
A Space Bar




After a long day of practice, the seven tired boys make their way out of the large building and outside, into the fresh night air. They trudged along, stumbling a few times on their way into the van.


With heavy sighs, they all jumped in and settled against the familiar seats. The three youngest sat in the back and Jin sat up the front, leaving the rapper line in the middle.


The first few minutes were slightly quiet. Jungkook and Taehyung whispered to each other and stifled laughs behind their hands. Everyone else was laying back, enjoying the small amount of rest they got after a busy day.


Taehyung cleared his throat, catching the attention of the people in the vehicle.


“I have a question for you guys.” When he received a few hums in return, he asked.


“Where do aliens hang out?” A chorus of groans filled the tight space as Taehyung and Jungkook muffled their childish giggles. Hoseok decided to humour his friend.


“I don’t know Tae, where do they hang out?”


“A space bar!” Taehyung exclaimed, his signature box smile plastered on his face.


Yoongi muttered a few profanities and spun around in his seat that was next to the window. Facing the back, he quickly pulled down Taehyung’s hoodie and covered his face. He grabbed the string and tightened it as much as he could. Yoongi promptly tied it off with several knots, much to the dismay of the younger. He wouldn’t be getting out of it any time soon.


Satisfied, Yoongi huffed and cursed a little more before he leant his head against the window and shut his eyes, trying to block out the sounds of snorting coming from his right. He just wanted to get a little sleep while he could.





At least Taehyung wouldn’t tell anymore stupid jokes for the rest of the night.





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Chapter 1: LOL! okay, it made me laugh at 1:30 am in the morning.