
Love Me Right (Abandoned)
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Luhan's POV

I glared at Chen from across the picnic blanket. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of people. What's going on over there? I thought, looking towards the soccer field. I stood up to get a better look. They all seemed to be gathering around one player. I shrugged it off.

"Hey, where's Xiumin?" Chen asked, taking my attention away from the soccer field. "He's not at the food tables."

Then I remembered: Xiumin liked soccer... I ran towards the scene. Although I didn't know what was happening on the court, it was still worth going to go see what they were doing. As I got closer, I realized that there must have been some sort of fight going on in the middle of the circle. The way that the people on the outside were acting and the yelling going on suggested that it was true.

"Hey!" I yelled. A few people turned around and then turned back quickly. I pushed through them and found quite the scene: Sehun laying face down on the ground and Xiumin standing beside him with blood on his chin.

"Ow!" Sehun howled over and over. Xiumin had probably done something to hurt him, because Sehun was rocking back and forth with his arm under his body.

"What happened?" I asked.

A familiar voice behind me made us all jump. "That's what I want to know."

We all turned around to find one of the teachers, Mr. Kang, standing behind us with his hands on his hips. He was an old man with white hair, but he was still built like a wrestler. He was the most feared person in the school, even more than the principal. We all bowed 90 degrees, mumbling "hello," and "we're very sorry." Even Sehun popped up from his spot on the ground.

"Well, are you going to explain?" he asked in an impatient tone. "No, better yet, you can explain to the principal." Mr. Kang took Xiumin and Sehun by the neck and led them away. "I hope you're all following me."

"Yes, sir." We all said at the same time and quickly followed him. He dropped us off at the principal's office, which actually happened to have Principal Nam sitting at his desk in a suit as if he had never left the school since last year. Mr. Kang dropped Xiumin and Sehun into the two seat in front of the principal and ordered us to stand behind them.

"Well," said Principal Nam after the teacher had gone, "school hasn't even started and you've already gotten yourselves into trouble." He waited about a minute to let us think about what had happened. I, personally, didn't even know what happened, but hopefully he would ask me too many questions. "You," he pointed at Sehun, "tell your side of the story."

"Yes, sir." He nodded and introduced himself. I had a terrible feeling that he was going to lie. "Well, we were playing soccer. Xiumin came over and wanted to play, so we said that we would let him. Then when we tried to defend our goal, which is what you have to do in soccer, sir, he didn't like it and pinned me to the ground." He rubbed his arm for emphasis.

The principal nodded. "Tell, me your side, Xiumin."

Xiumin shrugged a little and looked down. "I'm sorry for pinning Sehun to the ground."

"I asked for your side of the story," he demanded.

Xiumin sighed and sat on his hands nervously. "I saw them playing soccer, and wanted to go play. They let me and as we were playing-" He looked at Sehun, who shot him a rude look. "-as we were playing, there was a slight misunderstanding. I did pin Sehun to the ground, sir."

My eyes widened. So Sehun had been right? Xiumin's story was no different from Sehun's story, so Xiumin really must have beaten up Sehun.

"Really?" asked the principal. "Why is your mouth covered in blood? Did someone, perhaps, punch you, too?"

"It was the ball, sir. It accidentally hit me in the face. But I'm okay. I'm very sorry. I should have been more careful."

The principal nodded. "Does everyone agree with this?" The boys nodded. "You at the end." He pointed at me. "Do you agree?"

"I didn't see anything, sir. I came at the very end to see what was going on."

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from now on, this story will be on hiatus. please see the story description for details :(


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Chapter 10: I came for Xiuhan, but now Im rooting for Xiuchen?!!?!
19cutieangel90 #2
Chapter 10: Luhan? Why did you give up? Fight for Xiumin please.
noooo can't be that simple right ; ; there must be a reason why luhan stopped wanting xiumin T_T but i was so happy orz tho chen appears selfish i don't like thaaat !
EuropeanLover #4
Chapter 10: So cute! I'll be patiently waiting until you cam update again!
Srishtijain #5
Chapter 9: IM shipping xiuhen!!!! Plz!! Oh Plz choose chen!!
Chapter 8: nice fic! i like how it goes but i hope it will have a xiuhan end!
BaoziXEveryone #7
Chapter 8: Please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 6: Awwww so cute why not continue damn it
trishplusmama #9
Chapter 4: I may or may not have a couple things to say about that last interaction but I will keep them to myself because they're not praises af all. In other news, Jongdae is now an official stalker! HAHAHA
Chapter 4: Yea tbh a hate it when hh scene happen im a hardcore xiuharem toodles^^