When Will Summer Come?


Anxiety was something he was used to. He was used to being nervous and uncomfortable too. But this…


He had been coping. Sure he was terrified to go on stage in Dallas, but with s and the fans there it had turned out great. He was still cautious when the group had arrived in LA, but it had been nothing short of amazing.


By the time they were flying to Mexico most of that anxious fear had receded just like the ocean tide. Yet just as the tide comes back so did his anxiety.


By the time the members reached the hotel, they were all exhausted and run down. The airport had been a mess. While the majority of the group wanted nothing more than to shower and sleep, Namjoon wanted nothing more than to calm his heart.


He hadn’t realized just how scared he would be facing a large group of people again, but each second he was surrounded his heart kept racing and his thoughts refused to stop.


Are they going to hurt me? Do they want to? Are they going to hurt the others? Why can’t I calm down? Everything is fine now, right?


The others had noticed the pale face and tension that seemed to attack the leader’s body. They tried to help; a bump of the shoulder; a hand on the back; a smile; a laugh.


Once the others were asleep in the hotel room, which they all shared not wanted to be split up after New York, Namjoon quietly retreated to the bathroom.


His mind wouldn’t let him sleep, and just the thought of going on stage right now was petrifying. Clicking the light switch, after softly closing and locking the door, illuminated the small tiled room in a yellowing glow. Namjoon took a seat on the edge of the bathtub.


With a sigh he pulled out his phone. Looking at Army’s comments will help. They almost always make me feel better. I bet they are excited for the concert tomorrow.


He was wrong.


When he read the words, he could feel is heart constrict. Never before had an emotion caused him physical pain, but Namjoon swore he could feel it; his heart tightened refusing to beat; his lungs burned as though he was breathing fire; his stomach suddenly felt like ice.


Why… but even his thoughts weren’t clear, just a jumbled mess of images.


This is it. I have to stop. I’m endangering the others. I can’t…if something were to happen to them…what would I…


He breathing sped up, his vision blurred, his chest was going to explode-this was too much.


Rather clumsily, he stood letting his phone clatter to the floor before escaping the bathroom. No longer trying to be quiet, Namjoon just needed to get out. After four tries he managed to unlock and open the bathroom door, spreading light onto the six bodies that still slept in the hotel room.


Namjoon stumbled over Taehyung, who was lying near the bathroom, and into a table knocking over and shattering a lamp.






The sound of the awaking boys didn’t stop Namjoon, who recovered quickly, cutting his arm on the lamp in the process, and ran to the door.


He didn’t know where he was going. He didn’t know if the others were following him. He just needed out.


Out of the hotel. Out of the country. Out, out, out…


Somehow he ended up three floors below where the group had been staying in a storage closet.


What’s going to happen?


He could hear heavy footsteps.


This is it.


Suddenly, his body revolted. Namjoon began to dry heave. Tears stung his eyes with each painful convulsion, but nothing came up. Over the past few days he hadn’t eaten. He hadn’t had an appetite.


This was how Yoongi and Taehyung found him.


“Namjoon!” Yoongi yelled as the door was thrown open.

“Hyung…” Taehyung reached out toward their leader, who flinched as another convulsion seized him.


“Namjoon, you have to calm down. You’re safe it’s just Taehyungie and me.” Yoongi cringed, “Taehyung, go message the others. Tell them to go back to the room.” He instructed calmly.


“ok…” Taehyung reluctantly left Namjoon’s side and went into the hallway.


“Namjoon-ah, take deep breaths alright. You are safe. Nothing will happen to you. We won’t let anyone hurt you.”


Harsh breaths escaped the younger boy, “but…what if…you.”


“Stop.” Yoongi commanded, “Focus on calming down. I am going to rub your back now, alright? It is just me.” He began rubbing soothing circles on the other’s sweat soaked back. “Good, just keep breathing.” Yoongi could feel Namjoon’s erratic heartbeat, it pained him to see their ever strong leader reduced to this. “Taehyungie, go back to the room. Once he is calmed down enough I’ll get him there.”






Taehyung nodded, his eyes devastated, “okay…Namjoon hyung, we love you…” he sighed before slowly walking away.


“Let’s sit you back. Are you going to be sick again?”


Namjoon shook his head lightly, the movement made him dizzy. With Yoongi’s help he felt his back hit the wall of the closet, he brought a shaky hand to his face wiping the sweat and tears from his face. “I..”


“Shh, don’t talk yet. You need to just calm down.” There was the slightest bit of fear filtering into Yoongi’s voice, “Really. Just calm down. You look like you could pass out at any second and honestly it has me a bit freaked out.”


Namjoon nodded and leaned his head back against the wall.


~Kakao Talk~


The sudden sound made both boys jump. “It’s ok. It’s nothing, just the others. Deep breaths alright? They probably just want to know how you’re doing. You scared us.” Yoongi said regaining his composer. He removed his hand from Namjoon’s shoulder and pulled out his cell phone. “Ah…right” he commented to himself reading the message. “Namjoon-ah, let me see your arm. Hoseok is worried about the cut.”


“Hmm?” Namjoon’s mind was still a blur, but he did as asked.


Yoongi made a hissing sound, “This really doesn’t look good…Not too bad but…” he paused removing his grip and lowering the arm. Then he proceeded to remove his sweatshirt and tank top. Putting his sweatshirt back on he continued, “It is bleeding still, not too bad, but I’m going to wrap this around it, okay?” He grabbed Namjoon’s arm again and carefully used his tank top as a makeshift bandage.


“Are you mad at me?”


Namjoon’s question surprised Yoongi, “Why would we be mad at you?” He continued to finish wrapping the other’s arm.


“Because I ruin everything.”


“No you don’t.” Yoongi stated looking straight into Namjoon’s eyes, “Some crazy attention seeking people ruin everything! You had nothing to do with it, do you understand?” anger seeped into his voice, “What these people did is crazy! You don’t deserve this. You didn’t bring it on yourself. And nothing is going to happen to you!”


Namjoon looked up, his breathing had calmed down and his mind stated working again, “There was another-“


“We know. Jimin heard you get up to use the bathroom. He noticed you had your phone on you, so when everything happened he looked online right away.” Yoongi stood up reaching out to help the other, “I don’t know why these people think threatening you is ok,” he paused having to help steady Namjoon, “but we won’t take this. We will do something about it. Army will too.”


“Doesn’t Army think-“


“No! Actual Army do not want you dead!” there was no room for arguments. “Now come on, let’s get back to the others. They are probably worried.”






AN- So first off I can't believe it happened again...Anyway, I never intended this story to be more than one chapter-I am so bad at updating when I do chapter fics- but given that this happened I just felt I had to write at least once more. So I'm sorry if it is horrible. I do hope at least some people enjoy it. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

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Chapter 3: I LOV THIS
Chapter 3: I'm still kinda new to the fandom too (I mean, I've been with them since their debut, but I know almost nothing about them if that makes any sense...) but I did hear about what was happening to RapMon and I felt so sorry for him. You wrote this very well!
Chapter 1: well written~ would
Chapter 2: I'M SO HAPPY
eyesmilegyu #5
Chapter 1: welcome to this fandom! and that was so beautifully written ;; btw is there any continuation to this huuu
Chapter 1: I think you did pretty good for being a new Army :)
Chapter 1: firstly, welcome to the ARMY fandom!

this was so beautifully written that i hv thoughts that MAYBE this might've had actually really happened behind close doors and its hurting me just thinking bout it. according to the atmosphere at TRB in Dallas, seems like everything's fine. or so i hope it is.
Zelda96 #8
Chapter 1: This is really well-written! If you don't mind, please do write a sequel or a continuation to this; dying to know how the members would react to Namjoon's apology and his reconciliation with himself. :) Loved it, please do continue writing more stories! Up voting this story to show my support :)
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH
this is perfecttt
you need to continue this don't leave me hanging ><