Play With Me

Club Neverland


I reached Eun Mi's room down the hall. I knocked, "Eun Mi, it's me Kevin. Eli told me to come play with you." she should have been able to hear me, the rooms were pretty far from the floor.
I heard a soft, "Come in, Kevin oppa." And opened the door. Eun Mi was sitting on her bed, looking out the window. Her right ankle was propped up on a pillow, with an ice pack placed on the top of it. She looked beautiful like that. How could anyone think she was ordinary?
"Hello, Eun Mi." I walked up to the bed and sat down next to her gently. "Are you okay? Does it hurt a lot?" I pointed at her ankle.
"Not really. I've sprained it before, it's not that bad. It's just a pain not being able to walk on it while it heals."
If we were in Neverland, I could heal it right now. But we don't have any powers here on Earth.
"So Eli oppa sent you to come play with me?" she asked innocently.
"Yup, what do you want to do, princess?" I whispered in her ear.
"Ummm... I-it's u-up to you, o-oppa.." She stuttered.
"Hmm..." I wrapped my arms around her waist, smelling her hair. I felt her tense up then relax after a little bit. "Well... I can think of many things that we could do for fun..." I huskily whispered in her ear. "Eun Mi-ah, how come your hair smells so good? Smells like strawberries."
She shivered this time, "Umm.. I think... Umm.. It's just my shampoo maybe.."
"You should keep using it, I like it." I turned her face to look at me. "So what do you want to, princess? We can do whatever you want." and I brought my lips closer to hers.
She hesitated, thinking I was going to connect them, but when I didn't, she said, "Kevin oppa, let's just talk instead. Tell me about Neverland. Or about you." 
Aww.. I was hoping for a kiss. It's okay. I let go of her chin, "Arasseo. What do you want to know?"
"Hmmm..." She thoughtfully tapped her lips with her finger, "Let's talk about Neverland. Then we can talk about you. What is Neverland like?"
"Neverland.. Is my home. It is the most beautiful place. Earth does not compare. Most of the time, it's snowing in Neverland, but we can always change it if we want to."
"Ohh, I see. Oppa, just curious what kinds of powers do you guys have in Neverland?"
"Eh? How do you know that?"
"Eli oppa said something about it just now."
"Well... I guess you could say we have a lot of powers in Neverland. It mostly works on imagination. If we want to heal something and we imagine it, then it will be healed. However, we do have other powers too. But you're too innocent to hear it." I grinned.
Her jaw just dropped. And I could see trying to figure out what I meant by that. "So that's what Eli oppa means too."
"Yeah, he said when we're in Neverland and you have your powers, I won't be able to resist any of you. So there must be something you guys can do, really well, to attract girls or something..." Her voice faded at the end, as she was thinking.
She was right, in Neverland, we could control people. Put them in a trance and have them obey our every command. At the same time, all of our charm was at least doubly effective in Neverland, from our looks to our husky voices. All we had to do was ask. But I didn't want to tell her that, she was too innocent for that. "Hmm.. I guess so. We do have a power like that."
"So... If I stay with you guys here, nothing will happen right? I mean I'm innocent, I can't be corrupted yet."
Heh. She started it. I leaned in close again, "Eun Mi-ah, we would never do anything bad to you." She let out a sigh of relief. But I continued, "However, if you ask us to, then that's a total different story. You can always ask me for anything, princess." I saw the shivers run down her spine.
"Aish, Kevin oppa. You and Eli have way too much charm for your own good. It won't always work on me, okay?"
She stuck her tongue out at me, oh how I wanted to kiss her. "Eun Mi, we shall see. Anyway, what do you want to know about me?"
Taken aback at the sudden change of subject, she had to pause and think for a while.
"Umm.. I want to know what was the last thing you did back home to a girl?"
She really wanted to know that? "Umm.. It's really bad, Eun Mi. Are you sure you want to know?"
"Ye, oppa. I plan on asking everyone what happened to them that the witch found out about."
"Umm... Okay..."
Author's Note:
Update! Woot Woot!
haha. their play date so far ;)
idk if i plan on doing anything yet... maybe i should do another poll too ;)
who gets Eun Mi's FIRST kiss? haha. maybe maybe :D i'll think about it :D
please vote btw :D
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asunainkpopland #1
Chapter 43: This was such a good story, I really enjoyed it (though i was a little late to the party it seems) I'm off to check out the sequel now :D
Chapter 43: Amazing!!! Can't believe I just stumbled upon your story after being in AFF for quite some time now! Okay, so now off to read the sequel...I'm so excited! :D
I really like this story .

I keep on repeating this story and the sequel .
Chapter 31: ohh my god!!! I had started reading this fic some time ago... and i left it like in chapter 30... and all of a sudden i remember it now and THANK LORD I FOUDN IT!! i loved the plot in here, so ill be reading what ive missed!!!
can't wait for them! <3 :D
Rianne2580 #7
@momo343 :) hehe :3 I will have two stories featuring him coming up soon :) I hope. XD
soohyun is my ultimate bias too <3333
Rianne2580 #9
@Soohyuns_Kissme realllyy? :o I'm so glad~ This was actually one of my first ones... :o Thank you so much<3
OMG I love this so much. Very well written, the best fanfic i have read so far :)