Let Me Hold You Once More (One-Shot)


Jaejoong met Taehee as he was running away from crazy fans. She was different from all the the girls he had been used to. The two had so much in common. Jaejoong falls in love with her and when he has the courage to tell her, Taehee tells him she's leaving. In just one day. Jaejoong, furious, tells her the exact opposite of his feelings and storms off to his house. The clock ticks and with it Jaejoong remembers the day he met the woman that changed his life.



  Opening his eyes, he jumped off his bed and checked the time. Grabbing his jacket, he ran out of his room and left the apartment. 

When he reached the parking lot, he got into his car and the engine. Not caring about the world, he drove as fast as he could and hoped he would make it.

Perhaps it was the best thing for her to leave; he was not the best person in the world for her. Yes he loved her immensely, but his career made everything complicated.


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Visiting old fics!
Awww this is just sooo sweet♡
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
Crystalls #4
sweeet and touchinggg T_T<br />
would you do a sequel? <br />
i wanna see more! :DDD
leedictator #5
Naww, I love this ~! It`s so sweet! (:
flirtygurl23 #7
Yeah it's because my teacher assigns us stories that we have to use 15 college vocabulary words and lately I just make korean love-stories. My teacher makes fun of me, but whatever. Koreans are AWESOME. A lot of my friends from school were like, will there be a sequel? thanks :)
Short & sweet. ;)

A little mysterious too- I like that. It would have been nice to read more about JJ and Tahee's relationship though.
msallodds #9
This is sweet..
But it's sad that they can't be together ):