Chapter 13

Angel and Demon

Saturday finally came. Mino bugged me all week trying to know when and where my date would be. Taehyun said it was better if he didn't know. I think it's better if he doesn't know too, who knows what he would do. 

I took so shower, got dressed and waited for him to come. There were still 15 minutes to three o'clock. Once in a while I would peek at my reflexion in the mirror and adjust my hair or something on my skirt. Why am I feeling so nervous?! It's just Taehyun! 

Just then the bell rang. Oh my god, it's him! I looked at the clock, three sharp. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. 

"Do I looked good?" I muttered to myself "Aish! Harim! Stop doing that!" I exclaimed.

I hurried downstairs. When I got there my mum had already opened the door and was talking to Taehyun. 

"Omo! All of Harim's friends are handsome and so polite!" she told him. 

"Thank you very much!" he smiled. 

"Are you here to pick up Harim?" she asked. 

"Yes, we're going on a date." he answered. 

"A date?" mum said suprised "Are you by chance her boyfriend...?" mum asked excited. 

"Mum!" I shouted "Don't ask embarrassing things like that!" I was completely red. 

"No, not yet." he smiled. 

I looked at him wide eyed. What is he saying?! Not yet?! Why is my heart beating so fast?!

"Mum we have to go! Bye!" I said as I pulled Taehyun out of the house with me. 

"Why are you so flustered?" Taehyun asked with a smirk. 

"I'm not!" I exclaimed getting redder. He just laughed. 


We arrived at the destination. I didn't know where we were going since Taehyun insisted that he would take care of everything. 

"Here we are!" he exclaimed. 

"Woaaah! So many people! Are we going to the amusement park?"

"Yeah, are you excited?" he smiled. 

"Of course, it's my first time going!"

"Come on, let's go in." he said. 

We bought the tickets and wandered around looking at the different attractions.

"What do you want to ride first?" he asked. 

"Hmmm... I don't know... The tea cups?"

"Sure, let's go."

I understood I should not have gone on the tea cups when I felt my lunch trying to go up. I closed my eyes and hoped that it would end soon. When it finally ended I ran to a bench and laid down. Mental note: never go on the tea cups or something that spins ever again... 

"Is everything ok?" Taehyun worriedly asked. 

"Yeah... Just feeling like throwing up..." he chuckled "it's not funny... You'd know if you were me..."

"Sorry... Do you want to rest for a bit?"

"I'm sorry... I'm ok now, let's go!" I said getting up. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Let's go to the..." I looked around trying to find something that didn't spin "Haunted house!" 

"T-The haunted h-house? Are you sure...? " he stuttered. 

Stuttered? Nam Taehyun just stuttered?! Could it be... 

"Could it be that you're not good with scary things?" I smirked. 

"O-Of course that's not it! I was just making sure you could handle it...!" he smirked back. 

"Ok then... Let's go...!" 

We were trying to cross the sea of people in front of us. It was really croweded! I noticed Taehyun getting further and further away. 

"Taehyun! Wait for me!" I called out. 

He turned around noticing I wasn't beside him. He held my hand and pulled me with him. 

"Like this we won't get separated"

"Oh... Ok..."

On the haunted house Taehyun was clinging to my arm the whole time. He would jump or scream everytime something would appear. When we got out he was super pale. 

"Are you ok?" I laughed. 

"Yeah... I'm completely fine..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry... Let's continue..."

We went on more rides, ate some candy and had a great time. I was having a lot of fun! My favorite ride was the merry-go-round, I went three times! 

The sun was setting. I felt a little sad because it meant we had to go home. 

"The park is almost closing, let's go quickly!" Taehyun exclaimed dragging me with him. 

We stopped in front of the ferris wheel. 

"It's the last ride, let's go in!"

We entered tha cabinet and sat down. We were silent for a while. We were almost reaching the top. 

"The sunset is really beautiful, isn't it?" he said looking out the window. 

"Yeah, very beautiful..." 

He looked at me. 

"I've been waiting for this moment since I woke up..." he looked really serious. 

He looked me right in the eye. His face started getting closer and closer. I could feel his breathing on my face. Then he closed the gap. His lips were on mine. He was kissing me again and again. I didn't know what to do. Then that girl's face popped up on my mind and I pushed him away. 

"I'm sorry, but...  You already have a girlfriend and..." I was looking down.

"A girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend..." he looked confused. 

"What about that girl, the one you were kissing at the party...?" I questioned. 

"She is... She is not my girlfriend..."

"She... Is not...?"

"No, she's not..." he said his face getting closer to mine again "I don't know what this feeling is, but... I really want to kiss you..."

And so he did. My heart was beating really fast. It's my third kiss with him... His lips were really soft. I didn't desliked this feeling. I started kissing back, as soon as I did he smiled. 

We stopped when we heard the door open. The ride was over and we didn't even noticed. We exited the cabinet and headed home. We were silent for most of the way. 

"About what happened..." he started. I looked at him "I think I'm starting to feel something for you..." he stated. 

"S-Something?" I was feeling very nervous. What does he mean...?! 

"Yeah... I think I'm starting to like you..."

I looked at him wide eyed. I didn't know what to say or how should I react. I started feeling really happy and I didn't know why.

"We're here already." Taehyun announced. 

"Oh... T-Thanks for bringing me home..."

"Think about what I said" he smiled and gave me a peck in the lips "Sleep well." and he left. 

I entered my house and ran to my room. I couldn't believe what just happened. I think I won't be able to sleep tonight... 


Hello! I hope you liked this chapter! Who is your favorite character so far? Let me know in the comments! Subscribe if you want to keep up with the updates! 

Bye bye

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Chapter 15: The ending of this chapter is so cute!! I'm Team Mino... If more than one person is warning her about Taehyun, she should listen especially since their his friends. I can't wait to read more...!!!
nice fic ... i like it ^^
Chapter 9: Please update soon. I really like this story. <3 :D