The Devil Indeed

The Innkeeper

"The name bothers me" Xiumin's words rang in her ears.

"Well, it's just a name. And we need to stay somewhere. It's late" said the matter-of-fact Kyungsoo.

"Class president much?" muttered Luhan. Baekhyun was too busy trying to identify the possible signs of bloodshed.

"I think we should go in before Baekhyun tries to become a detective" said Aera. It wasn't the first time that the older boy had been trying to identify bloodshed around 'suspicious' places.

"I completely agree" said Lay. He looked worried. "Anymore delaying will have 50 years knocked off of our lives having Baekhyun trying to be a detective."

"AYYY!" yelled Baekhyun back. He probably woke up the entire population within a 50 mile radius.

The small group headed towards the rustic inn.

It was peaceful and quiet. Small yellow lanterns hung near the neat yellowstone walls, and a few potted plants sat nearby.

"No bloodshed. No murder. No ghosts." chanted Baekhyun.

"Shut up" said Luhan, and the two instantly started -slapping each other.

"CUT it out" snapped Kyungsoo. "We're going to an inn and the best thing you can do is prove to the innkeeper that we're criminals that are also drunk and are currently attending kindergarten."

Xiumin hesitatantly knocked on the door.

It creaked open.

Suddenly, a woman with huge glasses and blonde hair set in curlers appeared, wearing a pink bathrobe.

Her husband, a very tall man wearing a neatly pressed suit stepped forward.

"Well, hello kids" the woman greeted, something about her 'I-am-Barbie-or-else' smile drawing them in, "Welcome to The Devil. Pay in the morning. Bed and Breakfast. Rooms up on the second floor, third corridor to the left, make a right turn. Girls and boys sleep separately. I'm Tiffany. Right now, there's no time, follow me. It's your bedtime. Holler if you need anything. "

Aera was unnerved. Sleeping separately. Well, it wasn't like the boys weren't erts. But she at least wanted some company.

"Uh......" Xiumin started, before the man cut them off "Off you go."

"'kay' replied Lay cheerfully as the group of six headed towards the stairs, each carrying a small bag.

They started up the polished mahogany. 

"This house is a lot bigger than it appears" said Kyungsoo. 'It's strange."

"Well, I don't get how a small inn can fit these rooms and all. It's weird all right." said Luhan.

"LET"S GO TO SLEEP" screamed Baekhyun.

Lay had to wrestle Baekhyun down to the floor before he woke up eveyrone in the hotel.

There were very few people.

"I'll sneak into your room" said Aera, stifling a yawn as she headed into her room. Xiumin nodded.

"ert" said Baekhyun.

Aera replied by chucking her suitcase at him.


"There's nothing wrong so far.." said Kyungsoo when the boys went into their room.

They unpacked, leaving their suitcase open on the floor.

Just when they were going to sleep, Baekhyun caught a red stain on the bedsheets.

"Bloodstain!" he shrieked.

Xiumin whipped his head around as a bloodcurdling scream rose from the next room.








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babyxoo #1
i might need to start reading this lOL looks really well written