
I Don't Like Fangirls

The next day, Naeri decided to pay her older cousin, Jisu, a visit at his workplace. Jisu was one of the producers at Dublekick Entertainment, the building she saw Seunghoon came out of. She packed a lunch for Jisu, and happily made her way to the building. Some of the people there knew her from her occasional visits, she also did a part time job at their cafeteria once. 


Once the meeting Jisu was in was over and all the people left the room, Naeri pushed open the door. 


“Oppa! Surprise!” Naeri jumped from behind the door, spreading her arms wide. 


Jisu flinched in his seat. “A surprise indeed!” He blurted, his hand on his chest. Naeri quickly got into a proper posture once she realized that Jisu wasn’t alone in the meeting room. Her older cousin was with Intae, the person Jisu worked most with, and also one of the partners to the company’s founder.


“Good afternoon, sir.” Naeri said formally, smiled and bowed.


Intae smirked at her greeting. “It’s been a while, Naeri. What brings you here?”


“Uhm, I have to see Jisu oppa. Am I interrupting?” 


“No, no. We’re done already. Go ahead. I’ll be leaving in a short while.” Intae continued to go through the documents in his hand. Naeri made her way towards Jisu in small, quick steps and handed him a lunchbox. She plopped down on the seat next to Jisu. 


“I made lunch for you.”


“Let’s be honest. What do you want from me?” Jisu narrowed his eyes at his cousin.


Naeri simply grinned. Naeri leaned close to him and whispered, “Oppa, do you know Kim Seunghoon?”


“Kim Seunghoon?” Jisu turned to Intae. Intae simply raised an eyebrow at the mention of the name. “Is that probably your intern, hyung?”


“Well, he’s the only Kim Seunghoon that I know in this company. What's with him?”


“Oh, nothing. It's just that I wish to see him again because he helped me out a few days ago.”


“Helped you out? That doesn't sound like him. What did he help you with?” Intae asked, amused.


“Just a tiny bit help with my library charity campaign. I would like return the favor somehow.” Naeri smiled.


Intae chuckled. He could tell that Naeri was interested in Seunghoon. 


“I find it hard to believe, but if it came from you, I guess it must be true. He’s my intern, but I also enroll him into the trainees programs. You can often find him at the practice room or the recording studio. He pretty much come here everyday. I have to warn you though. He never has anything nice to say, and is one tough nut to crack. I’d be glad if you could do the job for me.”


“I will!” Naeri slightly stuck her tongue out, feeling silly. “I mean, I’ll try my best!”


Intae got up with his documents, and then patted Naeri’s head. “Good luck then.”




Day 1
6.00 a.m.
Dublekick Entertainment Building


After working the whole night, Seunghoon finished mixing a new song. He might show it  to Intae today, but he was going to get home and get some rest first. Besides, Intae usually come to his office in the evening and worked through the night.


"Yah, Kim Seunghoon! Good morning!"
Seunghoon was unlocking his motorbike when he heard the irritating loud greeting against the quiet air. He looked  up and saw a girl around his age skipping towards him. Seunghoon sighed.


Yoon Naeri. Why is she here and why is she so energetic at this hour?


"Are you going home?"


Seunghoon climbed onto his bike and pulled it out of the parking lot. He simply ignored Naeri's question.


"It's six in the morning. Did you just finish work?"


Seunghoon the engine.


"You must have been exhausted. You should have this." Naeri handed him a chocolate bar. Seunghoon glanced briefly at her little offering, and then pulled down the visor of his helmet.


"I don't eat chocolate." And then he sped off, leaving Naeri dumbfounded at his cold reaction.




Day 2 
2.00 p.m.
Dublekick Entertainment Building


It was quite a while after lunch hour, but Seunghoon and the other trainess had just decided to stop their practice to get some lunch at the cafeteria on ground floor. 


The boys bowed in respect when they passed by one of their in-house producer, Jisu. However, when Seunghoon stood up again, he froze.


"Hey, Seunghoon! It's me, Naeri." Naeri waved at him with one hand since her other hand was occupied with piles of documents. The other guys started to whispere at each other, amused to see a girl interacting with Seunghoon. They had never seen Seunghoon hanging out with girls ever since they started practicing together. Not even with the pretty trainee girls.


"How did you get in here?" Seunghoon frowned.


"I'm here to help out Jisu oppa. We're cousins, you know?"


Seunghoon mentally smacked his forehead. When she didn't show up for the last two days, he thought she had stopped disturbing him. Guessed his nightmare came true. 

"Are you guys going for lunch? That's great! Me too. Let's-"


"You just had lunch with me an hour ago!" Jisu shouted from the distance. Naeri winced.


"Oppa, can't you just-"


"I thought you're here to help me out?"


"Ugh!" Naeri stomped her foot before she ran after Jisu, this time leaving Seunghoon dumbfounded.


He wondered if she was going to keep coming here?




Day 3.
11.30 p.m.
Dublekick Entertainment Building


Seunghoon was taking a break from the long hours of being locked in the recording studio. He was together with one of the trainees, Kay. Both of them lacked sleep for the past three days, cramming the little time they had left to finish a song together. Intae will be evaluating their song tomorrow, so they will be  spending the night at the studio again.


"Do you want anything?" Seunghoon asked the half-sleepy Kay before he left for 7/11 next to the building.

"Just get me some cigarettes."


Seunghoon got on the ground floor, heading towards the store. However, he stopped midway when he saw Naeri, as if waiting for him in the middle of the sidewalk.
Seunghoon threw his head back, sighing.


"You, again?"


"Are you going to work late again, today? I have some snacks for you," Naeri showed the plastic bag dangling in her hand. There were cigarettes, chips and juice in it.


Seunghoon sighed, "no, thanks," and continued his way towards the store.




Naeri had just returned from her class. Since she wasn't working today, she decided to get a detour and walked past Dublekick Entertainment building. If she was lucky, she might be able to say 'hi' to Seunghoon. When she arrived, she was surprised to see four girls in high school uniform waiting outside the building. They each were holding a present or some sort.


Naeri was entering the building casually but one of the girls stopped her.


"Excuse me, unni. Do you work here?"


"Me? Nope, but someone I know does."


"That someone you know, is he Kim Seunghoon oppa?"


Naeri hesitated a bit. She meant Jisu, but well, she did sort of know Seunghoon. "Well, yes, him too."


"Unni, listen. We've known Seunghoon oppa since last year, since he first come to this company. Unni, you only know him since a week ago, so you better not get close to him."


"Wait, how do you guys know-"


"We know everything about Seunghoon oppa! We've been watching you too, you know? I bet you don't even know that today is his birthday, don't you? Do you have any idea how hard we work to get this close to him?"


"Well, um..." Honestly, Naeri didn't really get what they were talking about. "Girls, I have to get going, so-"


"Just because you know him, don't go all high and mighty on us!" One of the girls pushed Naeri away.


Naeri scraped her cheek on the hard pavement. If she wasn't already embarassed, she would have cried from the pain. However, Naeri it all in and forced a smile on her face.


Naeri quickly got on her feet again. She laughed despite feeling awkward. 


"Girls, calm down. I'm not trying to date your oppa or anything," though she secretly was trying to make that happen, but right now her life is more imporatnt. "So let's not get violent towards others, okay?"


"Are you kidding me?!" The girls raised her arm up high, which immediately sent Naeri cowering in fear. Naeri had her arms crossed in front of her face, hoping she was able to block whatever was about to come her way and shut her eyes.


"Oh my god, I'm sorry! Someone please help me!" 


Naeri opened her eyes again when someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind him. When she looked up, she could only see the back of his head, but from his voice, she could tell that it was Seunghoon.


"What are you girls doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" His voice was deep, reprimanding, irritated.


The girls humbled themselves. They lowered their gaze, and their expression softened unlike how they acted around Naeri just now. 


"We just wanted to give you your birthday presents. We promise we'll go to school right after this." They stretched their arms to hand him the presents.


Seunghoon refused to accept the gifts. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't need those things. Stop wasting your money and stop hanging out outside the company's building. You're disturbing the other staffs and I'll just get yelled at by my superior. Go home."


Seunghoon pulled Naeri's arm and led her inside the building. Naeri managed to steal a glance towards the girls. They genuinely seemed like they were about to cry, but when their eyes met, Naeri felt a shudder down her spine. The girls had murderous look in their eyes.


Seunghoon dragged Naeri to a secluded hallway, breathing heavily. He rolled his eyes when he saw Naeri's grated cheek.


"Why are you here again? I'm pretty sure that Jisu hyung doesn't come to work today." Seunghoon still had that reprimanding tone he used on the girls just now.


"Well... I was just wondering if I could say 'hi' to you."


"Do you know I could get in trouble for this?"


Naeri was hesitant to ask, but she didn't quite understand. "Why?"


Seunghoon air through gritted teeth. "I really don't understand you fangirls. You spend hours out there doing nothing, just to catch a glimpse of your 'oppa'. Don't you guys have better things to do? I only help you because you're Jisu hyung's cousin. Stop having ideas. Stop wasting your time! I'm not going to date you, I don't even want to be your friend. Find something better to do with your life!"


Naeri's patience had reached its boiling point that she couldn't even speak. Without realizing, she had raised her hand, and it hit Seunghoon's cheek before she even thought about it.


Naeri's breathing was heavy, her emotions thickened inside her. "I'm not your fangirl!" Naeri shouted and then turned around, ready to leave. Seunghoon scoffed despite the stinging pain on his cheek. She might seem small, but her slap left the pain burning.


Seunghoon only watched as Naeri left. He flinched a little when Naeri paused her steps and turned around again.


"Also, I know those girls were mean, but what about the others? They are really supportive for their idol and show so much love and you call them 'wasting their time'. You're funny, Kim Seunghoon. Try to learn to respect other people's happiness, jerk!" Naeri finally stomped her way out of the building. Most likely for good.


"What the hell is wrong with her?" Seunghoon muttered to himself while rubbing the sore spot on his cheek.




Naeri huffed as she plopped onto the bus seat. “Fangirl? Who does he think he is? Do I have that much time in my hand?” Naeri pouted and then pulled out her phone and typed ‘Dublekick trainees’ in the search bar. Surprisingly, a few faces popped out, and one of them was Seunghoon. There was even a fansite dedicated to him alone. 

“He’s quite famous…” Naeri murmured alone. “Well, he is quite good looking. Tch. How do I know?” Naeri continued to do a little search on him, and found some ‘insider’ info. Seunghoon was supposedly one of the junior producers in the company, had produced many hit songs for recording artists, and was also currently a trainee in the company. Seunghoon most likely will debut in an idol group next year.


Naeri sighed. She held up her hand, turning it around in front of her face.


“I've never slapped anyone on their birthday...” She leaned back, resting her head at the window pane. “I don't really want to date a celebrity though. Ah… My love life .”




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Yay!!!Seunghoon!Seunghoon! <3 <3