Who is he?


Chanyeol woke up still in hospital with Kyungsoo beside him. He strain his neck so much. He slept his on his side for the whole night and not moving throughout his sleep. He snapped his neck side to side to relieve his pain in his neck. He woke up really, really early. It is only 6 in the morning when he checked his phone and there is 21 missed calls from Baekhyun.


'I am sure he heard about what happened to Kyungsoo.' Chanyeol thought as he sent him a message that they are in XXXX Hospital. (Can't think of any hospital name) within seconds Baekhyun called him.


"Yeoboseyo?" Chanyeol said groggily and a very deep morning voice.

"Yah. Where are you?" Baekhyun asked worriedly 'Is he idiot or something I just sent him a message that I am in this hospital.' Chanyeol thought lazily.

"I just literally sent you a message where are we. And y-"Baekhyun cutted him as he saw the message that was sent to him

"Wait. wait wait. WE?!" Baekhyun asked curiously. "What do you mean by we? Who are you with in the hospital? What happened?" Chanyeol scratched the back of his head sign of annoyance with constant questions.

"Kyungsoo and I we're in the hospital. Something happened to him last night. I 'll tell you if you go here." Baekhyun instantly hunged up the phone and get to the hospital where Chanyeol said.


Chanyeol is still sleepy, eyes squinting in the hospital light and chin pushed up, Like a kid just woke up. Eyes fluttering shut and open trying to cope up with the brightness in the room. A knock makes him wake up too. Kyungsoo's doctor appeared in the door with a nurse beside him.


"Goodmorning. I'm just gonna check Kyungsoo." The doctor stated as he walked towards Kyungsoo's bed. Chanyeol sat down on the sofa near Kyungsoo's bed eyes barely open and mouth hanging open. There are hints of some drools in the corner of his mouth, the nurse is holding her laughter because of Chanyeol's morning face.


The doctor checked all of Kyungsoo's signs, everything is okay but he's not awake yet. "When you see him awake. You can ask him anything you want. Offer him water or anything to eat. Rang the emergency when he started to panic, because I am 100% that he will get amnesia. The blow was given to him yesterday." Chanyeol just nodded sleepily, but he understands what the dooctor said to him. "I will leave you to him okay? Take care of him." The doctor ruffled his hair and gave a reassuring smile. The two personnel left the ward.


Chanyeol is still sleepy and lift his feet from the ground, he laid down his long body in a short couch that is provided by the hospital. He folded his legs and placed his hands behind his head. He was drifting off to his dreamland when the door was being open and Baekhyun walked furiously towards him and Kyungsoo's bed.


Chanyeol didn't even get his sleep. So he sat up and give up on trying to have his sleep. "What did happened to him? Tell me." Baekhyun demanded while tugging his sleeves. Jongdae followed in suit and closed the door.


Jongdae and Baekhyun eyes are really dark, they we're worriedly finding Chanyeol and Kyungsoo last night that they only got 2 hours of sleep. Jongdae sat down on a single chair beside Kyungsoo 'cause the couch is only for 2 people. Chanyeol rubbed his eyes and yawned a big one before answering Baekhyun's question


"Jongin attacked Kyungsoo last night. Luckily I got there right in time and beat the out of him." Baekhyun traced some bruises in Chanyeol face. As a friend, he is also worried about because he was the one who receive those beating fro Kyungsoo. "Are you alright? You have so many bruises in your face." Baekhyun asked him first if he was okay before he move on and asked more questions. Meanwhile, Jongdae is already asleep with his head laid on Kyungsoo's bed.




After so many chit-chats that Baekhyun and Chanyeol shared, He still not saying what Kyungsoo will be after he woke up 'It is better to know it than it make Baek so shocked' He thought of it before he said it to Baekhyun.


"Uh... Baek... The doctor said that Kyungsoo might have amnesia when he wake up. He doesn't know if it will be permanent or it will be just temporarily." Baekhyun mouth agape. "H-.....How can he have amnesia?!?!"


"I think Jongin punched him in the head or he banged Kyungsoo's head to the wall so hard and made him unconscious. We will see if he wokes up." Chanyeol stated sadly, he wished that he will not get amnesia or else everything will be just a trash of memories for Kyungsoo.




Chanyeol jolted up when he heard Kyungsoo groaning. Baekhyun aslo stood up and looked over Kyungsoo's bed. The first thing he did is to smack Jongdae's head to wake him up "Yah Wake up. Go sleep in that couch" Baekhyun pointed at the couch and Jongdae lazily walked down to the couch. Baekhyun placed a small pillow in Jongdae's head before he continue his sleep.


"Kyungsoo. Are you okay? You need something?" Chanyeol asked frantically as he can see Kyungsoo keeps on groaning. He doesn't know does that mean. 'Its either he's hungry or he's in pain, but he is not saying anything' Chanyeol thought frustratedly as he ran his palm on Kyungsoo's creased forehead. He also placed his hand behind Kyungsoo's head trying to massaged if he was in pain.


And that worked, Kyungsoo stop groaning when Chanyeol massaged behind of his head 'AH. That bastard banged his head to the wall.' Chanyeol felt a small bump in his head and Kyungsoo groaned loudly. Chanyeol hands tremble and avoided that area. Baekhyun is also helpless, he doesn't know what to do because he didn't witness the scene. So he just stood beside Chanyeol who is taking really good care of Kyungsoo now.


Kyungsoo slowly opened his eyes the first thing he see is Chanyeol's eyes staring back at him. His forehead is still creased from the pain in his head. Soon, brows are furrowed like was in trouble. Chanyeol becomes so worried about Kyungsoo. The smaller blinked several times 


"Is there problem Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol asked overly-worried. He is worried if he can remember his name or even Chanyeol's name. After hearing what Chanyeol said, reality strikes him. As he hugged Chanyeol's neck tightly that caught him off guard. 'Did he remember me?' Chanyeol asked himself dumbly.


"Do you remember me Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol asked still Kyungsoo hugging him tightly, Kyungsoo nodded his head "Yes. Chanyeol." Kyungsoo is actually crying on Chanyeol's shoulder, the smaller wiped his tears through Chanyeol's shirt. Chanyeol pulled himself away and wiped his tears with his thumbs. 'They're really cute.' Baekhyun thought as witnessing them. Kyungsoo traced his bruises and cuts that are in Chanyeol's face, his brows are knitted.


Chanyeol can't still believe that he remembered him. 'Maybe he didn't get amnesia.' Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun claser to the bed but Chanyeol is more closer to Kyungsoo. He signed Baekhyun not to say something. They both observed Kyungsoo's reaction.


Kyungsoo had his face straight not any emotions is shown when he saw Baekhyun, but inside of him he was shivering in fear. He slowly s his arms to Chanyeol and pulling him close. Chanyeol doesn't know what he trying to do. Kyungsoo slightly whispered but it can be heard by Baekhyun.


"C-Chanyeol. I don't remember him. I don't know him. Who is he?!" Kyungsoo asked quite worried. He doesn't know why but he got the feeling of fear all around him.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun gasped in horror. "Kyungsoo you can't remember me?" Baekhyun said quite hurt that Kyungsoo remembered Chanyeol but not him. Kyungsoo avert his gaze from Chanyeol to Baekhyun and shooked his head as his answer. "N-No. I don't. Who are you?" Baekhyun instantly waked up Jongdae and pulled him to face Kyungsoo.


"Him. Do you know him?" Baekhyun asked and Kyungsoo shooked his head. Kyungsoo is becoming so anxious with only-god knows. He keeps on tugging and tugging Chanyeol's sleeves until a part of his shoulder are showing.


"What? Why? What do you want? You need something." Chanyeol looked at him in surprise. Kyungsoo is in the verge of crying again "Why? What happened? Tell me" Chanyeol asked but Kyungsoo just cry his eyes out as he clutched on Chanyeol's sleeves like his like was depended on it. Chanyeol reached for the emergency button for the nurse to came. They all know that Kyungsoo only knew is Chanyeol and himself. He didn't know Baekhyun and Jongdae for real. 'What really happened to him, why he can only recall Chanyeol?'


A nurse came with Kyungsoo doctor in suit. "He's now awake. Why is he crying?" The doctor asked Chanyeol 'cause Kyungsoo's latched on him and crying. "We actually doesn't know what happened to him. He recognized me but he didn't recognize his other two-friends over here and then, he started crying again" Chanyeol stated doesn't know what to do with Kyungsoo.


The doctor is tapping Kyungsoo's shoulder to check on him but Kyungsoo tighten his grip more, afraid to let go of Chanyeol. "Kyungsoo-ah. I am your doctor. I'm just gonna check your health and ask you some questions." The doctor stated but he shooked his furiously. "Kyungsoo it will just take a minute and you can hug him all day long. I just need to check your health." Chanyeol also helped the doctor and tried to free his head from Kyungsoo. It takes a minute before Kyungsoo surrenders and removed his hands from Chanyeol.


"So I'm just basically gonna ask about yourself." The doctor stated while Kyungsoo's hands gripping the hem of Chanyeol's shirt.


"Kyungsoo. What are feeling today? Right now." The doctor never leave his eyes on Kyungsoo's as he asks questions, Kyungsoo hide his face from Chanyeol's shirt, he took a peep to look at the doctor in front of him.


"Scared, but I don't know why." Then he hide again, he really doesn't know why but he is so scared as of now. The doctor nodded and ask again


"Who do you remember? All of the things you remember" Kyungsoo thought of it for a moment before answering.


"Hm......... Me and Chanyeol....... Nothing more." Chanyeol gasped same with Baekhyun and Jongdae. 'He literally just knew Chanyeol, how about his mom?' Baekhyun questioned himself.


"Do you not remember your mom?" Kyungsoo peeked again and shooked his head. "No. I do have a mom?" This even horrifying for them. With only those questions he got what Kyungsoo is suffering from. He looked at Chanyeol and nodded. 


"Kyungsoo got an amnesia, and Luckily, he remember his name and you. He will always feel so scared everytime, but he doesn't know why. So you only can do is just be there for him. He got an Dissociative Amnesia or Psychogenic Amnesia. It is a memory disorder, he can recover with this disorder by Family Therapy or Creative therapy."


"By the way, we're you part of his family?" The doctor asked Chanyeol "No. I'm just his friend in Univ. I am sharing his dorm with him."


"Where is his family live?" Chanyeol doesn;t know where his family living as of now because he wasn't asking for it. And of course, same wIth Baekhyun and Jongdae.


"Uhm.. We don't know where his parents are but we know that he moved to Seoul to pursue his dream." The doctor nodded and thought what they can do.


"Well. We can give him Clinical Hypnosis or Creative therapy. But Clinical Hypnosis is quite risky. It uses intense concentration, allowing himself to be lost in his thoughts, feeling and memories that are hidden from their conscious mind, but it may risk to make a false memories and make it more worst.


The Creative Therapy (Art or Music Therapy), This allows Kyungsoo to explore and express his thoughts and feelings in a safe and creative way." The doctor stated. The 3 are listening attentively, Also Kyungsoo is listening still hiding his face. Chanyeol looked at Jongdae and Baekhyun.


"Should we try Creative therapy for him? Since you two have nice voice and I can play guitar." Jongdae and Baekhyun agreed with his suggestion. The doctor gave them a reassuring smile and nodded. "You can giving him therapy today or tomorrow. And he can be discharged by noon. So he can go home later afternoon." They all bid their Thankyou and goodbye to Kyungsoo's doctor and all of them hurdled up in the side leaving Kyungsoo watching T.V (Pororo, He didn't even recognize his favorite cartoon character.) They talked about what they can do for Kyungsoo for his therapy.


"What can we play for him, So that he can remember something a bit from his lost memories." Baekhyun and Chanyeol started to brainstorm for Kyungsoo's therapy, but nothing came up with any ideas.


"Let's think of another thing to make him express his feeling with being scared. I can sense that everytime we went closer to him he gets more and more scared with strangers." That pained Baekhyun and Jongdae the most. Kyungsoo can only see them as strangers.


" I can't think of anything." Chanyeol stated frustratedly. He is the only hope that can Baekhyun and Jongdae hold onto. "Ah~~~ It's so frustrating" Chanyeol ruffled his hair, he still blamed himself.








They already went to the dorm and everyone is looking at Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Jongdae. Kyungsoo is clingin tightly as Chanyeol, being scared again. The dorm owner let them stay at the different dorm with much different style and different size. When they got in, It is really different. It really looked like it is already a house but it's not, it is just a dorm for the 4 of them. They contacted the dorm owner to get and upgrade of dorm room for Kyungsoo. 


The personnel placed all of their things in the room in their own luggage. Including Chanyeol's things. Kyungsoo stared in an awe. He never saw this before. But still clinging tightly at Chanyeol. The dorm owner paid for Kyungsoo's hospital bills because they can't contact his parents, nor Kyungsoo doesn't know where his phone is.


"Alright Kyungsoo. You can remove now. No one will hurt you here. These two are my friends. He is Baekhyun and he is Jongdae." Chanyeol gave hima  reassuring smile and pat on his shoulder. Encouraging him to socialize with them.


Kyungsoo slowly let go of Chanyeol's arm took a last glance at him but he only see a toothy-smile from him. He looked at Jongdae and Baekhyun. He bowed 90 degrees to them (Chanyeol taught him earlier) 


"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo said coherently, without stuttering. But he hide again behind Chanyeol. The taller doesn't know if he is embarrassed or scared again, but it is a good job for him trying to open himself to others


"Did I do a good job?" Kyungsoo asked, barely heard by Chanyeol. "Yes. Kyungsoo. You did a good job. Are you shy or scared that after you introduced yourself you hide again." Chanyeol can feel Kyungsoo's face heating up in his back. He took it that he is just shy.


Jongdae and Baekhyun high fived each other as they made Kyungsoo socialize. That's good job for them also. They had so much trouble trying to find a way for Kyungsoo to talk to them without being shy or scared.







A/N: Even Kyungsoo got amnesia he is still cute. urghh. I don't know what I am gonna do with Kyungsoo with his therapy though. I don't know any medical references here. I just googled it and some of it are made by my own imaginations. I hope Kyungsoo gets his lost memory back. I felt bad for him too.

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I'm sorry for not updating this. I might take a long time before I write again. *Sigh* Too busy with school works :(


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chansoo_nation #1
I really love this story already!!!!! Love ya author-nim😍😍😍
Chapter 26: Best story ever!! Keep it up author nim :))
Kaisoo_isdabezt #3
Chapter 26: I love love love your stories!! The pictures of Chan's bicep, and trekking are cool, also the scene omg
Chapter 26: ChanSoo love gives the Best feeling . Thank you for your effort author nim :)
Chapter 7: My heart is dropping instantly.. seeing Kyungie suffering so badly :/
Chapter 5: My heart almost dropped when Kyungie cutting his wrist.. Chan u better get up and save him
Chapter 26: Finallu, Soo got laid.. It worth for the waiting, Chan.. Wow! ChenBaek sure was so fast! Got laid the second they kissed. But author-nim, the progress for ChanSoo is so slow for my liking. But don't get mad. I just stating my own opinion. Hehe.. I really hate Jongin here. He cheated on Soo while Soo being faithful toward him. Jongin doesn't give any 2nd thought when he broke up with Soo. Totally jerk! Glad that ChanSoo & ChenBaek's relationship getting stronger as time goes fly.. (ノ^o^)ノ
i'm normally fan of kaisoo, but this fanfic has been so good
and so sweet with chanyeol that i want to read more of this kind.
thanks for writing!! :)
minkey09 #9
so much feels for this fic
Great story authornim, happy you finished it! :D
Chansoo6336 #10
Chapter 26: Wait how am I gonna do that?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Blow him, then tell him you want him inside of you then viola. you get laid."
"No I mean. How to make the mood, you know. What do you expect right after he got home I will literally drop on my knees and stripped him down and blow him in an instant?" Kyungsoo said quite annoyed.
"Be clingy, be sweet..."
"WEAR LINGERAE, HIGH HEELS, MINI SKIRT. Omg Kyungsoo you're smoking HOOOOT!!!!" Baekhyun said cheerfully as Jongdae smacked his head because of ridiculousness.

This DumbDumb BaekHyun. Is why JongDae loves him XD Its sad to have it end here, but yet. Its great becuase there will be a sequel of Stranger to Bestfriend!!! OMG. SO HAPPY ^^ Anyways. FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM