~Chapter 6

Gazette Knapped!

Reita’s POV

As soon as Ruki pointed to the closets suggesting that they be in there, Uruha and I, both, immediately ran over to the closets to check. I couldn’t help but feel sad if Kairi ran away, I wanted to find her so bad. I opened up a closet and realized that it was Alaina.
“Uruha, Alaina is in this one…” I yelled, turning around and heading for the other.
Uruha immediately darted towards the closet that Alaina was in and went in it with her. Alaina closed the door behind him, tucked under a large Black leather jacket that only showed her eyes. As soon as I opened the other closet, I was immediately greeted by Kairi.
“No, go away!” She replied, trying to push me out of the closet.

I ignored her warning and sat in the closet with her, then closed the door behind me. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her.
“What’s wrong? Why are you in here hiding?” I asked, though that’s when I realized that every time it thundered, she winced and hid farther in the jacket I gave her.
“What do you think…” Kairi whimpered after it thundered.
“Awe, I can finally see the great Kairi at her weakest point…” I joked, putting my arm around her.

I was honestly surprised she didn’t fight back or push me away. She didn’t even make a rude comment, she would just wince when it thundered and moved closer to me.
“Touch me inappropriately and I will castrate you and staple them to your forehead…” Kairi hissed, though wincing slightly again when it thundered.
I guess I spoke too soon, there was that rude comment she didn’t make.
“And I was in here to comfort you… I guess I’ll leave if you don’t want me here…” I said, trying to stand up.
As I got to one knee and started to stand, Kairi grabbed my hand and pulled me back down beside her.
“Please… don’t go…” Kairi said, almost sounding as though she was crying.

So, without a word, I sat back down and wrapped Kairi in my arms and held her tight every time it thundered. It was kind of nice to hold her for once with just silence. I felt like I was actually doing something good for once, and it helped her instead of make her angry at me. I leaned down to her face and thought about it for a minute. Should I take the risk of kissing her to comfort her, or just leave it as is? I’m not entirely sure this is the smart choice, but damn it, life is all about taking risks. So, I leaned down and moved the hair from Kairi’s face, then kissed her forehead. Surprisingly, I got nothing. No rude comments, gestures, and no getting hit like Kai either. I got away with it or at least for now. I stayed in the closet and held Kairi for about an hour then Aoi opened the closet and said that it was going on eleven and that we needed to go to bed.

I tried to stand up Kairi but she wouldn’t budge because in her room, the window is right next to her bed.
“Look, I’ll make you a deal. I will let you sleep in my room tonight, I have no windows in my room. Deal?” I asked, curiously, hoping she would accept the bait.
Kairi nodded and stood up, though she hid under my arm and nuzzled her face into my chest as we walked every time it thundered. I can’t believe an hour has gone by and the storm is still going on. This is ridiculous for a storm, I have never seen one last this long around this area. I led Kairi to my room and opened the door for her, closing the door behind me. As soon as she made it into my room, she immediately ran to my bed and hid under the covers like a child.

I walked over to the edge of my water bed and chuckled to myself admiring how childish she became when a puny little thunderstorm raged outside.
“You know, you have to move over. I have to sleep in here too, this is my bed…” I replied, pushing her over as I crawled in bed and layed down beside her, smiling to myself.
Kairi crawled over to me and nuzzled her head on my shoulder and snuggled up closely to me. I wasn’t sure why because the thunder could only be heard faintly in here compared to in the closet. I wasn’t complaining though, I was actually enjoying it a lot. So, I’m not going to lie, I a bit just to see what she would do.
“Boom!” I said, mimicking the sound of thunder.
Kairi jumped and punched me in the stomach, then snuggled closer to me. I didn’t think she was really that scared of thunderstorms.
“Douche…” Kairi whispered faintly.
Then we snuggled up closer and fell asleep together.

Uruha’s POV

I opened the closet door and sat down next to Alaina who was already reaching forward to close the door. Once the door shut, some thunder rang out and Alaina jumped back into the corner and hid under a large black jacket, which I believe was mine.
“Honey, are you scared?” I asked, trying to sound sympathetic.
I got no reply until, thunder crashed again and Alaina jumped again and made a slight squeak when she jumped.
“Awe… Come here…” I replied, pulling Alaina closer to me.

Alaina wouldn’t move her , so she ended up just falling over in my lap. She layed her head in my lap and I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort. Then I reached down to cover her up with my jacket. She quivered at my touch and scootched closer to me. I moved the hair out of her face and behind her ear as she rested her hand on my knee while laying her head on her other hand in my lap.
“Just think of it this way… Thunder is just the sound of a giant bowling ball up in heaven. A game between the angels and the demons.” I said, trying to help comfort her.
“You at this…” Alaina whispered, wincing as thunder rang out yet again.

I laughed, and started playing with her hair.
“Yeah, well, at least I try… Or would you rather have Ruki here with you? I mean, I can leave and send him in…” I replied, angrier than intended.
I sat Alaina up and stood but was stopped by her grabbing my hand and pulling me back down.
“Please, don’t leave me alone…” She whispered, laying her head on my shoulder and snuggling closer.
“I… I won’t…” I replied, letting out a breath and continuing to play with her hair.
Every time the thunder would ring out, Alaina would wince and move closer to me. Alaina was so close to me, she was practically sitting in my lap this time. Though, I didn’t mind it. I liked it actually. For once, she trusted me enough to sit with me alone for like an hour during a thunderstorm, one of her weakest moments.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and moved her closer to me, then kissed her cheek. She flinched at my touch, but then relaxed once she knew it was me. I sat with her for a while but I got cramped up sitting in that tiny little closet. Finally, Aoi opened the door and said that it was going on eleven thirty and said that we needed to go to bed. I got Alaina to stand but she didn’t want to leave the closet.
“Why won’t you leave the closet, babe?” Aoi asked, putting a finger on her chin and raising her face to look at him.
I don’t know why, but my face started getting hot when he did that, but then she moved her face and looked away again.
“Windows…” She whimpered quietly.
Aoi smiled then hugged her and pushed her towards me.
“I’m sure Uruha wouldn’t mind if you slept in his room tonight. His room has no windows; I know there is one in your room right by the bed. Or you can come in with me…” Aoi replied, smiling sweetly at her.

Alaina stood and was about to take a step out of the closet when the thunder hit again and sent her turning around back into the closet, bumping into my chest. She buried her nose in my chest and hid her face in my jacket.
“I take it as you are going to go with Uruha?” Aoi said, smiling still.
What was he planning? I want to know, and if I find out it was something to hurt Alaina, I will punish him like no tomorrow. Alaina simply nodded to Aoi’s question but stayed snuggled up to me and hid in my jacket every time thunder hit. As we were walking up the steps to my room, thunder struck and sent Alaina pushing against my chest harder, causing me to fall backwards slightly, though I caught myself and kept walking. Once we got into my room, I walked over to the bed but Alaina stood there and remained with her face in my jacket, snuggled against my chest.

It was kind of cute, how she was acting. How someone so immature can be even more immature in as little as two seconds. She was just adorably cute in every way.
“Um, Honey… You can let go now if you want. You shouldn’t be able to hear the thunder as loudly in here…” I replied, as she peeked her head out and looked around like a baby turtle first exploring the world.
She slowly made her way onto the bed, and rolled on towards the middle. So, I crawled into bed and layed on the edge, though she wouldn’t sit still and slid me to the center beside her. Which wasn’t that bad because even though it was faint, you could still hear the thunder; when she heard the faint thunder, she nuzzled her face in my chest, and entangled her legs with mine. While getting as close to me as she possibly could; she grabbed onto my shirt and clenched the fabric between her fingers.

I wrapped us up in a blanket and wrapped my arm around her waist, while petting her head to calm her down. She would wince at every thunder noise and at a few of my touches, but once she got used to it, she was fine. After a while, she fell asleep as we layed there entangled.
“Goodnight, Alaina…” I whispered before kissing her forehead.
I fell asleep listening to the cute baby snores she released every couple of seconds. The next morning when I woke up, Alaina was nowhere to be found in my room. So, I thought she had run away again. I desperately searched my room and headed down the steps quickly.


Once I got downstairs, I saw Ruki sitting on the couch with Kai. I noticed that Aoi was missing which was unusual for him because he is usually the first one in the house up. As well as Alaina is missing, and Aoi is missing too, this could be bad.
“Where is Alaina?” I asked, as Ruki looked at me smiling.
“She’s with Aoi… Why?” Ruki said, slapping Kai upside the head for changing the channel when he wasn’t looking.
“Where are they?” I asked, looking around.
Ruki laughed and pointed towards the kitchen. So, I walked into the kitchen and looked around, nobody was in sight. That’s when I realized that you have to pass through the kitchen to get to the backyard.

I walked outside quickly and saw Aoi and Alaina in the yard.
“What are you guys doing? I woke up and couldn’t find you…” I said, whispering the last part.
“Awe, was sir Uruha worried about his little girl? She’s fine, she woke up early and I found her wondering the halls, so I brought her outside to play…” Aoi said, smiling.
“No, I didn’t know if our victim was trying to run again…” Uruha said, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Aoi was showing some new things…” Alaina replied, smiling happily as she leaned over Aoi’s stomach.
Aoi was laying on his back while Alaina was sitting beside him, well, now laying across his stomach. Aoi just simply smiled at me, and played with Alaina’s hair.

I looked up into the sky and at the clouds.
“So, What are you doing?” Alaina asked, resting her face on her hands.
Aoi sat up, knocking Alaina in his lap. Alaina just laughed and punched Aoi in the arm then went back to her position laying across his lap.
“I was just making sure you didn’t get away… I am going back inside now…” I said, turning to walk away.
“You aren’t going to sit out here with me and Aoi-bear?” Alaina asked, smiling.
“No, I’m going to go take a shower. You sit out here with Aoi-bear and enjoy whatever it is you are doing…” I said, walking quickly back inside.

I can’t believe she already has a nickname for him, and its even a cute pet name. I don’t have a pet name, Ruki doesn’t even have a pet name from her, or at least that I know of.
“Hey, Uruha. Did you find her?” Ruki asked, smiling.
“Shut up, Ruki…” I replied, walking down the hallway.
“Hey, where are you going?” Ruki yelled.
“To take a shower… would you like to know anything else?” I asked, turning around to look at him.
“No, I was just curious…” Ruki replied, smiling still.

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