D a n g e r !

"Don't believe in Love, believe in Me."

Chapter 5

When you woke up, you realised that you were in an unfamiliar place. You looked around the room and saw Insoo sleeping on the couch.

"Insoo." You tapped him and he jumped.
"Mirae? Wa, you gave me a big shock!" He grumbled.
"Sorry. Where are we?" You scratched your head.
"My house. I wanted to send you home but I don't know you address." 
"Thank you for helping me last night. If not for you.."
"I actually tailed the bus. I was worried." He admitted.
You were about to reply him when you caught sight of the clock.
"Omona! It's 9am!" You ran around the room in circles, panicking. Insoo got out of bed and quickly changed. 
"I'll drive you to your office." He offered.
"No, you can't be late because of me!" You flung your suitcase open and dug out a brown trench coat, a sleeveless top and light brown shorts.
You quickly changed and grabbed your phone and wallet. "I'll stop by after work to get my stuff. Thanks Insoo." You were out of the house before he could stop you.
He munched on a banana and tossed the skin away. He hit the road immediately after breakfast and arrived at his company, Kang Group which specialised in confectionaery, departmental stores, hotel and resorts, as well as theme parks. His father was retiring and he was to take over as CEO.
He parked his car in the private parking lot and quickly ran inside the building. He could not afford to be late, if he was late, then his employees could do the same.
"Good morning Mr. Kang. I will be your personal secretary from now on." A petite girl greeted him as he walked inside his office. 
He nodded. "Got that." Then he completely ignored her.
You reached the company before 9.30. *Thank goodness!* 
"Mirae, you made it!" Hawon exclaimed. She was your best friend besides Taeyeon, Fany, Jiyeon and Krystal.
"Yeah." You nodded as you tried to catch your breath. "I made it."
"Do you know? Park Jaena is the new CEO's secretary?" She whispered in a hushed tone.
"How can that be?! It was supposed to be.."
"You. I know. You were the one who was promoted! But she just had to in and tell tales about how you went on a vacation when the company was at its busiest, etc. etc." Hawon scoffed.
"Ah. Hawon, don't get angry. It's fine. I don't even know the new CEO. Who knows, he might be a jerk or an ." You tried to placate her.
"Who knows. I heard that Mr Kang's son is taking over his position." She shrugged.
It was finally time for the official retirement of Mr. Kang.
"Thank you, all employees of Kang Group. I will be retiring and my son, Kang Insoo, will be taking over my place as President of this company. Please take care of him and guide him." He gave his thank you speech and Insoo walked up the stage.
You gasped loudly, then you realised your mistake. You covered your mouth but it was too late. His eyes met yours and you saw them widen at the sight of you.
"Insoo." His father reminded and he snapped out of his trance.
"I will be replacing my father and I hope to do a good job in bringing Kang Group to greater heights." He paused, unsure of what he should say next. "I really hope that everyone will do their best for the company." He bowed and stepped back, handing the microphone over to his father.
*So.. he is my new boss?!*
"Mirae, are you okay? You look pale!" Hawon asked worriedly.
"I'm.. fine."
"Please send Ms Lee Mirae in." Insoo commanded Jaena.
"Yes, Mr Kang." She obeyed and spoke in a sweet, sickly tone.
You knocked on the door of Insoo's office nervously.
"Come in."
You heard him say and you stepped into his office. His familiar face greeted you.
"Close the door." He did not want Jaena to overhear the conversation he was going to have.
"Why did you send for me?" You asked bluntly.
"I was just.. surprised." He played with his fingers, not daring to look you in the eye.
"Why didn't you tell me you were Mr Kang's son?"
"Well, I didn't know you work for my company!" He defended.
"Okay, so we shall just pretend we don't know each other, deal?"
"No. Why do we have to pretend? It's normal for us to have a friendship, right?"
"You know what I mean. I don't want any rumors or trouble!" You hissed.
"If I'm not wrong, you were supposed to be my secretary, no?" He smirked.
You froze. "How did you know about that?"
"I obviously know." He rolled his eyes. "There is no way my father will pick out such an annoying brat to become my personal assistant!"
"And..? You point is?"
"Don't avoid me in the office." He answered. "And.. finish this by today. If not, I'm afraid you will have to work overtime." He handed you a thick stack of files.
"B-But! This is Jaena's job!" You stuttered, looking at the enormous pile.
"I can't trust her." He hid his smile looking at your expression. "You can go now."
You left under the staggering files and Insoo burst out into laughter. "Sorry Gunwoo, I know you want to meet her tonight but I can't let you do that." He glanced at his Blackberry again before thinking of you.
He was just.. attracted to you. 
"Stupid. I thought he was changing for the better!" You muttered angrily. Just then, your phone rang. It was an unknown number but you picked up the call.
"Mirae? This is Gunwoo. Do you have time for dinner tonight?" He asked, sounding hopeful.
"I'm sorry, but I'm overwhelmed with work today.. ANother time, perhaps?"
"Okay.." He sounded crushed.
"How did you get my number anyway?"
"Are you feeling any better? I felt so bad leaving the ski resort without bading you goodbye.."
"No, don't feel guilty. Work is important! I wanted to ask you out for dinner because I wanted to apologize for abandoning you for the partner thingy.."
"Don't worry about it! I made you fall sick too!"
"It wasn't you! Anyway, I have to go now, Seyong's calling. Bye."
"Bye." You smiled even though you knew he couldn't see it.
"Secret phone call with your lover?" Insoo's voice floated into your ear. 
You whirled around to see him behind you.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"Who was that?"
"Why are you prying into my life?"
"I bet its some boyfriend. I'm going to dock your pay." He joked.
"No, it was Gunwoo."
"Get back to work now, I'm sure you won't want to spend the night here."
By night time, you had only finished half the stack. You sighed and rubbed your growling stomach. Everyone had gone home and you were probably the last one left in the whole building.
You decided to place the finished files in the storage rooms and tidy up the rest the next day.
But you did not know that Jaena had been watching you all the time. She knew that you would definitely put the files in the storage room where the files belonged. Since the room was below 0 degree Celsius, she was sure you would freeze to death by morning.
Following you up the stairs secretly, she devised a plan to lock the room and tell Insoo you had gone home early.
You shivered when the door to the storage room opened and the blast of cold air hit you. You walked around the shelves, placing the files neatly. one by one. All of a sudden, the door slammed close. You heard the jiggling of keys and a lock being snapped into place.
You quickly slotted the last file on the shelf and ran towards the door, pulling on the knob, but it refused to budge.
"Help!" You banged on the door while shouting, then realised that it would not work. No one was left in the office. Your last hope was on your mobile phone, but you left it on your work desk. The temperature was dropping rapidly and you cursed yourself for not wearing long pants.
"Mr Kang, Mirae went home a long time ago. Do you want to go now or-"
"Thanks." He stood up without a single word, puzzled. You didn't strike him as the type who would go home without completing your work.
He stopped by your work desk and noticed that your handphone and wallet were still there.
*.* He knew Jaena had done something to you.
He ran around the office, looking for you. He had even thought of going inside the washroom!
"Where are you, Lee Mirae?! Aish!" He ruffled his hair in frustration. "Could it be.. Please, no!" He made a mad dash for the stairs, running up to the fortieth level. As what he had suspected, there was a padlock securing the door. 
He banged his body against the door, hoping to break it down.
"Lee Mirae!" He yelled, pounding on it.
He spotted a fire extinguisher and quickly damaged the lock. He threw the door open and spotted you lying on the floor, your face devoid of colour and your whole body was ice cold. Carrying you bridal style, he ran past Jaena, heading straight towards the car park.
", Lee Mirae, hang on!" He took off his jacket and bundled you in it like the first time, hoping to keep you warm.
The nearest hospital was Seoul Hospital and he sped there, not caring if he went past the speed limit. *Please be okay.* He prayed urgently.
Taeyeon was getting ready to knock off as her shift had ended for the night when she saw a familiar figure running in.
She took a double take and realised it was Insoo, and the girl in his arms were... you.
"Insoo!" She hurried over. "What happened to Mirae?"
"She was locked inside the storage room! Hurry! Save her!"
She nodded and called for a doctor.
When you were wheeled away, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. Taeyeon noticed it and smiled. He was only dress in a thin white wife beater (again!). She put coins into the vending machine and got two hot coffees.
"Here." She handed him one and scrutinised him.
Handsome and chiseled face.
Normal yet vibrant eyes.
Sharp nose, kinda thick lips.
"W-Why are y-you looking at me l-like that?!" He asked.
"No reason. How do you find Mirae?"
"Okay... I guess?"
"Do you find her attractive? Do you like her? Wait! How did you discover that she was in trouble? Are you a stalker?!" She pointed her index finger at his nose.
"Yes, I think she is cute. I like her as a friend. She works for my company, and no, I'm not a stalker!"
When she was about to fire more questions at him, the doctor approached Taeyeon. 
"Patient Lee Mirae is fine, her boyfriend," He gestured to Insoo. "Can go in now. But she is still unconscious."
"I'm not-" He was about to argue when Taeyeon pushed him inside the ward and waved.
Whew! Double updates today! :]
I smell something in the air!
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Chapter 5: i think this is sooooo good ! i really like it !
ilabya2 #2
salty_sugar_puff #3
omomo i blieve in you already =3
magical_cupcakes #4
@Evangelynne: Yup! :) Haha, yes, both are leaders too! <3
It's impossible not to be envious! The place is gorgeous D:<br />
Oh, Taeyeon, you know it doesn't sound bad, and she can take care of him when the fail-weak leader-shi gets sick and such *nods* n__n!
magical_cupcakes #6
@Evangelynne: Yeah! I'm jealous too! >.< Hehheh. I'm thinking of pairing Gunwoo with Taeyeon! :D Leader & Leader! At least he won't be alone~ ^^
oh my, her house is freaking gorgeous *envious* and that wardrobe afjalfjf *_*<br />
And wow, totally loved the updates! Insoo totally likes her (obviously) , I wonder if that girl Jaena will cause more trouble D: Needs more Gunwoo! *biased* :3
magical_cupcakes #8
@Evangelynne: Yeah! I love Insoo too! :3 Hehe! Thank you! I'll try to include more! ^^ Updated! :) I'll tryyyy to update tomorrow! :> Thank you for reading and commenting! :]
Aww Insoo is so adorable! I knew he wasn't a total xP<br />
I loved the fact that you also included pictures and stuff, it was a nice addition to the fic.<br />
Hope you write more soon! *_*!
magical_cupcakes #10
@Evangelynne: Thank you! I'm really really happy that someone likes my story and is reading it! :] Yup! They will get along! *smirk* <3