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The knock on the door woke her up from her trance.

Forcing herself up from the chair, she dragged her feet towards the door, hand scratching her head thinking who it would be visiting her this early in the morning. Right hand turned the knot and pulled the door open only to reveal a girl with messy hair leaning on the wall, panting. Visible drops of perspiration could be seen hanging on the girl’s forehead, legs wobbled ever so slightly perhaps sore from running.

Rising a brow, she wondered what caused the girl to be in this state. She was one that’s always calm, never with a messy hair even after long hours of practice.

Just before she could open , question eager to burst, the girl finally caught her breath and looked up, two pairs of orbs meeting.

“We are in.”  She wore the biggest smile she has ever seen.

“What?” The bear was confused.

“We are in! We got chosen for the Rookies program!” Unable to contain her excitement, the girl threw her arms around the still dazed girl, eyes starting to wet from the tears.

“We….got in?” Realization sank in and she wrap her arms around the smaller girl, smiling as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Tears of joy.

They had been trainees for a few years now and as days passes by, they can’t help but doubt if this was a road for them.

A dream they will never achieve.

There were fear and insecurities. Especially for the younger girl.

She had been in the company a couple more years than the other. She had seen enough friends giving up, packing and left throughout these years to have any hope left.

It was the girl that kept her afloat.

She had always been dependant towards the older girl ever since they first met when the petite girl became a trainee.

It always amazes people how the two could clicked so well together like peanut butter and jam despite the difference in not just age not personalities.

She wasn’t the loudest not the friendliest in the bunch but her heart-warming smile and kind nature gained her friends during her days spent in the building. Though many left and are now just part of her memories.

And then there’s her.

Bae Joo Hyun

She was this little bundle of shyness wrapped in a beautiful parcel. Always keeping to herself, speaking only when spoken to. Stayed in the practice room every night on her own in the dark not wanting any attention. 

People saw her as an Ice Princess.

Not until they saw how the girl laughed and smiled with their little bear.


That’s how they describe the pair as.

And she loves it.

“And that will be all for today. Tomorrow will be a big day so make sure you get plenty of rest tonight. Don’t expect the filming to end in one shot so be prepared to dance that choreography for hours, Am I clear?” The instructor’s booming voice never fails to intimidate them not matter how many times they heard it.

Chorusing a yes, they bowed in respect mumbling a soft good night to the male leaving the room.

“So… Tomorrow would be it huh.”

Laying on the cold wooden floor, the girl stared at the white ceiling, resting her tired body after the long day of nonstop practice.

“Still can’t believe we will be debuting soon. Seems like it was just yesterday when we performed our showcase for Rookies.”

Videos and photos shot had been released and the response was a mixed. There were people supporting them, already declaring their adoration towards them but there were haters as well.

Haters just gonna hate.

That was what SeungWan said when they read the remarks from her smartphone.

She can still remember that day ever so clearly.

After the filming for SM Rookies, she was brought into a room together with the older girl. The room was foreign yet familiar at the same time. They had never set foot into the room, hell they had even never set foot on this storey before.

It was the second highest level of the building, a storey set aside with practice room for the debuted. The only chances they had to seeing this room was through videos of dance practice uploaded by the company, a

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Sir_Loin #1
Chapter 1: Cute
Chapter 2: Awww.I always love pre debut hurts to know that they're called as cover-up velvet fighting!
Chapter 1: I always have soft spot for pre debut seulrene hehehe.... it's really good author nim, Thank you for sharing this story \( •̀ω•́ )
Chapter 1: Omg this is really great! Thanks author!!
Chapter 1: Nice onee authornim:)
norevS #6
Chapter 1: im smiling while reading this.. nice one author-nim...
yeolow #7
Chapter 1: Lalalalalalalalala.. happiness!! (Y)