


Sila ran upstair with a gun in her hands
"KIM FREAKING JIWON GET  YOUR HUGE DOWN"  she yelled while she was running the stairs
she entered the bed room with an inccent boy inside a messy green bed  with his legs all over the bed sleeping on his stomach … sleeping like a baby but that didn’t stop her from pulling the sheet and waking him from his action-ish dream
she underline the last word with a kick on his
"what tha….? What did I do?"
bobby said while scratching his eye trying to get his mind
she stood at the corner of the bed holding a small gun m1911 dark black with a brown holder .. safety trigger is on
"you promise be to stop you butthurt! You will die if you continue doing this"
she said in a gentle scared voice
bobby just laugh a weak sleepy laugh and pulled her in a tight hug
"lets talk later" he said in husky deep voice
she smacked his head with her fist
she tried to run away from his hug but she fail and she started kicking him
and bobby just kept laughing
when she got tired she rested her hands down
  a muffling deep goofy voice came next to her left ear "sorry" 
she turned around and found a sleepy smiling eye facing her
"im sorry …"
"you stupid " a small smile appeared
"but  you still love the stupid me, right? I see a small smile"
he pulled her closer
"no you see nothing you ugly .. you smell awful go shower"
he pouted his lips asking for jofsf
"can I at lest have a good morning g.."
before he could finish … he got a smack on the face by a white pillow
- later at 9:08 pm
the nice couple were cuddling lazily on the couch while the were playing some batman game on their xbox 
"when you'll quite this assish job?"
she asked suddenly
bobby just laugh and kept playing
"hey! Im asking! Did I said something funny?"
and she smacked his forehead
"ouch!" he yelled
"you deserve that, now answer me … seriously that job is dangerous"
"I don’t know .. maybe until I have another job … I don’t think they will let me go that easily"
"I got sick from having a gun under my shirt all the time whenever I go somewhere"
"I know … just wait a bit and soon everything will be right"
a moment of silent 
"lets go to a club!" bobby said cheerfully
"a club at 9:30 pm? Who goes to a club at 9 !"
"yeah! There is less people at 9 pm!"
"no forget it! I wont go now"
"yes you are"
he dragged her to the bedroom to get a nice clothes for her
"NONONONONONONO! No clubs now!!"
"oh c'mon! lets dance a bit!"
"no way the house is a mess and …"
bobby throw a black shirt on her face to wear 
"wear this nice dark black shirt that I bought for you and you  didn’t wear even for once at least for me and this nice short … I know y y "
"when did you even bought it for me??! I didn’t even know! And why this ripped short? Get away from my closet! Let me choose my own clothes!"
bobby whined "first of all its OUR closet .. as long as my clothes in this closet that’s mean ist OURS not YOURS, secondly … that ripped short is so #swaggy"
and smiled a heart-melting smile … she knew he was the one who ripped it too much
but instead of nagging … she kicked his stomach
"This is it ... the big club"
Bobby said whil her crossed his arm aroud her
"Number D? You couldnt find another club?"
"What? Number D is the best of the best!"
"You mean the best at the worse club"
Bobby whined like a baby and put his hand around her arms and said said
"Listen .. look i know i've been a jackass for a long time and i dont know how aplogize about what i have done and making you go through this with the gang things, but please can we celebrate at this club? Its was the club when we first met .. and its means a lot to me .. so please? And don't call me a jackass"
"Okay..." she said in a sad tone
"Hey ... one day we will celebrate in a fancy resturant with a fancy car .. i promise .. now let me see the beautiful smile you have .."
She rolled her eyes
"Dont let me tickle you!"
He puted his hand on her stomache and started tickling 
She laughed hard and smacked his arm hard and yelled
"Okay now lets get in"
at the club
Bobby drank like crazy .. a glass after glass
Bottole after a bottle
Untill he got wasted
And she's also got wasted
He put his arm around her
And laugh hard
She laughed also 
And they went outside the club
And somehow they dont know how they end up being on the beanch looking at the dark sky and counting stars and laughing without a reasone
Suddenly bobby stopped laughing and closed his eyes 
"You know ... you're beautiful"
He said in a drunk-sleepy voice
And turned around her showing his bunny teeth
"You're lucky to have me"
"You basterd!"
And laughed together again
"Sriously .. tomorrow we will go to a fun place again"
"Whats up with you with the fun places? Is not we dont have a long week .. and dont you have a job with them?"
"I told you im leaving them for you .. and beside that im useless so its not a big deal if i stayed or left"
"Really? Why didnt you leave before??! You buttishly human being!!"
"Aaish i told you dont curse me! I dont curse you!!"
"I dont give a ! Why didnt you leave??"
"I just wanted to have fun before having a normal job .. you know .. being normal is boring"
"But its enough to make us happy!.. sometimes over-fun cause death! And i got sick seeing death everyday! Is that fun? For me its not! Please stop this!"
She yelled and almost cried and tears in her eyes
He patted on her head
"Sorry.. it will finish soon"
Suddely it started raining slightly
"Oh its raining now? In the summer? Great .. my day is perfect wow"
She said in annoying tone
"What? Its good! C'mon lets play in the rain"
Bobby stands and grapped her hand
"What? No im not a kid!"
"Who said only kids who can play? As longest as you can walk and talk and run and scream .. you can play tge horse ride if you want, so get your up and lets play"
her pulled her to dance and play in the rain
And the rain started to get stronger and stronger
They're fully wet now 
"Okay oookay we are so wet now!"
She said half laughing half seriouse
"Aagh i dont wanna go home now!"
"You'll have flu you !"
"Aaaish okay okay"
And they went walking to their home cuz theres no cap will take them because the are so wet
They were laughing and talking while walking
There were a black car .. a senata black car with black glass on it
Was driving around ... suddenly bobby hold her hand and hugged her
"Hey .. dont you dare to cry okay? Aint no man gonna make you cry unless it was a happiness tears .. okay?"
And a hand with a gun came out from the car's window ...

2:05 am 
At 6th of abril 2008 a man passed away from a gun shot in his head by a stranger .. his girlfriend and the only witness is currently in unstable condetion 
The only avdince we got is a latter it said

"To play this game you have to face your soul, your shadow is too lazy to follow you, always be aware, the unkown fear may take off your eyes, and maybe your soul"



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