Unspoken Affections

Unspoken Affections

Author's (short) note: I know this is annoying but....I wrote this listening to Lana Del Rey's Young And Beautiful piano cover by The Theorist, so you might want to listen to that while reading.



That very day you told me you had to leave, to somewhere else faraway. I won't be able to see you anymore.

My chest hurt. I didn't understand. Why do you have to leave? Why can't you stay by my side?

I opened my mouth, but no words emerged. You only laughed and patted my back lightheartedly. "It's okay, we can chat online!"

That smile, that beautiful smile. Forever etched into my memory, never fading. That laughter, that tinkling, cheery laughter, never once losing its high spirits. I couldn't help but curse at myself. Why can't I be as perfect as you?

You always sense me, whatever I am feeling. It's as if you are a mind reader. Sometimes you were annoying, but yet, you were always there when I needed you the most, comforting me, calming me.

I couldn't say anything, and that, you already knew. We spent the rest of that day sitting together on the golden sand, listening to the waves breaking, watching the flaming sun set, all in a comfortable silence.




"Taekwoon ah, promise me you will still be my best friend, okay?" You grinned as you embraced me the day you left, the very last.

I only grunted and pushed you off. "You will miss your flight."

You huffed and hit me on the shoulder. "Yah, Jung Taekwoon, send me off properly! See you online!"

You turned and left, and little did I know, how much I should have treasured that last hug. How much I should have appreciated our little moments together. I wouldn't be talking to you over the phone. I wouldn't be smiling at your stupid jokes, chatting online, as your fading back was the last I saw of you, ever.
















How long has it been? Years, and here I am, sitting by that beach again, the same outfit, the same spot, except that you aren't here, and that the sun has completely set. I'm all alone in this chilling darkness.

My heart aches, but I don't know how to soothe it. Tears are b and threatening to fall, but somehow they don't. You are gone, forever gone, never coming back. I won't be able to see your wonderful figure anymore.

"I'm sorry." I choke. The crashing waves are like my chaotic emotions. They never showed, just like how the waves never crossed the low-water mark.

"Thank you." I manage to continue, "for everything." High-tide will be approaching soon and I'm directly in the way, but I stay where I am, unmoving.

I remembered all those times when you accidentally let your emotions slip, when you accidentally showed me your true feelings. I know you liked me, more than as a friend. I did too, but we never expanded on that. Regrets.

The waves are washing up fast. They are slowly creeping past the low-water mark, and my emotions are in turmoil, starting to seep out bit by bit.

I miss you, everything about you. Your eyes. Your hair. Your sweet scent. Your warm embrace. Your tender care. Everything. Most importantly, I miss your affection, your love.

If I stop here, would I be able to find you, see you again? That's what I want the most right now. My jeans are completely soaked from the seawater, and the edges of my shirt are dripping, but I don't care.

Yes, I should just go and find you, there's no point in continuing here anymore. I have so much to say, so much to tell you. Like that other day, Hyukie finally found his other half. The kids are doing so well.

But I need you.

The water is up to my shoulders now. I'm prepared to sacrifice my life if it means meeting you again. Anything, as long as it's you.

The tears finally tumble out, mixing with the salty water. I inhale deeply, the strong salty scent filling my nostrils. Then, suddenly, it's just water. All water.

I choke, but fight the instinct to run away. My sight is blurry, my lungs are full of seawater, but I'm still sitting here. Wait for me, I'm coming, my soul mate. Let us reunite in the heavens above.

My consciousness is slipping. There are many things I have yet to tell you, but there's one thing too important and urgent to wait any further. I hope you will hear me, this final confession that we have put aside for too long.

The very last thing on my mind as life and soul escape this body, as a ray of light from a sun only we can see warms my heart.

I love you too, Cha Hakyeon. Till the end of time, for eternity.

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FromMe2UVIXX #1
Chapter 1: Your fiction is very sad, but i think it's very well. I just want to translate your fic to my language, coudn't i? I think i must ask for your permission.
The-Nev #2
Chapter 1: Very lovely and sad
teaninaguido_10 #3
Chapter 1: did N died because an airplane accident?
Chapter 1: Wait im confused did N flew off to another country or did he died on the way or something???