The Lacrosse Team

Who is she?

     “Here have this, you should look into our lacrosse team.. They could use the help”  Mr.V handed Seolhyun  a handout of our school’s sports teams. She didn’t know this school had lacrosse team,  and she was actually one of the best players at her former school. Being in a locker room and a sports team full of girls is what made Seolhyun realize she was super gay in the first place, but of course she kept that to myself so the other girls wouldn’t think she was a . It was hard enough trying to deny guy after guy because she wasn’t interested, but it was even harder not to make it obvious that she was attracted to 90% of her team. “All I’m hoping is that I wont have to hide being who I am and that there’s other girls on the team who feel the same. I need to stop over-thinking things and just get to my next class.” Seolhyun said to herself.
     Today the class was getting into groups of 2 and doing a reading assignment, and to Seolhyun’s luck her teacher paired her and the blonde haired girl together. As they sat down next to each other the smaller of the two smiled at the other and Seolhyun could feel little butterflies arise from her tummy, “Hi, I’m Choa, the teacher paired you with me because I’m probably the most friendly-ist in the class.” Choa.. What a cute name. “Instead of doing this assignment, how about I tell you everything you need to know about AOA” Seolhyun was a bit surprised that this sweet small girl would rather gossip than do the assignment but she didn’t mind, and she actually learned a few things. Mina is the shortest girl in the class, her friend Chanmi was one of the best dancers in school, Yuna was sweet but has a y side, Jimin has a crush on this guy named Jay-Park and Hyejeong was this biggest in the school.  Seolhyun didn’t even look at who Choa was talking about because she was busy staring at her. Then she mentioned how she was the team captain of the lacrosse team, and her mind went racing. “The team consist of me, Yuna, Mina, Hyejeong, Jimin, Chanmi, we all really and we could really use new uniforms.” Seolhyun replied that she was on her former’s school’s lacrosse team and she could help them improve and also make them new uniforms, the only reason she suggested it was because Seolhyunie wanted to impress Choa. Choa offered that Seolhyun should come by their practice tomorrow and watch. “Of course I would be glad to” Seolhyun said holding back a squeal of joy.  
    Hyejeong hated pair reading, she always get some annoying classmate who wouldn’t shut-up. She known as the cold-hearted around school, but its only because she turned down every boy who thinks he has a chance with her and she hated talking to girls because all they do is gossip. As the teacher announced the pairings, Hyejeong thought maybe if she was paired with Seolhyun she wouldn’t hate it so much. Since the first day she saw her all Hyejeong could think about was the smell of Seolhyun’s perfume, the dimples on her checks, and her thighs. Hyejeong thought to herself “Maybe I should introduce myself.. Maybe I should ask her to join the lacrosse team, I mean her legs are so toned.. and tan.. and long.. And beautifu- I mean she is very well fit. Maybe asking her wont be the greatest idea, from the looks of things I might get very distracted while on the field.”     
    “Tomorrow someone will be watching our practice tomorrow, I think you all know who Kim Seolhyun is?” Choa announced during their team meeting. “SEOLHYUN IS GOING TO JOIN OUR TEAM!?!?” Hyejeong said to herself in her head but came out more quite out loud. “Yes, Hyejeong-ah, we talked a but during class and she said she was on her former school’s lacrosse team and she’s willing to help us” After Choa announced that, her mind went racing and all sorts of thoughts started arising “Since..since when did Choa start talking to Seolhyun, they might have been partnered together for the reading assignment but I thought they just worked on the assignment. What WHAT If Seolhyun likes Choa unnie, that would explain the way she looked at her when she walked into class the first day… bu-but still Choa likes that ET looking dude on the boys lacrosse team so I don’t think I have to worry, right? Righ- wait what am I even doing worrying about this, who even cares if she likes Choa.. I know I don’t that’s for sure..   “  





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Taes_minamyoui #1
Chapter 3: GONNA BE LIT
ApinkNaCho #2
There isn't any update..
Chapter 3: Lol this is gonna be awesome. Please update soon!
Please update soon! :P
Chapter 2: BUT CHOA LIKES THAT E.T. LOOKING DUDE ON THE BOYS LACROSSE TEAM i didn't think you'd actually do it but you did omfg..

:" ) update soon.... author-nim...

oh my god
oh my godd
Yay thank you for updating. Please add more seoljeong moments :D. I really enjoy your stories! Please update soon and have fun writing! :P
firstIove #8
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The love triangle is real!!!