gdi byun baek

Perks of Having a Drama Queen Bestfriend
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   "--and then she had the ing audacity to say it right in front of my face!" Baekhyun blows up, slamming his fists on the cafeteria table. It causes some onlookers their way, gossiping about the sudden outburst but thanks to that, Kyungsoo snaps out of his daze.


   "Were you even listening?! No, no, I can’t take this anymore. Soo, we need to fight her." Baekhyun growls, literally, and Kyungsoo just sighs.

   "Okay, calm down. Uhm, just ignore her. Well, it’s what I would do... since I don’t like unnecessary drama. Or drama at all." Kyungsoo tries, patting Baekhyun’s arm to soothe his temper. Baekhyun’s had too many outbursts to let Kyungsoo know how to handle the situation and within a few seconds, he feels Baekhyun relax at the touch. With a heavy huff of breath, Baekhyun leans his head on Kyungsoo’s shoulders, letting out a sad whimper.

   "Easier said than done! Do you know how annoying she is? Everyone wants to mangle and if we fight her now we’ll be doing the whole entire school a favour." Baekhyun whimpers again, rubbing his cheek against Kyungsoo’s shoulder blade roughly, which made Kyungsoo wince because Baekhyun’s bones are as hard as his stubborn head.

   "I’m not going to fight her, she hasn’t really done anything to me... well, as of lately--"

   "Are you kidding me?!" Baekhyun abruptly sat up, eyes widening. He groans in frustration before ushering Kyungsoo to come closer, whispering a hiss of words. "She was talking about her new boyfriend today, Soo. And to be honest, I actually don’t care about her ratchet love life, but she brought you into the conversation, Soo! She was trying to purposely make me hear it, and of course, it aggravated me so I said a few words here and there... but she was saying how my gay friend--meaning you--should stay away from them because since you’re gay, apparently in her peanut size brain, you automatically have the hots for her boyfriend!"

   Kyungsoo grimaces. Then Baekhyun continues, "That’s why we need to fight her."

   "Okay, I’m not saying we are, because it really doesn’t matter, but IF we do, what the heck are we going to do?" Kyungsoo says, running his fingers through his hair unconsciously. "Baek, let’s not start drama, please. You know how much I hate the attention, and it’s Yoon Ah. Everyone’s going to know!"

   "Yes yes yes I get it, but listen, don’t you just want to shut her up? Okay, her boyfriend Mingguk isn’t even hot. I know hot when I see hot and Mingguk is like, far from hot and a total douchebag. He’s below the scale. If anything it’s the hair, all the hair products to ever exist on earth is in his hair. But he looks like a bad quality parody movie of Hairspray." Baekhyun snorts at his joke, which earns him an eye roll from Kyungsoo but he figures it’s quite true. He quickly hides the smile that was starting to form when Baekhyun looks up again at him, glint behind his eyes. Kyungsoo’s stomach churns.

   "Now you know who’s hot?" Baekhyun starts again, leaning close to Kyungsoo’s ear. "Your dancer boyfriend."

   Immediately, Kyungsoo blushes. He shoves Baekhyun, not caring how hard the shove must’ve been because there is no way he’s letting Baekhyun do what he thinks he might do. He shakes his head and lets out chants of frantic "nope, never gonna happen", but Baekhyun pleads whiningly.

   "Im not going to do that! It’s too embarrassing, and I want to keep my relationship status at the bottom of the ocean. So no, Byun Baek, the answer is an immediate no."

   "But Soo, your boyfriend is hot! It’ll work, just--you dont even have to do anything! Just stand there and be pretty and also gay with the hot dancer boyfriend."

   "Come on, it sounds stupid. He’s not--well, he is, but this is just too weird. It sounds... I dont know Baekhyun, it’s like showing off..." Kyungsoo fidgets in his seat, fingers fumbling with the hem of his shirt. The pink tint on his cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by Baekhyun, who is already grinning from ear to ear. Kyungsoo thinks he’s screwed and he curses Baekhyun and fate for even making him his best friend. Baekhyun grabs his wrist, standing up and already pulling Kyungsoo with him.

   “We are sooo going to crush her.”

  “This is so stupid,” he mutters under his breath. “Baekhyun is so stupid. And also Yoon Ah. Very stupid.” He walks away to cool off, seemingly because Baekhyun is now giggling to himself and becoming to look like a psychotic killer, but he’s not really killing somebody in which Kyungsoo hopes he’s not though he can’t deny that he really has psychotic intentions. He loses himself through his thoughts and worry during the way that he bumps into Mingguk, who was standing by the door leading to the next hall and he sighs because his life at the moment is a really bad cliché TV drama.

   “Oh god, baby.” A voice enters from behind Mingguk that later shrills, causing Kyungsoo to flinch. “What the do you want with my boyfriend?!”

   Kyungsoo at loss for words, just blinks, eyes widening at every shrill of Yoon Ah’s voice. She could be the reincarnation of a pterodactyl and it wouldn’t surprise him.

   “Listen here, you homo piece of . Don’t spread your germs here, it’s really disgusting! I know you’ve been wanting to get a piece of my boyfriend’s , don’t think I don’t see you oggling him with your big eyes!” Yoon Ah shouts, walking closer to Kyungsoo who was stood frozen in his spot. He wanted to tell her that he’s not interested in her boyfriend and fight back a little to tell her that just because he’s gay doesn’t mean that he’s onto every guy in the world but his mouth stayed shut and he doesn’t start fights.

   Another shrill of a voice enters and this time it’s behind Kyungsoo. He can hear it coming closer

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Chapter 1: i literally love byun baekhyun so ing much oh my god. "he rejected you for my best friend's juicy " THIS WAS A CUTE AND FUNNY ONE SHOT, I'm laughing so much rn
JustALittleProblem #2
Chapter 1: This fic is 10/10. XD Laughed the whole way through, lol.
Chapter 1: I ing love BYUNG BAEKHYUN man. He's such a sassy ...awww, Jongin's such a cutie. On the other hand, u have this little shy and dorky Kyungsoo.
Chapter 1: I'm screaming omg. I can't even. "Just stand there and be pretty and also gay with the hot dancer boyfriend." ", he rejected you for my best friend's juicy ." Omg, Baekhyun is just so wonderful. I can't stop laughing omg.
Chapter 1: I'm dying. Thank you so much. X'D
Chapter 1: What the fudge! The best!
Infinite_WooNamstar #7
Chapter 1: BaekHyun the sass massta
jjibunrock #8
Chapter 1: Oh my god Baekhyun is my favorite XD
Chapter 1: Loll I love this so much plus jongin must be so so so hot at that time ;)
Chapter 1: This is amazing!!!! xD hahahahahahahaha