

he is beautiful

and flawless

and mine

How it all started:

Lucinda knows that Jung Taekwoon is meant to be with her



Wonshik sighed, turned around and looked at Hakyeon in the eyes. “Look, even if I did –and I don’t– I wouldn’t have a chance. She loves someone else.”

And Hakyeon is surprised, so very surprised, that he almost doesn’t ask who.

Wonshik shrugs. “ if I know. I just know that she really loves the guy, writes about him all the time in our songs, you know? That’s how I knew. You don’t write songs like those without inspiration.” He is quiet for a few minutes, then. “But if I meet him, I’m going to break his face. Who wouldn’t love Lucinda?”

Then he leaves Hakyeon on his own, wondering the same thing.


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Chapter 1: wah... nice....
NEO!! i just love NEO.