5 Days to Heaven


I made this fanfic, first as an entry as short story to our txt clan. But I didn't finish it at all.

Now i'm still continue to update all my clanmates, even though the game is over.

And i'm gonna share it here too.

Hope you like it. Thanks!

Feel free to comment if you like it or not. ^^



Me and SungJin became friends since the day he approved me on his Cyworld, and even got closer when I started out a fanbase made for him.  He knew that I admire his brother so much, that I’m SungMin’s female counterpart*.

*counterpart in a sense that we have the same DOB, age, characteristics; almost all of his facts are my facts.

One time on our conversation in twitter, he invited me to visit their country and I answered yes to his invitation. But I don’t know what to do so I felt a little hesitation.


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