A Night at Taemin's

The Little Things


Taemin had invited Onew over to his house. The dorm was potentially boring so the two went to his house to relax. They were both sitting on the couch watching Minho's drama Medical Top Team. Neither of them were amused.
"At least his acting improved." Onew remarked. 
"Yea he did. That scene where his first love died was really good." Taemin agreed. He inched closer to Onew. "But the drama itself is sooo boring."
"I know right? Let's watch something else."
Taemin grabbed the remote and changed the channel. He channel surfed until he stumbled upon Key's We Got Married
"Hyung, Key's on TV!"
"Noooo really?" Onew replied sarcastically. Taemin hit him with a pillow. "When are we ever not on TV?"
"I'm just saying." Taemin mumbled and looked back at the TV. He looked at Key's on-screen wife. "Oh look, it's that Japanese model. Isn't she like 4 years younger than him?" 
"Yup. That's her. But hey, it's not like they're actually getting married." He paused to watch the program. "She's pretty cute, not gonna lie."
Taemin looked back at Onew with fiery eyes. He moved as close to him as possible and rested his head on his hyung's shoulder. 
Onew chuckled. "What are you doing?"
"What? I can't relax in the comfort of my own home?" He hooked his arm in Onew's and watched the show.
Onew chuckled. He didn't know what Taemin was thinking, but if this was the maknae's way of 'relaxing', then he surely had no problem with it. 
Taemin remembered something. "Hyung, Key's birthday is coming up. Are we gonna do something?"
"If we're not busy that day we can throw him a party."
"Who's gonna make the cake?"
Onew glared at Taemin. "Who says we're gonna make it?" 
Taemin laughed. "If we make it we'll be sick for days. Weeks even." No one could compare to Key when it came to cooking. 
Taemin snuggled closer to Onew. Onew couldn't help but smile at Taemin, who doubled the size of his eyeballs and blinked rapidly. "Why are you so cute right now?"
Taemin let out an exaggerated yawn. "It's from all the practicing for my solo. The choreography is (unsurprisingly) intense. I practiced a lot without eating. I lost a lot of weight too. Just look at this!" He raised his arm to the leader's eyes. 
Onew easily pushed it aside. "No offense Tae, but you were always that skinny."
"Shut up."
"Hey don't talk like that to your hyung."
Taemin mehronged Onew. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. He stood up from the couch and crouched down to pull something from underneath. He sat back up on the couch with a big sack. 
Onew raised his eyebrow. "What's that?"
Taemin smiled naughtily and pulled two large brown blunts out of the bag. Onew snickered. "How long have you had that?"
"A while."
Onew sighed. "Are you serious?"
"Come on, this is the purest pot you'll ever find. One night won't be that bad. What do you say?" Onew shook his head in doubt. Taemin put one of the blunts between his teeth. "Suit yourself." He pulled out a box of matches and lit a match. He use the lit match to light the end of his blunt and then waved it in the air to extinguish it. 
Onew leaned back on the sofa while Taemin took a puff from his blunt and peacefully let the smoke escape his lips. The calming effect of the pot overtook him. He closed his eyes as he wallowed in the serene daze. He casually raised his legs to rest them on the arm rest and simultaneously leaned back. He was supported by Onew's body. 
"Ayaya~" Onew whined. 
Taemin blew out more smoke and let out relaxed deep breaths. "Are you sure you don't want?" He turned to face Onew. Taemin took another puff and slowly blew the smoke right into Onew's face. Onew closed his eyes for a brief moment, when the all too familiar and relaxing aroma met his nose, taking him back to that familiar nirvana he had longed for. 
"Gimme one." Taemin eagerly handed him a blunt and lit it for him with another match. He calmly puffed and exhaled smoke rings. 
It had been a long time since Shinee had smoked weed. They were not the only idols who had done drugs before. For Shinee though, they only did weed occasionally. They luckily never got addicted to them. It was more of a infrequent stress reliever than an obsession. 
A half an hour of smoking and desultory conversation later, the room was full of white smoke and the two were beyond stoned. Their imaginations were running wild and they were hallucinating left and right. They were sprawled across the couch. 
"Taeminah~ the walls are closing in on us~"
"You...Hyung you look a mess"
"You look a mouse."
"Taemin why do you drink so much~ you're not nice when you're drunk."
"Uh- Jinki-" Normally the members would not be allowed to call Onew 'Jinki', but he was too stoned to care. "You have five eyes~ and three lips...kekeke"
"Taemin, you're so small. You're nothing but a baby"
"Hyung I'm hungry. Do we have any more of that ddeokbokki? I want it on ice cream."
"Shut up and let me sleep."
Onew was sitting up with his back to the arm rest. Taemin was lying on top of his body, his head resting on Onew's chest. 
"Hyung, I wanna try something."
"What Taemin? It's so hot."
"I wanna try it."
"Then do it."
Without thinking twice, Taemin slowly (due to his stoned out state) sat up and turned around to face Onew. Onew was too relaxed to focus on Taemin and question what he was doing. This worked out in Taemin's favor because it allowed him to crawl closer to Onew and caress his neck without a fight. Without thinking twice, he pulled Onew's face toward his as his own moved forward, and crashed their lips against one another. 
The made every movement and sign of skinship more intense than if they were not drugged. The kiss felt out of this world. It was a feeling that was never before experienced. 
Onew pulled back slightly. "You didn't like it?" Taemin asked, too stoned to actually feel his embarassment. 
Onew slowly opened his eyes. "No. I just don't like being on bottom." He whined with a devilish smile stretching across his face.
Taemin smirked. "Then you should've acted first old man."
Onew smirked back. "You shut up pretty boy." Hoping to end the conversation right then and there, Onew pulled Taemin by the neck into a longer, deeper kiss. Taemin wrapped his arms around the old man's neck, pulling him closer. He impulsively straddled the elder's waist, forcing the latter to lie down on the couch. 
Taemin started grinding on Onew's crotch. They continued making out until the effects of the pot overtook them further, causing them to pass out on the couch, with Taemin on top of Onew. Although perhaps it wasn't really the pot that fueled their actions. 
hiii!!!! i almost finished this chapter last night but i had to sleep and get up early (today) so i couldnt. but it's done now!! :DDD 
Just as a reminder i said before this fic is gonna be really short in comparison to A New Kind of Love (in fact, the end's coming soon! in idk how many chapters but pretty soon) and there MAY be some later on but once again I'm NOT promising anything so don't keep your hopes up.
as always: upvote, share, comment below, subscribe and show love for my other fic: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/958794/a-new-kind-of-love-choiminho-key-kimkibum-minho-minkey-romance-shinee
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nacchanthecloud #1
Chapter 10: Awwww this is cute! Sweet and funny ♡
Chapter 10: Such a cute and fluffy ending with Ontae and Minkey
Chapter 10: Omg the way Ontae told Minho and Jonghyun they were dating was the best! And I'm glad Minkey got back together again, after the misunderstanding
Chapter 10: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY that was amazing, I love it, I'm so glad that MinKey got back together, and that OnTae got together too, keke; love how they told Jonghyun and Minho, lol I wonder how Key would react, fantastic job hun.
Chapter 8: Yeah!!;!!! Some ontae development!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: KYAAAA a date! OMG ontae is coming! But will minkey ever get back together??? I hope so!
AsianLunatic #7
Chapter 7: #_# what has been discovered cant be undone. sanity lvl at 33%....
Chapter 7: Oh. My. God.
Chapter 6: I'm glad Taemin got that idea out of Jinki's head. But it's still so sad for minkey
Chapter 5: WHAAAT!?!? Jinki, SHINee needs you! Your members need you!!
Author-nim why you gotta make Jinki think like that??? My hearttt I can't