A Date..?

Let It Go


On the regular walk to school with Eunha, the thought of meeting Chanyeol alone was worrying you. Yes, he saved you, but he was still Chanyeol. The horrible bully who hates your guts. You were worried for the whole walk and Eunha was getting impatient with you not listening to her. You didn't tell her that you were going to meet with him, awkward questions would arise. You'd just go, meet him and get whatever he had to talk about over with.


You walk through the school doors with Eunha while she talks about Luhan. She hasn't been quiet since she left her house this morning. She's talking about his ''deer eyes'' and how kind and sweet he is. What the heck are deer eyes like? You'd never really analysed Luhan's face, or a deer face for that matter. In the normal course of events, you'd be happy for her. But there's just too much on your mind. Chanyeol, Kai, Daeun, Jaehyun. Your whole life tipped within a number of days. You part ways with Eunha, give her a hug and wish her luck with Physics class.


The school is holding staff meetings today, so school finishes at midday. After your classes with Kai, your heart felt heavy. Watching him and not speaking to him was the most difficult thing you've ever had to do. But you know it's for the best. You'll be as stubborn as he is. He doesn't deserve you or your friendship.


You walk to your locker and pull out the books you need for later. You see Kai and Daeun walking out of the school through the window. There's a stab in your heart, but you ignore it and continue to focus on you and what you're doing today. You were nervous about meeting Chanyeol. So nervous that you didn't even notice him behind you.


''Why on earth are you holding pepper?'' You jump out of your skin and drop the pepper on the floor. Yeah, I'm actually planning to poison you Chanyeol. Pfff. ''I... was seasoning my lunch..'' you pick it back up and stuff it into your bag. ''Okay, weirdo. So are you coming with me to get ice cream now?''





The bus ride into town was short. You spoke to Chanyeol about the homework and notes. General conversation. But he was being nice.


He holds the door of the ice cream shop open for you to walk in first. When did he become such a gentleman? This behaviour was really starting to scare you. ''Pick anywhere you'd like to sit, I'll order for you'' he walks to the counter into the line. ''Mint with chocolate chip?'' he asks while looking at the board. How did he know that's your favourite flavour? This really was starting to get strange. ''Yeah'' you walk over to the corner and set down your things on the table.


The ice cream shop is bright, like vintage with old ice cream advertisements on the walls and cosy diner-like booth seating. You look around then you watch him as he stands in the line. He was being so kind to you, why? Was it pity from what he saw on Friday night? You start to get nervous again when he comes over to you. You really don't wanna talk about that event.


''Sup loser, what did I miss?'' he slides into the seat and sets the ice creams down infront of you. ''Nothing, derp'' you stare down at the ice cream. ''What did you want to talk about?'' you start stabbing the plastic spoon into the ice cream, not lifting your head.


''I won't tell you until you actually look at me'' he sits back on the chair. You lift your eyes to his and sigh. ''Chanyeol, make this quick, don't bully me today, I haven't exactly been having the best time'' you also lean back on your chair.


''I'm not here to make fun of you, ____'' he takes a spoonful of ice cream. You wait for him to continue. ''I want to apologise.''


You choke on your ice cream and start coughing. ''Why do you want to apologise? You're horrible!'' you wheeze. You don't know why he's laughing. ''Do you really think I'm horrible?'' his expression turns from happy to .... sad?


''Well.. yeah, you haven't exactly made my life easy in the past year'' you pat your chest. ''Do you think you could forgive me for all my stupid behaviour? I only made fun of you because you reacted funny'' he looks genuinely concerned. ''How do I know you're not just saying this for leverage to harrass me further?''


''Because I care about you''

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Mexolocked #1
I like chanyeol kind of characters :3
But i honestly didn't expect the girl to get drunk and make out with that disgusting guy. She should have known better. And pls dont make him ruin her life. Pls~
Btw im curious...was that kai who walked in the shop???

Pls write more :)
woah! kai and chanyeol and oc love triangle! i luv it!
Chapter 14: this was very interesting :3
gabriellemargh #4
Chapter 14: I love this story!