokingly punching him in the arm.

"Stop what?" he asked. He sat on my bed, and I sat near him.

"Staring at my mom like you wanna get with her." I laughed.

Chen reached across the bed and put his hands on my waist. Even though his cheeks were red, he smiled his usual cocky grin. "Xiumin, haven't you noticed I've been staring at you?" He pulled me towards him and planted a kiss on my lips. I was so stunned that I couldn't tell if I fell onto my back or he pushed me down. Either way, Chen

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from now on, this story will be on hiatus. please see the story description for details :(


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Chapter 10: I came for Xiuhan, but now Im rooting for Xiuchen?!!?!
19cutieangel90 #2
Chapter 10: Luhan? Why did you give up? Fight for Xiumin please.
noooo can't be that simple right ; ; there must be a reason why luhan stopped wanting xiumin T_T but i was so happy orz tho chen appears selfish i don't like thaaat !
EuropeanLover #4
Chapter 10: So cute! I'll be patiently waiting until you cam update again!
Srishtijain #5
Chapter 9: IM shipping xiuhen!!!! Plz!! Oh Plz choose chen!!
Chapter 8: nice fic! i like how it goes but i hope it will have a xiuhan end!
BaoziXEveryone #7
Chapter 8: Please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 6: Awwww so cute why not continue damn it
trishplusmama #9
Chapter 4: I may or may not have a couple things to say about that last interaction but I will keep them to myself because they're not praises af all. In other news, Jongdae is now an official stalker! HAHAHA
Chapter 4: Yea tbh a hate it when hh scene happen im a hardcore xiuharem toodles^^