
The Demon Drowns in the River

Fujibayashi Scroll (藤林): Hanzo Hattori (服部半蔵)

Lord Tokugawa has superb men (徳川殿は良い人持ちよ).
Hattori Hanzo is Hanzo the Devil (服部半蔵は鬼半蔵).
Watanabe Hanzo is Hanzo the spear (渡辺半蔵は槍半蔵).
Atsumi Gengo is Gengo the executioner (渥美源吾は首切り源吾)**.

It was a song that echoed the finest of the Tokugawa. Named like demons, and carrying the same fanatic loyalty that characterized the Mikawa samurai, these three superb men stood above the rest.

Hattori was a name that would impact centuries of history, carrying a mantle of mystery and inspiring awe. Hanzo Hattori, in name and by common consent, exemplified the glamorized figure called Ninja. His name alone permeated the ninja despite their obscurity, in every regard constructing their accomplished cloak-and-dagger reputation during the 16th century. It was as if the name Hattori exclusively symbolized the ninja. Furthermore, he was called an oni (demon); it was believed to be so without doubt.

**Author's note: Kubikiri (to describe Gengo) literally means "to behead".

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