Look At The Snow

Look At The Snow

It was 3 AM and Jin was tired as . All he wanted to do was curl up in bed beside Yoongi and that's what he did. Until he rolled over and felt the cold, empty bed instead of his tiny boyfriend's warm body. The boy let out a low groan, getting out of bed and dragging the covers with him behind his back like a cape. 

Jin was officially a burrito of tiredness. 

He dragged himself down the stairs, and he was surprised at how he didn't fall to his death, considering his eyes were half closed and it was fairly dark in the house. Stepping onto the wooden boards of the first floor, Jin rubbed the sleep from his eyes but his eyes remained the same. He checked the living room but Yoongi wasn't there. He managed to navigate to the kitchen, only bumping into a chair once. 

"- Sorry-" He quickly made a right turn, a little burn on his side from the collision. Another low groan left his mouth and he trudged to the next room. When he was met by darkness and silence, he was about to give up, mumbling something along the lines of "For s sakes, all I wanted to do was cuddle up with Yoongi but no, he had to-" 

Jin had turned his head to face what he assumed was the staircase, but he found himself staring at the back of his boyfriend's body in front of the clear glass door leading to the backyard. Feeling his body move involunteerily, Jin walked up behind Yoongi, arms wrapping themselves around his waist and head resting on his shoulder. Silence passed and the only thing heard was the clock ticking slowly. 

"Look at the snow, Jin. It's so... White." Yoongi explained breathlessly. Jin merely chuckled, and he was right in some ways but the way he worded it was just so... Him. "Yeah..." He replied just as breathlessly, "It's beautiful..."

Jin felt him nod and that was all it had to take to bring a sleepy smile to his face. Placing a soft kiss to his temple, Jin muttered "Let's go back to sleep." quietly, sleep washing over him once again. 

Yoongi nodded, taking one last look at the white masterpiece in front of him before turning around, joining Jin in his burrito of tiredness. 

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Chapter 1: This is pretty.. Awwhh