
i've finally reached your heart

I thought writing a (very) short prologue of their first meeting would be best before jumping into the story. I will post the first chapter in a bit, it's taking me longer than I hoped to write it all so I'm not posting the prologue and first chapter at the same time like I originally intended to. Thank you those who have subscribed, and I hope you all enjoy reading! (;w;)/

Myungsoo knows there is no such thing as a perfect person, yet on his first day of high school, he is proven wrong. 

It’s March, flowers are just blooming, and the early morning breeze is calming. The route to school is peaceful, without a single person crossing his path. It gives him time to think and relax his nerves about the upcoming school year. New school, new people, a new beginning. Myungsoo spent his in elementary and middle school years in solitude and his biggest fear is repeating the same in high school. This is his time to shine and finally achieve what he’s always longed for: companionship. It’s been difficult to gain that in the past because of his reputation amongst his classmates, he doesn’t want to scare people away anymore.

He spots someone down the block, and as Myungsoo gets closer, he realizes they’re both wearing the same uniform. He’s a boy, tall and lanky, and his back is facing Myungsoo. He’s standing in the middle of the block, absently looking around. Maybe he’s lost? Myungsoo wants to ask, but the knot in his throat expands as he approaches him.

He doesn’t want to sound stupid or scare the boy away, but he does want to help. Myungsoo holds his breath as he walks up to him.

“U-um, excuse me?”

The boy turns around, and when their eyes meet, Myungsoo feels a tingle in his gut. His cheeks flush and he takes a step back. 

Their eyes lock and the boy tilts his head.

Breathe in.

“I-if you’re on your way to Kitahoro High School, you just have to take the left path down this road.” 

Breathe out.

The boy looks at the direction Myungsoo is pointing, then turns his head back to him, and smiles, “Thank you!”

Myungsoo cannot fathom his joy right now because for the first time, he receives a smile and thank you. A surge of hope kindles inside of him, one that had lost its light years ago, because for once in his life, he did not hear an apology. 

“Of course!” Myungsoo’s voice hitches higher than usual. Of course that’d happen.

The boy must have noticed too, yet maybe it’s not a bad thing because the moment his smile widens, Myungsoo swears it’s the most gorgeous thing and he wants to see it again and again.

The boy extends his hand, “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Lee Sungyeol.” 

Myungsoo’s heartbeat increases and heat crawls at the back of his neck. His nerves intensifies when they shakes hands, “I-I’m Kim Myungsoo.” 

Sungyeol’s beams brighter and Myungsoo’s heart lifts. Never has anyone smiled at him like that or made him this happy, perhaps high school will bring new experiences, just like this.

This is the beginning of the many firsts Lee Sungyeol will give Myungsoo.

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bommiecornie #1
Chapter 1: Kimi no todoke is love. KazehayaxSawako is love. LeesungyeolxKimmyungsoo is super duper love. Can't wait the next chapter.
geegeesmiley #3
Chapter 1: This seems like a fun read. Kimi ni Todoke is one of faves, and the prologue was adorable. Can't wait till you update! :)
wintersugar #4
Chapter 1: soo is adorable :3 (and i imagined sungyeol in his current perm tilting his head and being all cute in this)
soo_aegi #5
Chapter 1: Gosh I loves kimi no todoke too!
Chapter 1: YOU POSTED!! wails oh my god this is the cutest thing, myungsoo's so precious ;___; i can't wait for the first chapter and to see how myungsoo and sungyeol's relationship develops, i'm excited!! ;w;
Sungyeollo #7
Surely gonna read this. Gawd. Kimi Ni Todoke is one of my favorite anime!