
Running Complexity

"Joonmyeon hyung! Junmyeon hyung!"

I run towards my so called best friend who is leisurely sitting on our ragged couch, reading today's newspaper. He doesn't even acknowledge me so I do the thing that will always annoy him, talking as loud as possible.

"I've got an idea to help us pay this month's rent!"

"Hyung listen to me! Listen! Listen! Listen!"

"For the love of God, Chanyeol! Will you please lower your freaking voice? I don't want to get complaints from the neighbor again!"

Oh yeah I forgot the last time I was shouting the neighbors thought I was being or something. Does my voice really crack that often? And really, is my best friend a ing priest? Swearing is fine!

"Never mind hyung this case will be our gold mine!" I the bundle of files to him. Junmyeon and me are private detectives that are living together for the sake of paying half the rent. We're both low on money because these days the police did most of the things leaving scrape cases for us. Damn it, I want bacon to be included in my breakfast menu again.

"Chanyeol this case happened almost 20 years ago ..."

"Yes but it hasn't expired yet, we can do this!"

Junmyeon hyung takes off his reading glasses and rolls the newspaper and then-

"Ow! hyung! What was that for?" I rub the crown of my head. I have a very sensitive head!

"Are you really that stupid? Where did you even get these?" I keep my mouth shut because I know I'll only get an earful of lecture if he finds out. I maybe bribe some of the lower guards to let me roam around the document room. And I might have taken a doughnut on some officer's table. It was delicious!

Junmyeon hyung sighs and taps the picture of a burned mansion on one of the papers.

"We wouldn't find the person who did the arson. It listed that there were no witness whatsoever. Three people died in the fire, the burn was too severe the forensics couldn't make out the cause of dead, but it was probably the fire. There's also a possibility it was an accident even though there was no source. It was a house of a Nobel, they must have done literally everything to cover it up."

"That's the thing hyung. Look at the cousin of the Do's." I try to persuade him again but his stubborn nature is really a pain in the sometimes.

"The Kim family, what about them?" Junmyeon hyung sighs again.

"The cousin of the last generation son's of the Do's is still alive. He's one of the main suspects! But he and his butler kept quite through the interrogation. Damn these people are so rich they have so many servants."

Junmyeon looks at me through his uncut brown bangs and sighs for the numberless times.

"And you want us too? ..."

"Meet them of course, try to coax the truth out of them."

I swear me Park Chanyeol to anyone upstairs. That'd be wrong because there's an elderly woman there who's so kind to me and always calls me handsome!

Anyway, I will finish this case. No matter what.

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