My Old Friend Choi

My Old Friend Choi




Hey, Hello. How are you, my old friend Choi?

I feel like today’s kind of tedious and I still don’t know what to call you –except for my old friend Choi. I don’t think I should think of something for your name. It’s a slippery slope if I give you a name but –oh sh**. I’m talking to you again. I need to stop, I need to stop, old friend. I can’t be listening to you and all of your blabbers. But damn, old friend, I’m so besotted with you I can kill myself for you. I’m going to stop but I must ask you, do you always play your Baroque Symphony this good? Because it starts to stuck inside my veins and I can’t get it out.


Old friend, I’m going numb. I can’t stop myself.

The lights are going down and I’m still so very fixated with you.


I said I was going to stop but f**k the mossy, full of absolutism land I am living in, I found myself talking to you again.

Oh old friend, I have been called, I have been called by you. The sky turns darker every second of my life. This devastation finally begins. The fights and the battles. I can see the animosity coming down my way and the hard times waiting for me on the other end of the bridge.


What should I do, old friend? What should I do?

I can’t be listening to you.


Your time is now, now is the only chance, you said the second before I ran from the bridge.

My old friend, I can’t listen to your baloney.


The lights are going down in every inch of the road as I play the Polish Roulette with my head, old friend. I walk the road in silence as I see the abattoirs expunge the soul of the people who have strong leverage of the baton, old friend. I bump into the chaperones, old friend, and they holler, I am only a slave in this beguiling debauchery, Master! Save me, save me, Master!

What can I do, old friend?

I am only a daisy in the middle of rose field, I don’t have the baton to hold. I am just an anonymous living in this perennial impoverishment. I am just the limbs of the people who play God.


You have the baton, you do it, you said again vigorously that time.


And now here I am, selling my country to our neighbour, exposing everything in aflutter, jeopardising the identity of mine to the old, dusty world.


They are laughing triumphantly, my old friend Choi, as I asked myself why I listened to you and betrayed the land of my very own country.





Kkkk actually this is a challenge my friend asked me to do, the theme is betrayal but I changed some of it to post it in aff. I don't think I should add some more chapters, should I? XD

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