A Blind Beauty.


Its been 2 years since you lost your eye sight and your still trying to adjust with the life of not being able to see anything or anyone.You havnt seen Chanyeol or Byunghun for 2 years now, however you hav made new friends like yura and minhyuk (they know what happened with your dad and they know everything about that night from two years ago) You've been getting bullied by the 'popular rich girl' Sung Ah who is also the daughter of the owner of the CFD company. The teachers don't seem to like u much either since they know about your dad and they are disappointed except for two teachers who really care for you and they are Teacher Kang (Kang Se Chan, a maths and science teacher) and Teacher Cha (Cha Kang Shim, a dress making textiles and music teacher). It was starting to get sunny and summer was coming closer, there were two students who were missing from your class and there was an empty seat next to you and behind you. You usually work a lot with Yura and Minhyuk that you forget that there is a spare seat next to you. Your home room teacher is teacher Kang and he had a morning announcement to make today.

"Alright class, settle down now, as you know we are missing two of our students and some of you may not know them but they used to come here and now they are returning, unfortunately only one of them could come in today, but hopefully the other one will be able to come tomorrow, anyway let me introduce him to you, come in please student." explained teacher Kang, everyone was excited now. And a guy walked in he looked moody but handsome, Yura,Minhyuk and Sung Ah recognised this boy,they were all shocked.

"Hello class, im Lee Byung Hun and i hope we can get on well" he said this looking down and not even looking up once, he said it without emotion as if he didnt even care if he got on well with the classmates or not. All the girls were head over heels for him now, i mean with his good looks no one would be able to resist. As soon as he said his name, Mi Youngs Heart started to beat harder and harder and louder and louder and faster and faster. she didnt know how to react, she either had to cope with the thought of it being the Lee Byung Hun that she knew well 2 years ago or she just had to believe that it was a different person with the same name.She had no clue of who it could be, she thought yura or minhyuk would tell her but Yura told minhyuk not to tell her straight away because it would be too much to handle so they decided that they would tell her when the time is right.

"Alright ByungHun your seat is next to Yura, please sit down now." said Teacher Kang, Teacher Kang was well aware of the childrens past but his aim is to make them happy again and to keep them happy. Yura sat behind Mi Young, meaning that now ByungHun would have to sit behind her too.Minhyuk sat in front of Mi Young. ByungHun looked up to see where his seat is and all he could see was Mi Young. He walked past her and gave her a big cheery smile, not knowing what had happened to her or her dad at all. The teachers werent planning on telling him either because it would just cause more chaos and the big exams were getting closer so they need to focus on studying instead. As they sat through the morning lessons of morality and peace, Byunghun just kept looking at Mi Young, surprised at the fact that she wasnt so happy to see him, he kept kicking her chair,whispering her name and sending notes but it was no use, he just didnt hav her attention at all, well thats what he thought. She actually couldnt stop thinking about him but she wasnt sure if it was the ByungHun that she knew before, she had a feeling it was but she wanted to confirm but she was too afraid to talk to him because he doesnt know about everything that happened to her and she didnt want to tell him. ByungHun had no idea that she lost her eye sight and he just thought that she was mad at him for disappearing for two years without a message or call, which she was a little mad at him but she was more mad at herself because she couldnt attend the funeral of his mother. 

The Lunchtime Bell Rang and all the students ran out! Except for Mi Young and Yura, Mi Young always went upstairs to Teacher Cha's room because she was more like a friend to her than a teacher and she understood the students a lot, she was one of the most loved teacher by the students. Yura would usually take Mi Young and pop in to say hello to Teacher Cha and then she would go and have lunch with minhyuk. Today was a little awkward because ByungHun was quietly following them upstairs until Minhyuk came.

"HYUNG! long time no see, i dont think you ever recognised me before but now i think we can become great friends! Come on, the computering club will love you!"he shouted as he dragged ByungHun downstairs, minhyuk was a bit embarrased because he didnt really like ByungHun since he used to get bullied by him but minhyuk just wanted to help his friends so he dragged ByungHun to the computering club and closed the door."sorry but i need to see Mi Young right now!" said Byunghun as he tried to run for the door but minhyuk shut it closed and forced byunghun to stay. Upstairs Yura left Mi Young with Teacher Cha and quickly ran to a detention she had to attend. Usually Mi Young would always smile and talk a lot with Teacher Cha but today she sat there in despair. "Whats wrong? Did something happen today?Was it Sung Ah again?" asked Teacher Cha. The other teachers kept the fact that the two boys were returning a secret from Teacher Cha because she would always take the students side and try to solve everything out. finally after a long pause, Mi Young was convinced that it was the Lee ByungHun she knew 2 years ago and answered Teacher Cha's questions.

"I think ByungHuns Back" she said.............................................................................................................................................................

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