
Misspelling Is Serious Business

Not proofread hahaha cries (probably come back later to do it but no promise)

Donghae loves his job. It’s been two years since he works here, a café near his college. It goes without saying that it helps him to pay for his (very expensive) college fees and he’s also able to send the leftover for his family too, so it’s a very wonderful job.

His colleagues and manager is nice people; there’s Manager Kim Heechul who seems to take a great liking to him to the point of declaring him as his son (which creeped him out initially but he’s long accepted it), Kim Ryeowook who has a sharp mouth and is very useful for chasing out rude customers and Cho Kyuhyun who spends his shift by looking half-awake but is a pretty decent barista.

Working for two years has also made him recognise almost all of the customers coming through and he’s also close with several of them, chatting with them if the café isn’t very busy.

So overall, Donghae is pretty happy with his working life. Except that there’s one obnoxious customer waiting in the queue and Donghae really doesn’t want to serve him.

Because he’s rude. Extremely so. In his two visits, he always talks on the phone and today he’s currently doing that too. Donghae can hear his voice talking with hyung about last month’s marketing report that sales went down so they have to do something and it makes him roll his eyes. He can talk about that later, after he orders his drink properly!

Only he and Ryeowook are working though and Ryeowook is busy making a frapuccino for the last customer so Donghae has to grit his teeth and endure this.

“Thank you so much,” He smiles at the current customer, “Please wait at the counter for your order.”

The businessman walks forward, speaking to the phone to wait a bit before he speaks curtly, “One venti iced chocolate. My name’s Hyuk.” He also doesn’t forget to put the bills in the table with the exact amount. Wow.

Donghae is almost tempted to give this customer a speech that he needs to respect every people, even if he’s still in college and not working full-time yet, but the businessman has returned back to his phone conversation, speaking rapidly about marketing strategy this time.

It’s at this time that Donghae has a brilliant idea. He hands the receipt to the businessman, watching him moving to the counter, before he grabs the venti cup and scribbles the name, intentionally writing it as ‘Huk’ instead of the requested ‘Hyuk’.

He hands it to Ryeowook and keeping an ear out while he serves more customers. Finally Ryeowook finishes the order, calling someone with the name ‘Huk’ and he watches in satisfaction as the businessman doesn’t respond. After the next customer grabs his order, however, the businessman frowns and looks at the cup where the misspelled name is written. He seems to glance at Donghae but Donghae cleverly averts his eyes on time by smiling brightly at the customers he’s serving. The businessman finally shrugs and grabs the cup, walking out with phone pressed onto his ear.


The next time Donghae gets his shift again, the businessman comes again.

He frowns again when he receives his cup with ‘Yook’ written on it, but still let it go. He’s still talking on the phone, voice vaguely audible as he exits the café.


‘Yuck’ is what written on the cup this time. Kyuhyun glances at him when he reads it, but because he doesn’t care and he’s too lazy to ask Donghae what’s up with this, he just shouts the name loudly and clearly.

The businessman half-gapes and immediately gives him a stink eye which Donghae responds with sticking his tongue out. He’s fuming, but Donghae knows he won’t come over to complain because there’s a long queue and if he creates a scene here he’ll lose time to do whatever his business is.

Despite of Donghae’s mischief, however, he still takes the drink and steps outside the café while talking on the phone, a tint of anger in his voice.

Donghae grins.

Kyuhyun frowns and tells him to work instead of grinning like an idiot.


The businessman slams his fist on the desk, shoving the cup impolitely to Donghae’s face once Donghae is cleared of all customers and shouts, “I want to file a complaint!”

Donghae smiles innocuously; the smile that Heechul tells is his greatest weapon that made him unofficially adopted by said person immediately, and replies, “And what would be the problem, sir?”

“What you write here,” He points at the ‘Hyukkie’ scribbled, “Rectify this!”

“Oh?” Donghae gasps with his hand covering his mouth, hoping that he appears to be genuinely surprised, “I probably confuse your name with someone else! Sorry, I don’t think I can correct that, though. You see, the marker here isn’t designed to be written in wet surface, so sorry about that.” Kyuhyun shoots him an incredulous look.

“You have to make a new one since it’s your fault, of course!” The businessman fumes, “You’ve been misspelling my name and it doesn’t happen with the other barista, so you must be intentional in doing that!”

“What kind of misspelling?” Donghae frowns and shows his puppy-eyes face, “Please don’t accuse me recklessly, sir. It’s kind of impolite and rude.”

The businessman seems to be immune of his puppy-eyes face and instead he’s now shaking in anger, clenching the cup so tightly that Donghae’s afraid it’s going to burst, “You-“ He tries, before he huffs again and says, “I’m busy and I have no time for your prank. I’ve been kindly forgive your past mistakes but this is downright ridiculous.”

“If you are busy, sir,” Donghae replies, “By all means, you shouldn’t complaint about this small matter. I’m sure you have other things to be taken care of?”

“Yes, and letting you write more ridiculous names?” He snorts, “I don’t think so. We’re going to settle this and you’re definitely going to write my name properly from now on.”

Donghae snorts too, “Says who?” He smiles mockingly, “You can’t force me because I’m not working under you and if you’re not happy you can go with less complicated names.”

“I tell you, Hyuk is a very common name in Korea and it’s a good name unlike your,” He looks at Donghae’s name tag and smirks annoyingly, “Very ambiguous name. East sea? What’s with the name?”

“It’s a great name!” Now Donghae’s the one who’s angry. No one mocks his name and get out with it, “I’m going to be famous one day that if you google ‘Donghae’, I will be the first one in the search result!”

“Dream on, kid.”


“Yes yes yes, fight is fun!” Someone’s voice interrupts, seemingly cheerful despite of the heated situation, “Anyone want to tell me what happened?”

Both Donghae and the businessman look at the newcomer, who comes from the staff office with spread arms and unreadable smile. Donghae grins, knowing that if Heechul steps into the argument, the businessman won’t be able to rebut back because Heechul has a sharp tongue and won’t hesitate to chew whoever makes his favourites upset.

Before he opens his mouth to explain, however, Kyuhyun yells from the counter, “They are flirting!!”


“Flirting in fighting-like way. New trend in the college, Donghae hyung said.” Kyuhyun continues, a playful smirk on his face that makes Donghae want to hit him, “Got the hots for him for several days already, but you know, hyung’s too shy. Like a shy schoolgirl with his crush.”

“KYUHYUN!” Donghae needs to fix this, especially since the businessman has stared at him like realization dawned on him, and it’s beyond ridiculous now, “Heechul hyung, we’re not- I’m not flirting with him! I don’t even think he’s hot!”

Heechul just lets out a sob (100% fake) with his hands covering his face, “My adorable Donghae… flirting for the first time with a businessman… I support you, my son! Even if your crush isn’t as pretty as me!”

“Hyung, I’m seriously not-“

“Why don’t you guys have a chat?” Heechul pushes Donghae out and drags them both to an empty table, “You have fifteen minutes, Donghae. You’re lucky that today’s the café’s not that crowded, so let Heechul hyung take care of this, yeah?”

“Hyung, please-“ Heechul already leaves him with a finger gun toward the businessman and a wink, as if telling him to go get your crush but honestly Donghae just wants to get out now.

The businessman clears his throat, “So…”

“No,” Donghae snaps, “I’m not having crush on you.”

“I’m actually going to ask why you did this,” He laughs, “Misspelling my name intentionally, I mean. I know your colleague is messing around with you, don’t worry.”

Donghae pouts and suddenly finds the table very interesting, “You just… seem busy. So I’m annoyed because you don’t seem to respect me. I know I’m younger and likely to be less experienced than you, but it’s still rude to talk on your phone while you order.”

The businessman quirks an eyebrow at the explanation and Donghae bears himself to hear an angry shout or something, but to his surprise he only hears a huff and then the businessman’s apologetic tone.

“You’re right,” He agrees quite easily, “Work has been keeping me uptight but it’s not an excuse to be rude. I guess seeing you so amused by writing my name in so many different ways just snaps me although it’s actually not a really big deal. I’ve had my names written wrongly before you, after all. Sorry about that, Donghae-ssi.”

Donghae feels the blush creeping on his face. He doesn’t expect that the businessman will relent this easily and definitely doesn’t even imagine receiving such sincere apology. It doesn’t help that after his anger has subsided, he noticed that the businessman is kind of attractive with his almond-coloured eyes and slick hair. Not to add that the crisp suit looks good on him, accentuating his toned build.

No, no, Donghae won’t make what Kyuhyun said before to be true.

“I’m sorry for my antics as well. Regardless of my customer’s personality, it’s not professional to do so.”

“So we'll forgive each other?"

Donghae grins, “Yes. I promise I’ll write your name properly, Hyuk-ssi.”

“Hyukjae,” The businessman, Hyukjae, introduces himself, “Hyuk is the shortened version because I thought it will be easier for you baristas write it since you’re busy all the time.”

Donghae can’t believe he thought that Hyukjae is an before, “You’re so… thoughtful.”

“Not really,” He shrugs, “Still end up pissing you off, though.”

“Still, it’s nice for you to be considerate, Hyukjae-ssi,” Donghae smiles and accidentally looks at Hyukjae’s drink, “Oh, I should make you another drink as an apology too!”

Hyukjae looks at the drink too, seemingly forgetting that he places it there the entire time they’ve been talking, “No, it’s fine. I should get going anyway, my superior will kill me if I’m late even by one second.”

His phone suddenly rings and he rolls his eyes, “Now there it is. Anyway, nice to meet you, Donghae-ssi,” He stands up, grabbing the drink on one hand and his phone on another, “See you tomorrow, if you’re working.”

“See you too, Hyukjae-ssi!”


“And they live happily ever after. The end.”

“I’m still angry at you, Kyu.”

“No, you don’t. You love me, hyung.”



They didnt even do anything wow so lame
also, hyukjae, chill.


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Chapter 1: Awww that was cute and SHORT. This definitely needs to be a multichaptered fic ㅠ or have a sequel or an epilogue at least ㅠㅠㅠ thank you!
but it was so short cries ;_____; i need moooore of this hot businessman hyuk and barista hae TT i love kyuchul btw ♡
Chapter 1: This is so cuuuuuute oh my god I'm in love with this entire verse haha. Businessman!Hyuk sounds ridiculously hot and Donghae is such a cutie and andnksndkdnsnsbdndb I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. The part where Hae wrote Hyukkie was just too cute ahahahaha omg thank you so much for this cute little story! I'm sad it ended huuuuu this was precious
All hail chokyu! Long live chokyu! Skakfosmflsmdkdir kyuhyun is like my fav side-character in all eunhae's fics bc he's too awesome-- snarky tbh. And Heechul pmsl. STOP GIVING AWAY YOUR /SON/ TO YOUR CUSTOMER (but srsly heechul if you really own a cafe and do that there, i'd sleepover at your cafe just to flirt with donghae- AND I WONT MIND HAVING MY NAME SPELT INCORRECTLY bc nobody knows the correct spelling pf my name anyway heh)
Yes kyu, they live happily ever after.
No, shut up hae dont interrupt.
Chapter 1: Lol.. that's kind of cute ^^
Chapter 1: mooooooreeeeee;;; haha hae being hae and thanks to kyu xD
cc_kouga #7
Chapter 1: Ahaha this is soo cute XD
Childish Donghae and rude Hyukjae, great combination. And snarky kyuhyun deserves a medal for shouting the truth.
Thanks for sharing. :3
Chapter 1: I love kyuhyun. 'Nough said
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 1: hahhaa.. hae is cute and playful...
hyuk just seems bz everytime he order his drinks..

glad that now they r okay...

kyu and hee such a tease.. hehe

Thanks for the story..
