Within The Dark


I, don't know how I got here. 

I don't know what time it is

I don't know what day it is

I don't know how long I've been here

I tried to remember what happened, but I could feel the throbbing on my head as scenes flashed in my mind. Those things, moving like wind, they inflict fear on me. Driven by fear I ran as fast as I could, not realizing I've entered this forest, engulfing myself in darkness. I could hear my own breath slips though my mouth, I've been panting mad. Holding on to a tree to support myself I take deep breaths, but it hitched as I felt something behind me. I turned slowly, not wanting to face the cause of my fear so quickly, But why did I turn? Was it curiousity? Was it the adrenaline? My sanity slips through me, my legs gave up on me, I felt my back hitting the wood as I slide down the tree. I only had one question in mind before I lost my consciousness.

Who is he?




Hi, um, I have a lot in my mind and this story just pops into my head. I tried writing a story before but I failed miserably. I honestly don't know how this story is gonna turn out. And be warned, english is not my first language so I'm sure it would not be grammatically entertaining. If you have some suggestions or anything, I would gladly take it. Sorry about grammar errors you're about to face. and I feel the story in going a little too fast. But heck, I've only written a chapter so I can't even judge from just one chapter. I don't really have an idea for this story so I'll just write what I want as time goes by~? or as inspiration goes by????

Hope it's good enough. Thanks in advanced!


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