Effects of Living with Morons.

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Title: Effects of Living with Morons.   Author(s)--Dreams Updated Jan 6, 2013 Published Dec 16, 2012 Status Completed Tags comedy hunhan taoris baekyeol kaisoo sulay chenmin Characters EXO   Summary: In which Luhan cross-dresses for fun, Sehun is enjoying it a bit too much, Yixing is forgetful as always, Suho seems the only sane one (kind of) and Kyungsoo tries to seduce a fool in the name of Jongin.

With the added idiots, the crack couple as well as fanfic maniac Chen with his unwilling lover Xiumin; Kris with his tumblr obsession and Tao’s Gucci paradise,

Hell is bound to break loose.



LINK: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/340831/effects-of-living-with-morons-comedy-hunhan-taoris-baekyeol-kaisoo-sulay-chenmin



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Your recs are really something!! I LOVE all of them <3 <3 Thank you so much for the effort!
really love your recommendation lists! thanks to you i found lots of great stories ^^
im reading this kaisoo fic these days and i think it could be worthy of your list: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1091719
can you recommend The Emperor's Love too? pretty please??? or at least give a link if you can find it... i am dying to read it but i can't find the real kink to it..
pretty pretty please??
(anyways, all your fic recs on my Exo otp's are all superb and i just can't help but drool on the kaisoo recs.... MAH FEEELSSS~~~~)
bloomemerald #4
Chapter 45: omg satansoo birthday^^ happy birthday d.o
Hi there is a new vampire soo and ceo jongin fic and I really liked it it's called Jasmine and I thought maby you'd like to check it out as well
ForeverWithHunHan #6
if you need friend to chat or just want to say hi to me or sth, comment or pm me, i dont bite lol
I really like your recommended fics
supyow #8
Chapter 25: Can I recommend "Words do Matter" and "Of proposal and rejection" both are oneshots but so much feels! LOL
queenlove #9
can you recomend me THE EMPEROR'LOVE i'm dying to read it. pweeese
Hahah Hi author-nim. I found this through your Baekyeol fic recs. LOL I love the Baekyeol fics you recommend (I think our tastes are very similar hahaha) so I can't wait to see the type of Kaisoo fics you recommend. HEHEE THANK YOU FOR FINDING FLAWFREE FICS.