Episode 1 Part C

Ancient Love

“By doing this kind of task, I bet I can complete this assignment before the due date even arrive since these human girls are so easy,” Virote said cockily to himself as he drifted himself away from the murder area. He decided to go search for a place near the city, but isolated in the forests, so that he can build his own noble house there without people noticing. The house that Virote had in mind was a house that would easily capture a woman’s heart and mind at first sight. Based off from his previous experience with girls in the last 1,000 years, those houses usually contained a pond with lotuses in them, yard filled with bushy green trees, and a big house that was built intricately.

Virote soon approached an empty space in the forest that was close to the city quickly since he could easily teleport places to places with no limits. The space was perfect for his technical house due to the tall forests trees that will be able to block the future house. Virote suspiciously speculated the area before he finally confirmed that that area was where he would be building his house. With just a swift hand movement from left to right, he was able to demolish all of the trees that were unneeded within the speed of light. From there on, he raised both of his palms up from his waist in order to elevate the house that he imagined onto the land. As he was raising his palm up towards the sky with his glowing red eyes activated, a huge and lavishly decorated house ripped the terrain of the Earth, and then implanted itself onto the land as if it was built by man-kind. After the settling of the house, Virote drilled a large pond that contained lotuses in it, beside the house with the action of his twisting hands. The settlement that Virote created was extremely too good to be true; a large beautiful house with a pond of lotuses next to it, and with the evergreen trees surrounding the house as if they were guards.

Virote smiled greatly at his accomplishment of the night as he said “This will definitely moves a girl’s heart. Now, I am just wondering who will be the lucky girl to be the first one to stay in my house.” Virote’s demon laugh echoed the now-in-danger evergreen forest.

The Queen of Honthara birthday had arrived. There were a lot of jolly celebrations done outside of the palace walls by the citizens for the Queen’s birthday throughout the whole morning. The noises that were created by the citizens traveled all the way through the palace gates, and allowed itself to enter Chantara’s living quarter. While everybody in the palace felt annoyed by it, Chantara felt happy listening to the citizen’s celebration because it would be the only thing that she would be able to hear clearly throughout the whole celebration. When it came to the formal party with all of the nobles gathered up in the main palace hall, Chantara would not be able to hear any enjoyment other than the traditional instruments playing for entertainment, and sometimes it was hard to hear it. Therefore, she tried to entertain herself in the morning with the citizens noises every time when it was the Queen’s birthday.  

Chantara was making two Phuang Malai (Jasmine Garland) with the use of her mastery skills and artistry hands. She was able to learn the skill of making flower garlands from the help of Kameun because Kameun would have always made some when there was nothing to do. It didn’t take long for Chantara to master the skill of making flower garlands due to the fact that she was able to pick up every information that Kameun provided her visually. Ever since Chanara became an expert in making flower garlands, she decided to make one every year on her mother’s birthday, and offered it to the Buddha in the temple in return for a favor of blessings to her mother and the kingdom without anyone knowing other than Kameun. This year, she was making two Phuang Malai. One was for her to try to give to her mother personally, and one was to offer to the Buddha in the temple.

As Chantara was sticking each jasmine flower onto the stick wholeheartedly, Phitchaya was in her extravagant living quarter bedroom preparing herself for tonight’s celebration. She twist and turned her body in front of the mirror as she inspected herself closely with the silver skirt, red top, and the long silver shawl on. “I think this outfit fits me well. Do you think so Anong,” Phitchaya asked her staring servant Anong. Anong hesitated to answer because thinking in an honest point of view, Anong thought that the dress was too dark for this kind of joyful event, but she decided to answer in a proud voice. “My Crown Princess Phitchaya fits every outfit that she wears. You don’t have to ask me any question about your outfits because I will always tell you that you are beautiful in everything that you wear.” Phitchaya had an ecstasy feeling after hearing the servant remark about her looks. She then confidently announced to Anong, “I will wear this outfit to the celebration then. I believe that this outfit will make me stand out the most.”

Right after Phitchaya statement, one of her servant burst into the bedroom. “Princess Phitchaya, the King and Queen seeks for you. It seems to be like an important matter, so you should hurry and go see them at the throne hall,” proclaimed to Phitchaya as she kneeled before the prideful princess. Phitchaya felt irritated by her parent’s demand since it was a bothersome for her plannings for tonight. However, she didn’t have much choice to choose from, so she stormed off the bedroom after a huge sigh anger.

The King and Queen showed a smile on as soon as they saw their special princess walked through the entrance door of the throne hall. “My precious daughter, Crown Princess of Honthara, come over here let me tell you something,” demanded the King from his throne as the Queen stood next to him. Phitchaya walked effortlessly towards the King. “Is there something that I can do for you father,” asked Phitchaya when she reached below the small staircase the led up to the throne. “You are now at an appropriate age to get marry. Today there will be many young men from noble classes attending this party, and among those noble men, there is one that stands out the most,” said the King to Phitchaya. “Who is that man that you speak of,” asked Phitchaya as she raised one of her eyebrow up simultaneously. “This man’s name is Athiti Inthurat. He is the eldest son of one of my best retired general, and is known to be a handsome gentlemen with good morals. I’ve requested him to come to the capital for this celebration, so that you have a chance to know him,” answered the King to the anticipating princess.

Phitchaya opened to utter the word, “Father,” but then was rudely interrupted by the servant by the door, who’s job was to announce visitors at the door to the King, when he came through the entrance door. “Princess Chantara has come to visit Your Highness,” said the male servant to the King and Queen with his knee on the ground and head forward. Phitchaya looked fiercely towards the servant, and then to her parents, waiting to hear their response. The Queen turned to face the King, and waited for his answer. Surprisingly, the King told the servant to tell Princess Chantara to come in. The servant quickly got up to his feet and welcomed Chantara into the throne hall.  

Chantara walked towards the throne with a glowing smile, back and chest lifted up high as her sided braid lightly bounced on her right shoulder. In Chantara’s hand, there was a handcrafted Chained Phuang Malai (Chained Jasmine Garland). This stance created jealousness within Phitchaya who was evilly staring at Chantara the whole time when she was walking towards the King and Queen. Knowing Chantara, she dared not to go too close to the staircase where Phitchaya stood firmly. Therefore, she stopped her pace when she reached halfway to the throne. Chantara placed her Chained Phuang Malai in front of her softly as she sat down with both of her legs to the right. She greeted the King and Queen with her hands touching the ground along with her head. She repeated the steps three times; one for her father, one for her mother, and the last one was for her younger sister. Chantara remained in her greeting position for about 30 seconds for she waited for someone to excuse her kindly. However, no one in the throne room cared to excuse Chantara. “What is it that you want,” asked the Queen to Chantara in an irritated voice. The saddened princess quickly raised her head, and dared to look at her royal parents from up high. It was her first time trying to give her handmade Chained Phuang Malai to her mother personally as a gift for her birthday, so she hesitantly grabbed the Chained Phuang Malai before her, and tried to explain to her mother that she personally made it for her mother’s birthday gift. Chantara tried to do so by mimicking the actions that she did in order to make the Chained Phuang Malai, and then held the Chained Phuang Malai towards the Queen direction to show that she was going to give it to the Queen as a birthday present.

The queen understood everything that Chantara demonstrated, but she acted like she didn’t care. The King and Phitchaya continued to stare at Chantara like she was an intruder to the palace. Because Chantara really wanted to give the Chained Phuang Malai, that she worked so hard on for her mother, she bravely stood up with the garland in her hand, and continued to walk towards the throne where the Queen stood timidly. Phitchaya started to fidget her whole body for attention from her mother and father as her face was changing expression each time unattractively.

By the time Chantara reached the staircase, she was so excited because her mom or her dad stopped her. That was the first time ever that she had ever gotten so close to the throne. As Chantara was going to step foot on the bottom stair with her heart beating so fast, her mom’s angry voice scared her off. “Don’t you dare come up here you stupid child!” Chantara backed off immediately. She didn’t want to believe that her mother would be so cold towards her even when she was just there to give her mom a present that she made. Before her eyes, she saw Phitchaya walked passed her and went up to the throne where the Queen stood without any trouble. Chantara saw how welcoming the Queen was towards Phitchaya. The Queen was willing to grab onto Phitchaya’s arm with a mother’s love and hugged her in front of Chantara. The smile that the Queen gave to Phitchaya was something that Chantara never received, and something that she would probably  never be able to get.

Again, the Queen lectured Chantara in her full volume as she held onto Phitchaya, “Only my daughter Phitchaya can come up to the throne. You are just like an outsider, don’t you dare behave like that ever again!” Chantara looked deep into the Queen’s eye then into Phitchaya’s, and then into the king’s. She thought to herself that those three people were probably really meant to be family members because all three of them shared the same expression through their pair of eyes: all of them hated and despised Chantara.

Slowly, Chantara placed the Chained Phuang Malai that she made for her mother on the bottom of the staircase. As she was doing so, there was a pain in , it was the gulp of pain that signifies grieves and sorrows. Chantara tried to manage the incoming tears in her saddened eyes while she turned her back towards her royal family members. She continued to walk towards the door for an exit. Khun Mae ka, I wish you a happy birthday, and I wish you to live a happy life with Khun Phor and Nong Phitchaya. If I am a bothersome to your life, I will just happily stand aside and watch your happiness, that way, we both will have happiness.

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This plot is super good!! Gonna get ready to read it. I definitely see this being produced!
Kpopanimefan #2
I feel so sorry for Chantara because everyone including her family hate her cause she can't talk.
Bassplayer #3
Love! Update soon!
messybunny #4
Chapter 3: Please please please! Update ! I love Thai stories, especially ancient times! Your idea and plot is very mesmerizing. Love it!