meme boy and fun size

Catching Feelings
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      reblogged to jonginkimnida


most normal people who has school the next day wouldn’t be awake at three in the morning, but jongin supposes there aren’t a lot of normal people anymore because there are a lot who is up the same time as him, just maybe in different time zones. he can argue though that in his time zone, digital clock blazing 3:51 am in red, he has friends that are up too and he’s currently chatting with them about the latest music video they’re all waiting for to release in less than ten minutes. well not all, it was really more like just his friend baekhyun who is literally the biggest fanboy for girl’s generation. he begged them to stay up and what are good friends for so jongin and his other friend kris decides it wouldn’t hurt to help a fan boy out since they also relate.

jongin snickers at a text post that scrolled up his dash. it was a knock knock joke that is all sorts of lame but being awake past three in the morning it was all sorts of hilarious. he snorts and slaps his thigh because it was exceptionally funny, he’d literally laugh his out if it wasn’t near the crack of dawn and he doesn’t share the apartment with his cranky best friend sehun who’s really the only one that can put up with his dead awkward social interaction skills. and live with him.

he scrolls down his dash for a little while when the skype icon startles him with notification alarms, the bubble increasing rapidly and jongin clicks the icon.

byun booty: refresh the thING
byun booty: WH AY THE CK WHER EI IS IT
kim jongout: hhah meme
byun booty: holylt shi t tayEYONEN SHE  S OMF I PAUS ED
wu¥ifan:  damn it bright
wu¥ifan: its lik e rly bright
kim jongout: i feel li ke my eyes r being wash ed clean or smthn
wu¥ifan: lol ya ur gna need this vid then
wu¥ifan: cleanse urself from all the gay u watch
kim jongout: ex cu s me kris
kim jongout: baek is prolyl cleansing himself rn
kim jongout: baek u aliv???
kim jongout: he ded????
byun booty: omf im crying this is rly amzazing taeyoeon is so
kim jongout: nvm
wu¥ifan: ddud im gna crash my eyes r dry nd we hav skul
kim jongout: i hav class too and im up ur such a wuss
kim jongout: but same lmao
kim jongout: nite
wu¥ifan: wtf bye
byun booty: bye babies
byun booty: miss u guys alredy :(

jongin clicks the button appearing him offline from the chat and shuts down his computer. he closes his laptop and sets it aside on the nightstand next to his bed and cuddles himself in the comforts of his warm sheets. he grabs his phone from the night stand after settling in his bed, unlocking the password and opening the tumblr application out of habit. flimsy fingers finds its way to the search bar and despite his eyes being droopy and ready to close and fall into deep slumber, he types in a certain blog’s url in the bar. thankfully his wifi was fast enough to load it in less than a second because there he was grinning from ear to ear even with sleepiness taking over his body. he scrolls down, tapping the #dksoo tag leading to the blogger’s compilations of song covers. his favourite song to listen to was just a few scrolls down, although it’s not usually jongin’s song genre, he falls quickly to the deep mellow hum of the blogger’s voice singing to ed sheeran. he dreams of an angel singing as he dances to the flow of the smooth hum.


“yo, wake up.” he wakes up to someone slapping his face repeatedly. when jongin opened his eyes, he scowls immediately upon being greeted by sehun’s face chewing obnoxiously on his piece of bread.

“get out,” jongin barks before burying his face into his pillow which was then swiftly removed by sehun, causing his to land his face on the flat surface of his mattress. jongin groans in frustration.

“you have less than 10 minutes or im leaving with luhan hyung. and you know i want to leave with luhan hyung.”

“okay, get out of my room first.” jongin rubs the sleep from his eyes, yawning so loudly it earns a look of disgust from sehun.

“ugh, brush your teeth, something’s ing dying in there.”

“it’ll be you if you don’t get out.” jongin throws the pillow at sehun who was finally leaving the room after a roll of eyes and a sassy remark jongin couldn’t quite hear. he looks at the clock and it awakens him, flashing 8:25 am because he really does have less than 10 minutes to get ready and today is a very important day.

the preparations for the annual fair they hold at his high school has started and every club must participate. jongin’s dance club was one of what everyone is looking forward to so pressure’s on them because they have less than a few weeks to prepare. waking up late shouldn’t be how he should be starting to prepare for the big day and showing up late would get him a ticket to getting his handed by the club leader yixing, disregard the innocent façade and charming dimple, who has a strong hand for whooping. and jongin really doesn’t want to deal with that so he scurries as fast as he can, finding it too late for a shower, he hops and puts on his socks faster than usain bolt and trudges to the bathroom to brush his teeth because sehun is right about his breath about something dying in it. sehun who was waiting by the door patiently watches him in amusement because less than three minutes later jongin is grabbing his bag and packing his extra clothes for dance practice later, and after a few more stumbling and profanities, he’s out the flat’s door and ushering sehun to hurry up. sehun, who is more responsible and organized than jongin, shakes his head and cackles to himself because jongin the dumbo is hurrying down the hall with shoes forgotten, socks mismatched, uniform wrinkled and bed hair unruly. as a good best friend, sehun picks up jongin’s forgotten shoes and grabs jongin’s keys he had left behind from the key hook and locks the door. he prays silently for fate to help his friend today but while fate finds a way, sehun’s going to mess with jongin for a bit. he glances down his watch and smirks to himself, walking down the hall with all the time in the world. 7:01 am, hmm. eh, could do better. i’ll try 6 am next time.


oh sehun that stupid ing spawn of satan hes probably satan himself but him so much. if i see a ditch today im going to throw the bastard in it. jongin slams his lunch tray on the cafeteria table, startling his friends who were chatting and laughing with each other. attention now at the grumbling jongin, they all start laughing at him instead.

“wow nini who got you all ed up this morning?” chanyeol teases, ruffling jongin’s unruly bed hair. jongin contemplates smashing his sandwich on chanyeol’s face but he didn’t have his ritual Special K cereal in the morning so he’s going to eat the sandwich instead.

“you look ed up. but i don’t think it’s a bad thing ‘cos the girls are hyper today.” kris points at the flock of girls at another table, looking at their table giggling and squealing. some were taking pictures and fanning themselves. jongin groans in annoyance more towards his friends instead because he doesn’t need more people to throw in the ditch because he has a limited amount of friends.

“sehun changed my ing clock so i got here really early when i could’ve still been sleeping.” jongin bites a huge chunk of his sandwich, eye brows furrowed together.

“oh wow, congratulations. that’s nice of sehun to think about you and your tardiness. you should thank him.” chanyeol pats him in the back, ignoring the glare he was receiving from jongin.

“did you not hear what i just said?” jongin puts down his sandwich to give park chanyeol an earful of his complaints when baekhyun joins them, setting his own lunch tray down. he takes one look at jongin and smirks.

“woah, he finally got laid. congrats, man.”

 jongin settles for slamming his forehead on the table. a couple feet behind them he could hear the girls gasp loudly. damn you, oh sehun.


“so i was thinking that we combine our stage performance this year!” baekhyun says, laptop open in front of him. they were staying behind after school just like everyone else to prepare for the fair. backs against the wall in the dance practice room, they were huddled in a semi circle on the floor. baekhyun and chanyeol who are members of the music club was hanging out with the dance crew. kris, a member of the drama club was there too doing particularly nothing since the drama club leader, zitao, was absent they couldn’t start without him.

“like a joint performance?” sehun pipes up from the corner of the room where their bags are, grabbing his bottled water and taking a huge swig of water.

“yeah! we talked about this with the guys in the music club and they said it wouldn’t be bad. we could totally spark up more audience this way and those coming to high school next year might catch interest in both our clubs. whattaya think?” baekhyun asks, eyes looking at them with enthusiasm.

the dance members looked at each other and shrugged. it would totally spark some gradual increase of the audience and the kids coming next year will have an idea on what club they want to join. not that jong

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Chapter 3: ahahahahahaha xD Jongin is such a weirdo I love it!!!!! xD
Chapter 3: jongin is so cuuute ! I hope we can see ksoo's feelings too ! can't wait >.<
ingle_pringle #3
Chapter 3: jongin is so funny at the end with sehun, i think both of them are catching feelings lmao
Ktokikat #4
Chapter 3: made me laugh lots :D jongin is soooo cute! >~< can't wait till next chapter :)
conniemar #5
Chapter 3: Im so glad you posted. You write so well, especially the awkward Jongin mamy relate, too. Please update soon (when you can).
Chapter 2: Jongin is too cute omg.
Chapter 2: omg Jonginnie soooo cute :3
Chapter 2: omg jongin is so dorky i love it
Chapter 1: This is adorable :3
I luv it <3
Chapter 1: I effin love this! :D