
Song of Summer Days


Yunho plants wet and sloopy kisses on Jaejoong's lips, neck and jawline.

"Aanghhhh..." Jaejoong moans loadly when Yunho slightly careess his hard , makes Yunho snapped out to reality.

He watched Jaejoong tempting figures, messy hair, pink blushing cheek, half closed eyes and swollen wet red lips.

"Wh-what's'wrong?" Jaejoong focus his eyes to Yunho.

"Nothing, i really want to have you now... But there's'something more urgent." Yunho smiles while get up to take his gun again.

Jaejoong sit on the edge of the bed."There's'something i want to tell you..."

Yunho looked at Jaejoong.

"I... Before my grandpa died and all of these happen. I apply to culinary school here."

Yunho kiss Jaejoong slightly on his lips.

"I know baby... You applied to Jean de Arc University and your grandpa helps you to get in. I read the letter. In fact, on your grandpa's'letter, he told that Mrs. Chang helps your grandpa buying the jewel from my dad company and hide it in Jean de Arc box deposit under your name."

Jaejoong's'eyes widened."Seriously??? But, but Mrs. Chang died already, killed by some agent, Changmin said she's'the spy."

"Mrs. Chang died?"

Jaejoong nodded vigourously.

"She's'not the spy Jae... Changmin guessed it wrongly. She's'one of your Grandpa secret agent. She protect the diamond perfectly." Yunho sigh."I'll get the diamond first and you wait here, ok? I'll call my other men to protect you."

"Nooo, i want to come with you~"jaejoong grab Yunho's'jacket and whines.

"Its too dangerous-"

"You can protect me and i can protect myself. You always said that i will be alright, then take me, stop getting rid of me..."

Yunho let out defeated sigh."Fine..." Then he cupped Jaejoong face."We're gonna be alright, baby..."

Then they kissed again before left the hotel.

On the way to Jean de Arc, there's'no intteruption. When meet the Dean of Culinary art, he told Yunho that a man named Kengo was looking for him since yesterday. After asking about the deposit box under Kim Jaejoong name, the Dean smiles knowingly and leads them to the deposit room.

"I'm glad to have you here Mr.Kim Jaejoong... Your Grandpa said that you're a good chef and your passion in cooking is amazing." The Dean comments while searching the key.

"Ah... About that, i'm not sure i'll get here though..."

The Dean stop and look at him weirdly."I thought we already sent your acceptance letter to you."

Jaejoong fidgeting nervously when Yunho also look at him questioningly."Its just... That's'before I... I, i can't leave my husband."

"Owh, wow... Seriously?" The dean raised his eyebrows.

"Wait, Jae... That's'not a reason. I want you to pursue your dream here. Nothing can change that, include our marriage." Yunho sterns his voice.

"But..." Jaejoong shrink looking at Yunho's'fierce stare.

"Lets talk about this later after we got the diamond." He said coldly.

Minutes later, the Dean open the deposit box and give the red box inside it to Yunho.

"I hope you can reconsider your mind Mr.Kim." Said The Dean before they left.

"He will." Yunho replied him.

Yunho walks fast to his car followed by Jaejoong who pouted, knowing his husband is mad at him.

"Minnie, i got the diamond."Yunho said on his phone."Prepare everything, i'm going home now."

Yunho stops in front of his car, examining something strange on the wheel.

"Yunnie~" jaejoong called him with spoiled tones, trying to catch his hubby attention.

But Yunho ignore him as he look around to check the area on university yard. Then he spotted a black suit men behind the gate.

"! Its a trap!" Yunho takes Jaejoong hands and run dragging him inside the building again when in a seconds,

BOOOMM!!!!!! His car exlploded.

Yunho and Jaejoong ran to the back yard of the building and get out from back gate. Three men appear in front of them and Yunho shot them directly. He saw a row of students car and pick a red ferrari to break in. Using his skills, yunho starts the enginee.

"You steal this car?" Jaejoong asked him unbelivable.

"Yeah,this car is nothing compare to your safety." Yunho said while drifting to get away from the building. Jaejoong only can shut up and blush.

There are three cars chasing behind them and shoting them with riffle guns. Yunho try to speed up and avoid more damage. Jaejoong holds himself from throwing up, he thought Changmin's'driving car is the craziest...wrong. His husband's'driving style is the worst.

"Jae! I want you to duck under dashboard!" Yunho shout and he shot his front window and make hole of whole of it.

Jaejoong duck under the dashboard and Yunho drifting his car to turn the opposite way and face the other three cars, shoting them back. One of the car driver had been shot and make the car hit the other car and flip outside the road. Yunho drift to opposite way and now he's'behind the last car.

"Is-is it done?" Asked Jaejoong stuttered.

"Not yet, honey!" Yunho drive beside the car and with several gun fire, he shot the car driver and other two men inside it, makes the car exploded when it hits an electricity box.

"Lets go back to korea now." Yunho drives back to hotel and prepare to leave in rush.

Within two hours, both of them already in airport, ready to come back to Korea. Jaejoong sulking face pouting beside Yunho in boarding room. Yunho noctice it and hold Jae's'hand softly.

"What's'up boo?"

"Nothing..." Jaejoong answer shortly.

"Your cute pout didn't show it...tell me...please?"

Jaejoong sigh."I just thought that we could have sometimes to enjoy this country together. But seems like airport is the only place that too interesting to visit twice a day."

Yunho chuckles and lift up jaejoong chin to kiss him lovingly.

"I'm sorry boo... I promise next time, we'll spend time here maybe... For our honeymoon?" Yunho asked teasingly.

Jaejoong let a little smile.

"About this country, i want you to pursue your study here. I meant it and your grandpa must be hope so."

Jaejoong look at Yunho with glistening eyes."But, we'll be separated..."

"Only for four years baby... 3,5 if you can make it..."


"I can visit you as much as i can..."

Jaejoong sigh and Yunho smiles at him. He really can't angry long last to his cute bride.

"I want you to have your dream, like me..." Then he captured Jaejoong lips into a passionate kiss. Biting Jae's'tongue, it and tasting it.

Jaejoong pushed him away."We're in public, Yunnie..." He looks around to people surround them who smiling at their act.

"Yeah, we're in Paris Boo..." Then once again he get his baby's'lips.


"Whoaaaaa, its so refreshing the smell of the world!!!" Changmin screaming when he walk out from hospital with Junsu and Yoochun.

"Duhh... Hospital is part of the world as well." Yoochun rolled his eyes.

"I mean, the world of kimbap, kimchi, pizza and other foods." Changmin grins."Lets go to the restaurant!"

"Minnie! We have to go to Arirang broadcast station!" Yoochun yelled at him.

"Hyung, can we just eat first? Please...?" Changmin pleads with puppy eyes.

Yoochun rolled his eyes."Fine, half hour only."

"Its more that enough! Let's'go" Changmin shouted as he run to the car.

"Chunnie, i'll go back to office. You both be careful..."Junsu said.

"Ok babe... See you soon and don't forget what Yunho asked."

"Yeah, i already told Kibum to prepare it, i'll check it later....bye." Junsu walk away to his car.

"Bye babe!!" Yoochun smiles and when he turns around, his eyes widened."Minnie! Get off of the car! I drive!" Yoochun yelled at Changmin who already sit on the driver seat.

"I can drive hyung~"

"I know, but hungry you driving is my death sign!"

"Aishh...hyungie~ just get in now! Please!or i'll leave you here~"

"Urrrggghhh!" Yoochun groans and get in the car.

Next 5 minutes...


Then Changmin did his last drift in parking at front of his favorite restaurant.

" you."Yoochun cursed while holding his chest as he feels want to vomit.

Changmin grins."You're welcome Chun." Then he get off of the car and run inside the restaurant crazily.

After half hour filled their appetite with delicious foods. Then they drive to Arirang broadcast station with normal drive style.

They meet with one of PD that Yoochun known, Mr.Yong.

"Hmmm, i don't think i can help you here, Yoochun-ah... Its just, all the broad here already bribed by Kang Hodong for his campagne." Mr. Yong sigh helplessly.

"Oh, come on. You know he's'the ... There must be something that you can do."Yoochun beg to him.

"Maybe... I can't do anything since my job is really important. But, you can do something... Like hijacking the line?" Mr.Yong raised his eyebrows.

Changmin grins excitedly."Great ! I love hijacking!"

"Yeah mr. Shim, you can do it. I'll give to you the gateway code to the server, but you never know it from anyone."

"We fully understand Yong... Its already help a lot."Yoochun smiles widely.

"When will you start the party?"Asked Mr.Yong.

"Oh, surely on the day of his first broadcast campagne." Yoochun said.

"Interesting... I'll enjoy it from home then. I don't wanna be in the messy later." Mr. Yong scratch his head and three of them laugh.

"Yeah, it will be lot of fun. Btw, we have to go now... There's'other place we need to visit."Yoochun said.

"Ok, i'll send to you the codes soon..."

Then Changmin and Yoochun walk away. After visiting the station, they go to Yujin Studio recording and fix a schedule there. They continue to one of apartment in seoul and rent one of the flat to setup something there. Finally, when their car reach accross Yunho's'apartment, they found its already guarded by some agents.

"Hyung must be upset about this... Lets find some hotel to stay for a while." Yoochun said while examining their apartment area.

"You still keep Yunho hyung's'credit card right?"Changmin asked worriedly.

"Of course minnie, how do you think i paid your foods back then??"

"Aish... He gonna kill us when he receive the bill."

"Relax... You're the one who always take care of his financial thingy right? If he found out then he gonna kill you only, not me."

"What the heck?? You're the one who spend it more than i did!"

"Your shark fin soup is more way expensive than my mcqueen boots."

Changmin raised one of his eyebrow."You buy that boots with Yunho's'card?"

Yoochun gasps."You buy that expensive food as well and that boots are for my need in investigating this case, i can't run with my old knickers."

"I can't investigate with that food as well, shark fin soup makes me smarter..." Changmin smile sheepishly.

"Yeah, we use it for investigation needs, so i think its ok..." Yoochun grins.

"Yeah, yeah... I think so too... So,where will we stay for a while?"

"I think Starwood hotel is fine...its five star prestigious hotel."Yoochun nodded.

"Its ok and its cool...there must be lot of luxury foods there." Changmin nodded in agreement.

"Lets go there, then..." Yoochun and Changmin smiles happily when they go away to the hotel, spending more of Yunho's'card with their own excuses.


Pfuuhhh ^^" updating this one too!

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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 16: Changmin n yoochun are so funny.. hahaha... even when they were in intense situation, they still can make comedy.. hahaha..
So glad yunjae meet again n love love in the city of love
Chapter 16: where was this fic all along? it is one of the amazinf yunjae fic EVERRR!!!! i love youmin almost failed plans and love their bickering XD is there a way for a sequel on this one? thank you for creating this story...
yixing_chanbaek #3
one of most amazing yunjae fanfic♡♡♡
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 14: For nth time im amazed to yoomin good fortune *O* like for a moment im ready to curse them for being eavesdropping idiots lol.. but who know their ness lead them to get a warning before the enemies attack keke V.V
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 16: AAAAAAH WHAT A TEASE >.> This is really frustating cliffhanger haha.. Though honestly this is perfect ending becoz there was no way Detective Jung n his beautiful wife's adventure stop when this case was closed V.V Buuut i dying for sequel :) thats will be amazing coz i just love charas from this fic haha.. But no pressure :D At least Yunjae got their first time before Yunho will be very busy again to cacth kengo *o*
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 15: Waaaaw naughty Jae.. but this my fav, i love frustated Yunho haha :D
Well too bad there was no boots or shark soup for Yoomin again, but case closed so there was no 'facilities' anymore for them lol..
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 13: Poor Yunho's credit card haha.. Yes this is getting near to hodong's downfall.. its heavy to think how much blood thats lose becoz that man greediness..
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 11: Huwaaah Jae go to paris as well.. this lover boy :D
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 8: Well food really come out fine with love *<* love how smitten yunjae is to each other haha..
Elrhumy #10
Chapter 7: Ow is that kang hodong? That clever of Jae leave traces.. but hopefully yoomin n su can save Jae in time..