
Yoonhyun Heart (one shot collection)
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Hi Guys!,Hope you'll love this stories that popped in my mind
She rested her chin on my shoulder,

It brakes my heart everytime that she'll be like that..
Broken by that damn girlfriend of her..

It feels like my heart is stabbed a thousand times,seeing her lonely,sad,and crying..

"Im Yoona!Im Yoona!"
She slap my arms because of sadness she can feel,she want to release anger by being a sadist to her bestfriend..

"Yes Hyunnie??"
I replied

"It hurts..*sob*"
She said still on the same position..

'you didnt knew,but it also hurt physically and emotionally,when you're bieng like this to me'
I said inside me

"Dont Cry Hyunnie,Just remember what did you're mom always says when where hurt..'Dont Cry,Its your fault',ok?"
I tried to convince her

"But it still hurt Yoongie.."
She replied

I push her aback
I cupped her cheeks and look into her eyes

"Hyunnie,dont cry,have you seen me cry?"
I said

She shake her head

"Then copy me.."
I commanded

*sob* *sob*
she cried again

"Aish hyunnie,what will I do to stop you from crying??"
I said to Seohyun and give her a warm hug
I was happy a bit but much of being sad
And angry to myself because I never manage to confess my feelings

Next Morning...

A phone call wakes me up,but it doesnt belong to me

"Yes Hello?"
Wiping her eyes she answered the phone call without even looking who is calling

I dont know who was the person on the other line,But I realize that it was her girlfriend when I saw a wide smile at her face.

I just went to the bathroom of my room where we stayed all night,not a big deal since we've been like this since highschool and heck we're graduating college this year..

I went straight to my kitchen after doing my personal hygiene,and seeing her still busy with her phone talking to her girlfriend

As I reach the kitchen I cook simple dish for two of us,I eat on my own for I didnt want to bother her conversation,and I used to be like this when she's not sleeping here or visiting me

I cant get out of my bad mood,so I just took a sticky note and right a sentence on it

"Hey!,Eat your breakfast!
I'll just go outside,you can wait for me,or leave if you want.."

I Stick It on my room's door,at the top of the doorknob from inside

I left the house and jog..It's my way of releasing my badmood

I came home to my apartment and after opening It I notice that Seohyun's shoes is not here,I think she already leave

So instead of walking straight to my room I went to kitchen to get some water

I found that the dish is still there,its still the same like earlier,I went to my room thinking if she didnt saw the note,but it wasnt there..

I went back to the kitchen and found the note at the floor

I pick it up and look to the food

I remember what happened last night


"hyunnie I'll tell you something"
I said

I let go of the hug she look at me seriously and stop crying

She said

"I was serious about this.....Hyu

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RunningTRussia #1
Chapter 6: Thanks for this, *-* I liked it so much~
Happy New year to U too
Chapter 5: Good thing it wasnt angst ^_^ love it author
RunningTRussia #3
Chapter 5: yyyyyyyy no one can stole Hyunnie from Yoon *-* ahhhhhhhhh
such a cute couple <3
i liked the fact that Hyun didn't liked Jess sneaking around Yoona
Chapter 4: please update hope you get well fast get well soon!
eunixw #5
Chapter 4: Get well soon!!
RunningTRussia #6
Chapter 3: That was lovely <3 <3 <3
yoongie23 #7
Chapter 3: Aww yoonhyun so sweet...!!