Breathe In


In which Myungsoo watches the sky on his deathbed.


What am I doing.

Truth be told I was just sitting in my chair watching dramas when all of a sudden I feel the urge to WRITE DAMMIT WRITE and now I dont even know what I created. I haven't written anything for fun in like five years, so please bear with me. My style is a bit eccentric. (~>__<~)

I'm not even finished though give me till tomorrow  




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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Im holding my breath you know
Sungyeollo #2
Wow. Just wow.
soo_aegi #3
Chapter 1: So sadddd this is sad I'm so saddds
Chapter 1: Q.Q its so saaaaaaaaaaaaaad uwaaaaaa.but is really beautifuuuuuuul. gosh youve made a very very wonderdul fic there!.its full of emotions that uwaa made me cry this hard mskfjsksk huhu pleaseee make another myungyeool fic neee and thankyouu so much for this! absolutely touching. Just waa i feel sad T.T