
Cherish You / My Treasure

Working as a waiter in a restaurant isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Most customers are really nice and my co-workers are too sweet to describe. The only thing I don't like is my boss. His way of managing the restaurant is horrible. I'm sure I would do a better job, but whatever. I stil earn money. It's his problem when his restaurant doesn't run well. 

I was outside, lying on a bench, with my friend, Jungkook. I was lying down with my head on his lap. We were waiting for the clock to strike 5 o'clock, so we could start working. We had about twenty minutes left to spare. We spent those twenty minutes by talking and laughing. Jungkook has always been great company and a great friend. We don't just talk during work, we also hang out outside of work. I like to call them hangouts, but he likes to call them dates. I don't think it's a date until there's mutual consent from both parties that it is indeed a date. I do like him, a lot, but I'm not planning on telling him anytime soon. I feel like we've been passed the stage of friendship. I didn't realize I had feelings for him until recently. Only then did this friendship turn into something more. There's always more meaning behind the jokes, there's more physical contact and more staring. Sooner or later, one of us has to confess. We can't have a genuine friendship when both, or just one person, likes the other. Feelings will always be in the way. At least, that's how I feel about it. Every touch has a different meaning behind it, compliments have different meanings and the stares are more intense. 

"Hey, you ignoring me again?" 

I looked up to find Jungkook adorably pouting at me. I wanted to reach my hand out and pinch his cute cheeks, then peck those cheeks and embrace him. 

"No no, go on," I smiled. I liked listening to his stories. They bring me out of reality for a second and they're usually very funny. His jokes are so effortless, it sometimes seems like he's surprised by his own jokes. 

He continued his story, making me laugh a little too often. I was looking up to admire his face. He didn't notice at first, but when he finally did, I didn't really turn away. A smile tugged on his lips and he started playing with my hair. It felt very calming and soothing, almost like I was safe with his touch. 

"We're going to hang out after work, right? I won't accept a no," Jungkook said. 

"You think I would say no to you? Especially when I know you wouldn't accept a no, you persuasive douche." Ah, don't misunderstand my insults. I insult the people I love, so me calling him a douche just meant I loved him. I can't be the only one doing this..

"Good, I have something to tell you after work." I looked up again to find his gaze. He softly gazed down at me and my cheek with his thumb. I sighed when I realized I had to break our little moment to go in for work. I got up and pulled him up with me. We unconsciously connected our hands and walked in together. It wasn't like we never held hands before. He usually holds my hand when we're hanging out in a crowded place or just when we're walking around. It's nothing to make a big fuss about. 

"Wait for me~" I said. I went into the bathroom to change into appropiate working attire. I changed out of my top and denim skirt to put on some jeans and a black shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and went out of the bathroom to meet Jungkook. He was already fully dressed. 

He leaned closer, "You still look pretty, despite wearing these clothes," he whispered. I laughed and walked into the kitchen to greet my co-workers. They all greeted me back with either a hug or a high-five. Jungkook soon followed and did the same. I then went off and started my job.


A few hours had passed and we were nearing the end of the night. There was half an hour left, but customers were already leaving. I was in the kitchen, drinking some water and talking to my co-workers, when Jungkook also came in. My co-workers suddenly walked away and sent me a wink. Jungkook came up to me and put one arm around my waist. 

"Hey," he said.

"Rude. Everyone left because of you," I said, of course joking. I was more than happy to be able to talk to him during work. We'd usually be so busy, we'd barely have time to talk until the end of the night. 

"Don't deny you like spending time with me." I just shrugged and put my head against his broad shoulder. He was tall and he had a pretty strong build. His shoulders were broad and firm. 

"I'm not denying anything. I'm just tired," I said, closing my eyes. I heard his chuckle. He the back of my head with his free hand. It felt awfully soothing, almost making me fall asleep. Unfortunately, he pulled me away. 

"Let's finish these remaining 25 minutes and rest then, okay? You can't sleep like this, baby girl," he said, giving me a soft peck on my forehead before walking away while holding his gaze on me. When he finally turned away, my heart felt like jumping out of my chest. I realized I was holding my breath, so I let out a big sigh. I looked around to see if anyone was looking and made eyecontact with my co-worker. He winked at me and walked away. How embarrasing..


I quickly finished what I had to finish and changed into my other clothes again. I felt pretty disgusting after work, I always did. There probably was a hint of sweat and food mixed together. I couldn't wait to get home and take a nice and long shower, until I remembered I was going to hang out with Jungkook.

"Why the long face?" Jungkook asked, suddenly appearing from who-knows-where. 

"I want to take a shower, but I promised you to hang out with you..." I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked over to the bar to get something to drink. Jungkook followed and did so as well.

"You can just tell me if you don't want to hang out with me," he said, looking sad as ever. 

"I do wanna hang out! I just want to take a shower first," I said, "Can I?" He luckily nodded. I happily drank everything from my glass and placed it in the sink. After saying our goodbyes to everyone, we made our way to my house. 

Once we got to my place, I told Jungkook to wait for me. He didn't want to wait in the living room, so he followed me to my room. This meant I had to bring all my clothes with me to the bathroom. I can't come out of the bathroom without anything on, especially with Jungkook here.

"Be quick!" He yelled from my room. I rolled my eyes and stepped under the shower. Once the water hit my body, I felt instantly relieved and calm. I really needed this shower after the stickiness that work left on me. I hated that stickiness more than anything, so this shower made me feel ten thousand times better.

After a quick shower, I put on a denim skirt with a crop top. I came out of the bathroom with my hair still wet and entered my own room. Jungkook was lying on my bed with his eyes closed and his back me, so I decided it would be funny to put my wet hair on his face. I sneakily creeped over and softly put my hair on his face. He immediately woke up with a scrunched up face. I was laughing so hard and "What the hell?" was his initiate reaction. I stuck my tongue out and looked around for my blowdryer when he suddenly wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Let go, Jungkook, I'm looking for something," I said. In no way was I rejecting him, I was just trying to look for my blowdryer so we could leave the house and hang out. 

"Okay okay," he said. I wiggled myself out of his embrace and finally found what I was looking for. I sat down on my bed and plugged the blowdryer in. Jungkook was lying next to me while I was sitting, drying my hair. I luckily don't take that long doing this. I was done in less than five minutes and moved over to the mirror to do my make-up. Just my eyebrows and some eyeliner, nothing special. I wasn't in the mood for doing anything crazy. 

"You look pretty," Jungkook spoke up. I turned my head and saw him smiling at me. "Ready to leave?" I nodded my head and put on some shoes. Jungkook got up from my bed and followed me downstairs. We headed out the door and I had no idea where we were heading to. He didn't want to tell me, so I just assumed he planned something. I hate it when people are secretive like this. I'm honestly not very fond of surprises, because I don't like being unprepared for things. 

"Can't you just tell me?" I curiously asked. 

"No, you'll see once we get there," he replied. Besides curious, I was also really hungry. I just hoped we were going somewhere to eat as well. 

"Jungkook, can you let go of my hand?" 

"Why? You don't like it?" He raised a brow. 

"Your hand is sweaty...." I mumbled. 

"I'm still holding it, so just try to ignore it. I'm sorry," he said, slightly loosening his grip on my hand. However, I tightly held onto his hand. I started to feel bad for pointing out his sweaty hand. I felt like an .

Again, he raised his eyebrow. I glared at him and he went back to smiling. Soon, we arrived where we were supposed to arrive according to Jungkook. I looked around and saw a night market with lots of people. I don't think I've been here before, but then again, I don't go out that often. It was very pretty. There were small, different-coloured umbrellas above us, attached to strings that went from one side of the street to the other side. There were lights attached to the string as well. It looked so pretty and cute. 

From afar, I also saw a merry-go-round and a ferris wheel. I felt like a kid at that moment. My eyes were sparkling with excitement. 

"You hungry?" Jungkook asked. I almost forgot I was with him until he spoke up. 

"So hungry," I answered. He laughed and nodded his head. We looked around for a place to eat at. After a while, we ended up at a Korean restaurant. It wasn't too filled with people, which was good. We could hear each other talk very clearly. We sat opposite of each other. 

"Stop fidgeting with your hands, Jungkook," I chuckled, "What are you so nervous about anyway?" I looked him deeply in the eyes, hoping for an answer. 

"Nothing, nothing. It's just hot and I'm hungry," he said. I knew he was lying but I decided not to go into it any further, to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings. "I swear, it's nothing. I'm just happy we're hanging out again after so long."

"Not calling it a date anymore, huh?" I teased. 

"Maybe later," he said, chuckling. 

"You're so weird," I said.

"But you love me, right? So that shouldn't be a problem," he grinned full of confidence. He can be too overconfident sometimes and it's often very true, but it's still worth an eyeroll. 

"Don't assume things, mister," I said. He just smirked and shrugged. We decided to start ordering food. Not long after, it came to our table. I was almost drooling and wanted to dig in right away, but someone wanted to take a picture.. not of the food, but a picture of me. I hated photos, so I was very hesitant at first. 

"Come on, just once? So I can remember you forever." 

"Why would you want a picture to remember me? How about just remembering me with my presence? You think this is the last time we're seeing each other?" I was trying to get myself out of taking the picture. After a while, he was still able to convince me. I felt very awkward while trying to pose for the photo. I just held up two v-signs and awkwardly smiled. 

"Too cute, too cute," he muttered. I felt my cheeks redden at his small compliment, but continued eating like nothing happened. I was so relieved to finally be able to eat. I didn't eat anything at work or before work, so I was pretty much dying. I thought I could eat a whole cow. 

We finished eating in less than an hour and headed out again. It seemed like there were even more people out right now. The moment we exited the restaurant, Jungkook got a hold of my hand. I thought he just did it, because there were so many people around us and he could lose me in the crowd. And again, it's not like this is very unusual. 

I was suddenly dragged into the ferris wheel. There was surprisingly no line in front of it. The worker opened the cart for us and waited for us to get in before closing it. Jungkook and I sat next to each other and he had his arm around me. 

"Jungkook, you told me you had to tell me something. What is it?"

"Curious again, huh?" He chuckled. I just looked at him, waiting for him to answer me. "Okay okay, just.. let me finish before you interrupt me, okay?" I nodded and patiently waited for him to speak, again. I know I'm a very curious person and it can be a good and a bad thing at the same time. I just can't help it. 

"Okay, first; I've liked you for so long. Maybe a little after we met. You literally pulled me in with your sweet and bright personality. You probably know all of this, but I wanted to know how you feel. Second, I don't know if we can continue this friendship if one of us has feelings, or maybe even both of us. Please answer truthfully."

"I thought you already knew how I felt about you. I don't like you, at all." The moment I said that, it looked like his heart sank. I felt so sorry for joking about that, because he actually looked really hurt. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was joking, oh my god. Why does it look like your heart sank," I chuckled. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. "I'm so sorry, I was just joking."

"You're horrible," he said, "I actually thought you meant it..."

"What? Why would I even be like this with you if I didn't like you at all," I said. 

"I don't know, you could be one of those people," he said, now wrapping his arms around me as well. I looked up and frowned.

"You actually think I'm like that?" I asked, shocked. 

"No, you're too beautiful to be like that. Also too nice, too pretty and too considerate," he said. He leaned down and gave me a kiss on top of my head. I melted in his arms and felt like my heart was about to explode. His kisses are always full of sincerity, love and emotions.

"Well, thank you."

"Hey, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He looked at me with the most loving smile. He leaned in and I leaned in. Our lips were just an inch away from touching, until our lips finally locked. It felt great, it felt sweet and I felt happy. I was really happy at that moment. I hadn't given him an answer yet, but I'm sure he already knows my answer.

"Guess I don't have a choice," I said. He chuckled and pulled me closer, as well as hugging me tighter. 

"I love you so much, you know that? I'm sorry for asking you out this late, I just didn't have the confidence," he said, looking regretful. 

"I don't mind, at least you eventually did."

"Do I not get an 'I love you' back?" He asked. 

"Oh right! I forgot.. sorry. I love you too." I smiled and pecked him on the lips. He seemed very happy after that. I've probably never seen him this happy. I was just as happy, though, so no judging. I don't know why neither of us ever had to courage to ask the other out. I don't think guys are supposed to ask the girl out, that's just some romantic thing people are too obsessed over. If two people like each other and the girl has more confidence to ask the other out, that's totally fine. As long as none of the two make a big deal out of this, it's all good. 


We were already heading home by now. Jungkook was walking me home. We were holding hands and all, but it wasn't too fluffy. It was just like when we were still friends, but now there's kissing involved. I feel like that's the only difference. Oh, and more 'I love you's are exchanged. That's basically it. 

After a ten minute walk, we were in front of my house. Jungkook cupped my face with his hands and stared me deeply in my eyes. "I love you. I really do. Thank you for accepting to be my girlfriend, I'll make sure to make you the happiest girl on the planet." 

"You're being too cheesy, Jungkook. Just give me a kiss and go home. We'll see each other tomorrow anyway," I said. Jungkook nodded and leaned down for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, while his hands fell down to my waist. When it felt like air was needed, we pulled away. 

"I love you too, Jungkook. Thanks for everything," I smiled. 

"Don't thank me. I'm just thankful you wanted to be with me. Now go in and sleep, I'll pick you up tomorrow." He hurried me in. I opened my frontdoor and turned around to give him one last kiss before officially closing the door on him. Jungkook smiled and bit his bottom lip after the kiss, looking hotter than ever. I laughed and waved at him before closing the door. 

I was so happy. He was so happy. I will always cherish him and treasure him. My precious, precious boy. 

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Chapter 1: Awwww that was super cute!
Chapter 1: I'm dying of happiness right now!!