Step Into My World

Club Neverland


{Eun Mi}

I decided to wait for the club to fill up before I went down. This time there was always one of the boys close by. I guess AJ told the rest of the them about what happened last night. I took off the jacket I had on earlier too so it was only the strapless dress. Which I believe caused more concern in the boys' eyes.


The club filled up rather quickly, so I decided to let them know I was going to dance, at the time Dongho was the one supervising me. I walked over to him.


"Dongho oppa~ I want to go dance... Can I go?" I pleaded.


"Arasseo, try NOT to run into drunk people. Soohyun hyung, Eli hyung, and Kevin hyung should be on the dance floor ready to watch out for you. Eli is probably showing off his body but not dancing. He never dances." Dongho said a little cockily.


"Really? I wonder how come..." I walked away to the floor.



The reason why Eli hyung doesn't dance with anyone is because he wanted to wait for you Eun Mi.

We all did.

But Eli hyung the most, waiting caused him to be colder though, he grew impatient.

I know you will have to work hard to help Eli hyung, but please don't give up on us Eun Mi.



Ughh, all these girls kept wanting to touch me. How bothersome. None of them were even good-looking.

We already found Eun Mi, why did we have to keep the club running?






Fake a smile, Eli.


Tonight will be over soon enough.


"Oppa, you have such a great body!! Can I touch your abs??" A shy girl came by and giggled.


Fake a smile, Eli. "Sure.." I turned to face her. She rubbed her hand up and down. It had no effect on me, but it seemed to make her the happiest girl in the world.

"Thank you, oppa!!" she ran off.


Ugh, thank god she's gone. I can't believe I have to stay on the dance floor all night.



Eli sees a girl in a black dress across the dance floor wearing a black lace mask with rubies at the outer eye corners.



There's only one mask like that because I made it back in Neverland for fun.


That means one of my brothers gave Eun Mi the mask to wear tonight.


How dare they do that!!


Without my permission!!


But I have to admit the mask matched her perfectly like I had made it for her.


{Eun Mi}

I caught Eli looking at me from across the dance floor. He still had this pull on me, my legs started on their own towards him.


One of the boys decided to make a joke out of it and there were spotlights on both of us.


We met in the middle of the dance floor.


And the spotlights became one.


Eyes still locked on each other, we started dancing to On the Floor.



She found my eyes and caught me. It was almost as if she pulled me towards her just as much as I pulled her towards me.


Stupid brothers put on a spotlight on us. Great, hopefully we don't have another incident like yesterday.

She was really the one. I started dancing the moment we met, Dongho decided to play my favorite song, On the Floor.


~Girl, step in step into my world~


In sync with each other, her back to my chest we danced. I have never felt this way before. Sure, I used to dance with girls all the time back home but it was like Eun Mi fit into me perfectly. And I didn't even have to tell her which way to move, she just did.


We weren't necessarily grinding but it wasn't that innocent either. She was the one, I will be nice to her from now on, she has proven it to me. The song ended so we stopped dancing to just go back to staring instead. If we were in Neverland, I would have froze time right there. For at least a little while.


All good things must end right, the shy girl pushed Eun Mi.. But this time I couldn't save her from spraining her ankle.


"Jealous people these days." I glared at the girl and picked up Eun Mi bridal style so I could take her to ice her foot. She was actually pretty light, I could carry her forever if I wanted.


I ignored all the jealous girls in the club watching me, but who were also appreciating my muscles in action.


I walked into the empty first aid room, and placed Eun Mi on the island while I got the ice pack and held it against her foot.


"Aish, maybe I should just wear high tops when I dance.."


"That might actually be a good idea, especially since you will dance with all of us."




"Yeah since you danced with me, Hoon, and Kiseop already. The others will be jealous. So later you will have dance with them to be fair."


"Ah, arasseo. More girls hating me.. Definitely high tops tomorrow." She murmured.


"Eun Mi... Don't worry about those girls, I promise we will protect you here and in Neverland." I leaned in close so she could see how true it was.


{Eun Mi}

Eli was being really sincere and nice to me right now. I was a little surprised but at least he's warmed up to me.

"Arasseo, Eli oppa. You promised, can't back out now."



Eun Mi accidentally brushed her fingers along my abs and I groaned. She looked at me shocked, "Mian he, you touched my abs.. And it was nice, different from when those other girls do it."


And it was, her fingers touching me just felt so good and right. And it wasn't like she put a lot of pressure to cause the reaction. It just happened.


"Eh? Jinja Eli oppa?" She reached over to brush her fingers over them again, and again, I let out a groan.


"Eun Mi, please stop doing that. I can't handle it and help you at the same time."


"Oh.. Arasseo... Mian he, Eli oppa.. It was just interesting."


I leaned in close to her again, brushing my lips against hers, "I'm sure I can think of more interesting things.." I whispered huskily.


I saw her shiver, still got my bad boy charm.


"Eli oppa, no wonder all of you were good at getting girls. Your charm is really effective." I smirked. "But don't think it will always work on me." She stuck out her tongue.


Gosh, she was cute. "Heh. We'll see about that. In Neverland, when we have our powers, you won't even be able to stand a chance."


She stuck out her tongue again, I put the ice pack back in the fridge, and picked her up carrying her to her room. "Stay here I will get someone to come play with you. I have to go back. By the way, who gave you that mask?" I started walking towards the door.


"This one? Umm. AJ oppa let me pick the one I wanted, and I picked this one. Wae yo?" she answered.


"No reason. Just curious." Time to lecture AJ.. I closed the door.. But first I think I'll get Kevin to play with her.


Author's Note:

Hello. okay sorry for the really long chapter.. :D

also.. sorry for the ever-changing POV... it was just i tried to get Eli and Eun Mi's thoughts at the same time. without being a narrator.. haha. :D

anyway what do you think? Eli.. is fixed.. somewhat.. still a bit of a bad boy... :D

so who should I help next? Kevin? Dongho? Hoon? Soohyun?

since Kiseop and AJ are already winning.. I plan to bring them back later :D

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asunainkpopland #1
Chapter 43: This was such a good story, I really enjoyed it (though i was a little late to the party it seems) I'm off to check out the sequel now :D
Chapter 43: Amazing!!! Can't believe I just stumbled upon your story after being in AFF for quite some time now! Okay, so now off to read the sequel...I'm so excited! :D
I really like this story .

I keep on repeating this story and the sequel .
Chapter 31: ohh my god!!! I had started reading this fic some time ago... and i left it like in chapter 30... and all of a sudden i remember it now and THANK LORD I FOUDN IT!! i loved the plot in here, so ill be reading what ive missed!!!
can't wait for them! <3 :D
Rianne2580 #7
@momo343 :) hehe :3 I will have two stories featuring him coming up soon :) I hope. XD
soohyun is my ultimate bias too <3333
Rianne2580 #9
@Soohyuns_Kissme realllyy? :o I'm so glad~ This was actually one of my first ones... :o Thank you so much<3
OMG I love this so much. Very well written, the best fanfic i have read so far :)