
...continuing from Onew's PoV...


          I’ve made up my mind. This violinist is driving me crazy, but in a good way. First I think she hates my guts, and then I figure it must be something else, but she refuses to look at me, making me think it must be me in the end! Even my dongsaengs agree…

          I prepare myself in the restroom, looking in the mirror. Before we go on stage, SHINee as a group huddles together and we transform into shining SHINee! Even though I’m all alone, I can’t help but do this transformation myself. I’ll admit, holding my arms out like I’m hugging someone and screaming out silly words looks a little, well, silly. Heh.

          I’m a man on a mission yet again! Fighting!

          For the past few weeks I’ve yet to actually sit and chat with any of the orchestra individually. We’ve eaten lunch together and taken breaks together, all as a whole group, but nothing more. This will be my first interaction with someone individually. And it’s going to be her, the violinist with a problem.

          I spoke to the director today and asked him about her. He told me that she was the best violinist and that’s why they chose her. They didn’t want to lose her, but something just seems to have happened and he had to warn her. But thankfully she’s improving and seems back to herself so she gets to stay.

          I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy. This is my orchestra and I’ve grown attached. The music they make is just wonderful. They’ve played other songs for me the last few days and I couldn’t get enough of it! Thankfully I didn’t feel jealous (I wonder why?) and I even requested a song. These men and women are just amazing.

          I don’t want a single one of them to leave.

          Taking a few more steps, I stop in the doorway to the practice room. There she is, all prepped and ready to play, but she’s looking around her at the ground as though she’s dropped something.

          “Excuse me,” I say softly, not wanting to disturb her. I’d hate to scare her now! Especially if she hates me or something.

          She quickly turns back towards me, her eyes the size of udon bowls. She doesn’t seem pleased at all. That’s ok, I’ll just keep going forward…

          “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could come in and practice?” My words are slow and quiet still. She seems distressed and I don’t want her to flee like a rabbit. I need to be gentle and soothing.

          She seems hesitant before answering with, “Ahh, I-I guess. Should I leave then?” Have I even disturbed her speech? She can barely look me in the eye, let alone my face.

          Wait, leave? She wants to leave me? Am I that bad? Maybe my singing isn’t as good as everyone says. Maybe she thinks I’ll be bad to her? Oh no, does she think I’m a bad guy?! Ottoke!?

          I take a deep breath. Remain calm. She’s not that delusional. I quirk an eyebrow, thinking about that. I think…

          “Am I to only practice alone or in a large group? You’ve been here every day for about two weeks now, practicing until it’s late at night. I don’t mean to kick you out now. I just want to practice with you.” There. Honest truth. Nothing good comes from lying so I may as well just tell it like it is. It’s worked for me so far! Wait, does my sangtae count as lying when it’s planned?

          “With me?” She seems to choke on her words. “But… but I always…” She dips her head low to her chest, as though she can’t find the words and so she dares to not look at me. What is she thinking about? How she always can’t stand me?

          “I’ll only ruin your practice,” she finally says in a monotone voice, still looking towards the ground. She sounds defeated and tired, ready to give up.

          Maybe I’ve been wrong about what she’s been thinking. Maybe it’s not me she hates. Maybe it’s something else and I just bring it out in her mind. And surely she isn’t referring to her -quote- terrible -end quote- skills. And yes, I did just say that.

          Psh, girl you got another think coming… Oh Key, see how you’ve affected me? Muwhahaha, thank goodness my sangtae is catchy! Just wait until our next promotional event…

“I don’t think you’ll ruin my practice. You’ll make it more fun! I can practice to keep going forward no matter what comes my way!” Although I recall working on that already, but I think she needs to hear this from me. And I really don’t want her to leave. Because I want to get to know her and help her out. Because she’s a part of my orchestra for my solo stage. Because I can. Nothing else.

She smiles at me and I think my brain just farted. Wow, there’s the beautiful violinist I remember from weeks ago.

“Well then, if you don’t mind me being here… I would love to practice with you.” Her words sound so much happier then moments ago and the look on her face is priceless. I can’t help but to smile back at her, a chuckle in my throat. Success!

Obviously she doesn’t hate me if she’ll practice with me! I still have a chance!

I get a little closer to where she is, since it’s just the two of us. As I get nearer I notice she’s shaking her hands and rubbing at them, much like the other day when she was having problems with her chopsticks. My walk becomes quicker and she seems to notice me.

“Are your hands alright? Are they tired? Are you ok?” Whoa mouth, slow down! You don’t need to rush, she’s not going anywhere, remember? Glancing at her hands, I notice they seem to shake just the slightest bit, and her fingertips are red from abuse. Her long, elegant fingers are not perfect, nor are they extraordinary. Her hands are working hands, a violinist’s. But I can’t help but think that her hands are still exquisite.

She briefly looks at me before looking at her hands. “Uh, no, it’s just… Well, they seem too… Hmm… it’s so embarrassing…” She struggles for words again, but in a different way. This time she seems embarrassed, and is that a blush upon her cheeks?

She clears , shuffling her feet and suddenly looking about the room. Her eyes wander everywhere but towards me and I furrow my brows. Is it that bad of a secret? Maybe she whips her fingers when they refuse to listen to her! Maybe she uses self-taught acupuncture on her hands! Maybe she-

“You see, I’m a huge fan of SHINee! And when you’re here I’m just so nervous! I can’t see straight, my fingers won’t keep steady and I can barely concentrate correctly!”

So quick! What a jumbled mess! I think I missed half of that!

I digest what she just revealed, a smile creeping on to my face. She’s a ShaWol! That explains everything then! But she’s so… She doesn’t act like all the other fans. Never has she run up to me or asked for an autograph or picture, and she doesn’t shy away coyly and hide behind objects. I’ve never seen her with a camera or phone out.

The chuckle that’s been waiting in my throat finally emerges and I can’t help it. All this time I thought perhaps she didn’t like me, but instead she likes me too much! She’s nervous and so she gets fidgety and becomes socially awkward!

I notice that she’s suddenly packing up, ready to put her violin back into its case. Wait, what?

“Wait, wait, why are you packing up? I thought we were going to practice together?” Did my voice just sound whiney with a tint of urgency? Hopefully no one notices how pathetic I just sounded…

Finally she turns towards me. She requires no words.

Her eyes are b with tears, her cheeks and nose a bright red from holding in her sadness, her nose slightly damp, bottom lip quivering.

Oh no. She mistook my laughter. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Onew sangtae stikes again at the worst possible moment! I can’t let her leave like this!

“Please don’t leave. I wasn’t laughing at you, honest.” I could never laugh at you. You’re so strong for enduring this so long with no help.

“You have to believe me. It’s just that I never knew I could affect someone that way.” I always figured my sangtae and jokes would make people laugh and become more relaxed, I never once thought I could make someone nervous like this.

“Girls are usually giddy, hiding their faces but still trying to get right beside me and prove a point. They’re so full of pride that they don’t miss a single step.” I’ve almost forgotten what a lady was like I’ve become so accustomed to this idol lifestyle and the fans that come with it.

“This… is different. You’re… unique.” I can only pray that she sees the honest truth in my words, looking past my idol shell. Maybe I really had let the idol life get to me finally. I always thought I would never let it eat me, but here we are. I’ve already forgotten one thing.

I watch as she looks me over from head to toe. I can see her brows furrow in thought, as she quirks one from something. Finally she gives me a faint smile. “I won’t leave. I… I believe you.”

I’ve never been happier than right now. I could just take her hands, or better yet, I could pick her up and swing her around in a hug. “Thank you so much!” Those words have never been sweeter from my lips.


8D Another chapter, like I said! Yay!!!! I didn't lie!!! I'm thinking I may get one more chapte up tonight, but... I'm not going to say yes or no. It may be tomorrow since I'm super tired and AFF was just giving me some problems :/ I had to keep refreshing pages just to get somewhere.....


Onew's perspective has finally caught up with the violinist's! I have to say, I'm really enjoying Onew's PoV chapters... They started accidentally but now... Now I'm really liking it...

Obviously I'm not Lee Jinki, or any of the other SHINee members, so I can't be 100% sure about his words and actions but... it's fun, trying to figure him out.

But don't take this all too seriously -_-; it is a fluffy romancy fic, so obviously he wouldn't be 100& Jinki anyways... LOL

@TheAssassinRenevaron- >.< Thank you so much, it really means a lot! I'm enjoying this fic way more then i thought I would be! I'm seeing this through to the end!

@missterious- I do like thinking of my cup as half full, so yea... lol So far, though, I'm just winging it and I'm not sure what I'm learning besides how hard it is to write a story from two perspectives LOL

@maymeihua_ - I DID!!! TT_TT I'm so bad like that, I'm sorry! So, two chapters today (hopefully three, if not than tomorrow one for sure!) I'm excited to see the ending of this!

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Chapter 15: Nice fict.. update juseyo author nim.. ^^
Chapter 14: take your time <3
Chapter 13: Just came across this fic and I could say that the plot is kinda new to me :) I like it! ㅋㅋㅋ
Oh 2Min... such a wrong timing! Lol please update soon! ^^
kitsune-devil #4
Maymeihua: it has been awhile! I'm catching up on recent activity and Taeminnie is so manly now....
Chapter 13: hahaha! Taemin is so cute :') it has been long since he showed aegyo like that :'(
Chapter 12: hehehehehe and so the mission begins! i feel a little sad because of their little misunderstandings :(
kitsune-devil #7
:) I am so happy!!!!! KeiMisaki, Android17swife, maymeihua_.... Please expect the next chapter this week!!!!
Chapter 10: Yay. Pls continue rhe Story
Android17swife #9
Chapter 10: Congrats!! :-D I just started reading this fanfic and can't wait to see what happens next!! Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 10: CONGRATS!!!!!! i hope you can continue even though it has been long... will wait and support!!