What If, If Only

What If
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A doleful smile tugged reluctantly at the corners of your lips as you peeked out from your corner discreetly, your eyes trained on a certain wide-eyed boy with the thick, bushy eyebrows and a petite girl with a demure, soft smile.   Oh you really look happy, you look happy.   There was no mistaking the radiant glow faintly exuding off him as he tried futilely to stifle a grin when she whispered something in his ear, their faces so close that her hair brushed his cheek.   When I see you, so beautiful that it’s sad.   The twinkling glint in those capacious, expressive eyes which fixes you with that intense, guileless gaze that speaks volumes, those full, soft doughy cheeks which squish into mounds when his heart-shaped lips erupts into a barely controlled grin of excitement.   You shake your head, ignoring the biting feeling of cold winter overcoming your heart.   I don’t hate her, I don’t hate her - Because she makes you smile like an angel.   I was too late.   Words that became a secret before I said them; That’s why I wasn’t for you.   Our story sounds tragically similar to others and it will end fatefully too - two best friends, with me harboring a hopeless one-sided little crush that blew way out of proportions.   Never had the guts to confess, never thought I was good enough for you.    "Best friends forever, right?" Kyungsoo's cheery, upbeat tone misleadingly carried piercing words that would scar you forever.



The two eyes looking at each other, his vast and soulful, inevitably piercing into every fibre of your soul and claiming it as his, yours hopeful and pining, trying your best not to reveal your true feelings.   "Yes." You had answered him, your voice strained with suppressed emotion. "Best friends forever."   The one remaining pair of eyes, the lost eyes- you stared at him now helplessly from your corner, wishing you could tear your sight away from the lovely new couple but somehow you couldn't.   A lone tear made its way out and your breath caught. I'm crying.   The two eyes, tightly shut   The eyes that are too late, the eyes that lost you   "She has a pretty smile and even prettier eyes." Kyungsoo admitted breathlessly, his cheeks decorated with a light blush. You looked at the photo of her, one of the many he had saved in his phone album gallery.   "Yes, her eyes are beautiful." They could capture your heart, mine couldn't.   You opened your eyes, which were b full with tears and through the blurred vision, you saw her tiptoe slightly, her face advancing closer and closer towards the one boy you ever gave your heart to. The one who you were certain was your soulmate and the love of your life.   I’m becoming more and more sorry, looking at you with these kinds of feelings    

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Chapter 2: This is really beautifully written..
Chapter 2: 'Just like how your love was just dust and ashes, never meant to rise and culminate into something special.'
I can't think of anything more tragic than unrequited love. This was beautifully painful to read but thank you.
Thatgirl115 #3
Chapter 2: I love this songgggg! And i really like this story too, exo's songs are so beautiful and Im so glad you wrote something for this! :))
pinkytoe220 #4
Chapter 2: This was beautiful~
DidiBlackheart #5
Because of the comments i'm really curios about this one shot!
Kfever #6
Chapter 2: It's the worst feeling one could experience as the girl did, it remind me again not to hold up anything. Nice story, good job
Chapter 2: no...she didn't jump!!! OMGGG...no way... *so sad* :(((
hryoung96 #8
Chapter 2: :" speechless, it's hurt
hoseok94 #9
Chapter 2: that was beautiful you are such a great writer !!! ^.^
Chapter 2: OMG NO JUST-

I LOVE THIS OMG i'm so curious what happens to kyungsoo nowㅠㅠ