I want to hold you tight

There's No One Like You

Of course the stylist came over when Heechul explained the situation. It was a weird moment, when she entered the apartment. She was the first female visitor and since it was a boys only apartment it was a little chaotic. But I couldn’t care less.

Like a pro she ignored the chaos and cared first for Kyuhyun, who got even brighter blonde hair. But at least his hair now had everywhere the same color. I really was an emergency. Although I was wearing a hat she just lifted her eyebrows and shook her head.

“If I would make it even you would have very short hair. That wouldn’t suit you. Absolutely not. And a lot of more absolutely not with the image you have. The ‘aegyo-prince’ of Super Junior shouldn’t have a military haircut. But.. that’s somehow the only thing that would work.”, she told me and I was about to cry again. I didn’t want to have extremely short hair.
“Can’t you try something.. cool? Instead of something cute? Or.. instead of.. I don’t know… my hairdo right now?” I didn’t even want to call it hairdo. Not even a bit. But it was a hairdo. Even if it was quite messed up.
“Something cool? Something cool… well.. If I look at it this way there’s a possibility. But I have to get some stuff. And therefore I want to be invited for dinner.” She winked at me and I nodded slowly.
“Of course. I’ll do anything for looking like a human being again.”
“Sungmin-sshi.. you’re looking like a human being. Somehow like a human being attacked by a lawn mower, but like a human being.” She smiled gently and hit me soft on the shoulder. Even I had to smile now and nodded slowly.
“Thank you, Youngmin-sshi..” I mumbled and took my beanie. I didn’t want to let someone see this mess.

Youngmin left us a few minutes later because she had to get some stuff. As soon as she was outside the door I hid myself in the kitchen and began with cooking.
“Can I help you?” I heard a voice behind me.  I didn’t have to look to know who was standing behind me. “Take off this cap. Your hair isn’t that bad.” Gently Shindong tried to take my beanie but I turned around and pushed him away from me.
“No you can’t help me. Just go back to your new best friend and pet him. He needs some love since his hair is ruined because of me.” I snapped and glared at my ‘former’ best friend. I could see this hurt expression but I didn’t care – on the outside. At least he was my friend and it hurt me too to see him hurt but in the end it was his own fault. Everytime something happened he fought for Kyuhyun. He never would choose my side. Every time I was at fault, even when Kyuhyun started something. “Just leave me alone… I don’t want to see you today.” Shindong sighed deeply and went straight out of the kitchen.
Slightly I sighed again and went back to work. Youngmin would care for my hair and everything would go back to normal – after this incident. I didn’t want to talk to Shindong and Kyuhyun for about a million years. At least I felt like I wouldn’t do it.

After about two hours Youngmin came back. Meanwhile I had prepared the meal and it just had to be cooked. But before we could start with this, the young woman wanted to take care of my hair. So we blocked the room of Kyuhyun and me, because the latter was sitting in front of the T.V., while watching ‘One Piece’ together with Hyukjae.
First she shoved some of my hair and all I could do was to close my eyes and trust her. She was one of the best stylists but with what I’ve got I thought even a real hairdo-profi would tear up and run away. She tried her best, put extensions and dyed my hair. It took more than three hours to get my hair back to a normal state.
“Sungmin-sshi.. if you won’t open your eyes my arms will fall off my body because of the mirror I’m holding.”, she said, giggling girly. Slowly I opened my eyes and watched the result. It wasn’t good. It wasn’t bad either. It was.. unfamiliar. It was cool. And it somehow looked good at me but it wasn’t cute at all.
“I think it suits you. And like I said.. I had no real choice. This is the best thing I could do because of your little accident.”, she mentioned and I looked up to her.
“Even if my father kills me because of this looks, you’re my savior. Thank you Noona~” Gently I smiled at her and she petted my head.
“So.. what’s for dinner tonight?”, she asked rubbing her hands together. I had to laugh and hugged her a little bit, after getting up from my chair.
“I’ll clean up this mess and when I’ve finished I’ll start with cooking.” I answered and put the chair back to the desk. Youngmin left the room, which was pretty nice, since I could work more effectively like this.

I didn’t take long until someone entered the room. Ignoring the person I just kept on sweeping.
“You forgot something here under my bed.” Out of all people it had to be one out of the two I didn’t want to talk to. Without losing a word I went to him and swept under his bed.
Suddenly I felt warm arms around me and opened my eyes wide.
“You look good.” Did he really say this? Was it true? It couldn’t be true – it was Cho Kyuhyun. I heard his heartbeat, felt the embrace getting tighter.
“Listen Sungmin-sshi. I’m really sorry about what happened but I swear… it wasn’t me. I just slept this night. I knew that coloring my hair was some childish act and it was funny somehow too. So I wouldn’t cut your hair.. really. You have to believe me.”

“Nobody, beside you, would do something like this. I don’t know a person that hates me so much that he would turn me into a mop.” I answered slowly getting angry. “Let go of me, Kyuhyun! I’ll kick you if you won’t let go of me.”

“I just want to hold you a minute.. I want to hold you for this time, since your best friend didn’t hold you when you needed it. I just want to be here for you this one time and hold you tight.”



Finally I'm here with a new chapter. I'm really sorry for taking such a long time. I hope you like this chapter~ ♥

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There's no one like you chap 6 ♥ KyuMins love-hate relationship goes into the next round ♥


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Chapter 7: OH my... KyuMin moment is ninja-ing~ Hahahahahaha!!! I love it! Update soon!
Chapter 7: Waaahhhhhh~....author nim tis is sooooo good. But if isn't kyuhyun then who could it be....oh well please update soon author nim
minuet #3
Chapter 7: Oh gosh.. who could it be HAHA
Ummm.... I really can't guess. Oh well.
Teehee they're hugging :3
I still feel bad for poor Sungmin ): At least he looks like a badass, hot mofo now.
Kyu can't resist.
Chapter 7: TsT One of Sungmin's best hairstyl- ...wait, it wasn't him? Yah, Minnie! What kind of story are you running, here? Tsk, I'm sorry YeMin.. But look how cute they (kyumin @.@) are is story! <3 Love/hate relationship are the best!
minuet #5
He sounds y with Siwon, though.
For a short moment I thought I could see pain at his face ahh poor kyunhyunnie!
OMGEE ♥ but your ending was the best, ah i love this cliffhanger :D there's so much hate in this ficcie...geez <3 ♥ but now it get's a whole new feeling *-*!
wanna read more <3!! ♥
Sungmin or Kyuhyun. . .who am I rooting for, here?? Why am I even asking?? Sungmin :D~<br />
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Soon as I understand Kyuhyun more, then I'll think about going to his side. <br />
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Thanks for updating :D