Bulletproof Roleplay

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Story/Roleplay/Shop - Story
Title - Talking Eyes
Link - http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/719697/talking-eyes-2ne1-bigbang-gdragon-parkbom-topbom-ocyumi
Poster Link (if applicable) - https://36.media.tumblr.com/c1fbe19be620dc97d97281b818ed2223/tumblr_ntegjigiUX1tkl2n0o1_500.png
Genre(s) - Drama, teen, romance, idol's life
Description - Love and lies most of the time walk together. And Yumi is trying to learn how to lie properly, but she fail everytime, cause of her way too honest eyes. She has to improve fast though, because there's her life on the line.
Package - 2 + one month of featuring
Message To Readers - none
Preferred Advertiser (if you leave this blank, requests will be taken by which ever advertiser responds to the request first) -
Hi! Would you like to be affies?^^
would you like to be affies? c:

Story/Roleplay/Shop: Story

Title: Dearly Beloved

Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/973663/dearly-beloved-angst-romance-supernatural-tragedy-characterdeath-psycological-markjae

Post Link (if applicable): None

Genres: Psychological, tragedy, angst, romance, supernatural & slice of life

Description: Mark Tuan was starting to see Choi Youngjae's ghost in everything he did. When he was out in the grocery store, when he was hanging out with his friends, even when he was having ...

Package: 4

Message to Readers: Hope you like it! :D

Preferred Advertiser (if you leave this blank, requests will be taken by which ever advertiser responds to the request first):
Story/Roleplay/Shop - Roleplay
Title - Epic Seoul
Link -http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/95770/
Poster Link (if applicable) - None
Genre(s) - General
Description -We are a general facebook based asian roleplay looking for active members to join our family. Why "Epic Seoul"? Seoul is a community of vast Korean culture and is an open ground for foreigners. Epic simply means, to be great. Thus, the name EPIC SEOUL. JOIN US & BE EPIC.
Package - 4
Message To Readers - mostly accepting asians (jap/chi/kor) idols & celebrities but we also encourage westerners to join.
Story/Roleplay/Shop -Story
Link -http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/948827/
Poster Link (if applicable) -http://i.imgur.com/dc18oHn.gif
Genre(s) - Romance, Comedy,Mystery,,Fluff,Angst
Description - So what would you do if Byun Baekhyun started reading your recent (#angst #romance #comedy #mystery #fluff #action #boyxboy # #drama ) hunhan fanfic?!
well it kinda started when he accidentally clicked a fan DIRECT MESSAGE from his phone (yup no wonder kim.kaaaaaa and exoxm90 deleted his ig)
And guess what that anon fan who sent him that message was you!! OMG !
and now the rest of exo boys has entangled themselves on the same mission.."operation:HUNHAN ft.EXO"
will sehun and luhan ever find out?!
or will they find out something else...

Package - just a feature(1 month)
Message To Readers - sounds interesting?please give it a try thank you and hope you enjoy~^_^
Preferred Advertiser (if you leave this blank, requests will be taken by which ever advertiser responds to the request first) -