Loving You
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I still can't believe that I actually did that yesterday. And I think this is what I've got for being rude. I am the topic of all the girls and boys here. They are staring at me like they want to kill me right now. I forgot to tell you that Jongwoon is popular here,not just because he is a bully but he is also handsome. Aside from being good looking guy there is nothing more.

"Hi.Wookie", someone appeared on my side. I almost had a heart attack when I saw who the person is.
"Hey,Sungmin", I greeted back with such a low voice.
"How are you?Still breathing with those looks around?", he ask playfully and point out everybody.
"Guess I'm lucky", I answered almost whisper.
"Well,anyways, good job yesterday", he wink at me then immediately run away.
I just shook my head and continue walking.I hear some whispers around me when I am near my room.
" oh my ! I can't believe he really did that!,"
"He's that boy",
" yes he is!"
"He's dead!"
I just bowed my head then continue walking.I just want to reach my room peacefully but I guess that's impossible.
I hear a girl running while squeling her out.
"Oh my goodness! You won't really believe this guys but I really saw him.he's soooo fricking hot and gorgeous! I think I'm gonna die!!" The girl exaggeratedly report to the group of girls outside. I just walk faster because I have an idea who are they talking about. 'Aish stupid Wookie..look what happen!you make a big chaos' I thought and mentally slap my face. But as they say 'Repent is aways at the end'
I reach my room and immediately sit on my chair. Not long after Mr.Park came. He starts teaching but was interrupted by a knock on the door. All our heads turned to the door and shock is an understatement. It's Jongwoon but definitely different. I look around and found my classmates looking at Jongwoon.
"Yes Mr.Kim?" Mr.Park ask nicely.
"I need to talk to him." He seriously said and pointed at me.
I gulp but seriously my mouth can't stop.
"Can't you ask more nicely?he's a teacher so you must respect him." I bit my lip after I said those words.'you're so dead ,Wookie!' I thought but I was shock when hisnface softened and he talk smoothly.
"Mr.Park,can I excuse Mr.Kim, please?"
He ask and Mr.Park's smile is as wide as this^_____________^.
"OK,sure.Mr.Kim  you're excuse." He said.I stand up and went to Jongwoon. I gave him an awkward smile.But he seemed like a stone there so I hold his hands and pull him to the garden. I clapped my hands in front of his face and that's when he move.
"Ahm.." He just said and clear his throat.His face turn to our hands which are still tangled to each other.I immediately pull my hand and bowed down.
"Why are we here?," he asked after a couple of awkward minutes.
"You said you want to talk to me so I assumed that you don't want others to hear what are you going to say to me so I bring you here " I explained and he just nod.
"So what are you going to say?" I ask again and he's face turns to red.
"Ah yeah about that.....ahm.." He can't talk straight and he's soo cute so I pinch his cheeks.
"You're so cute!" I said and he even blushed more.I just smile.
"Ahm.what can you say?" He suddenly ask.
"Say about what?" I ask him because I don't know what he's talking about.
"About this." He said but not pointing everywhere so I can't pinpoint what he's talking about.
"I don't know why you're talking about.Seriously." I said and after that he raised his face and that's when I notice that his hair I not that long. No piercings no lipsticks and he look so clean right now. But still he has eyeliner.
"I-i put just a little eyeliner maybe you won't mind it." He softly said.
"Wow!! See I told you you're handsome. Many girls will knel in front of you now that you look like that." After I said those his face darkened and he went closer to me.
" you know I didn't do this just to attract girls, you know I do this because this is all you want.You tod me to be like this so you will agree to be my date on the ball."he said with so much power.I feel kinda scared so I take a step back. He seemed to notice it and his face softened again.
"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to scare you.C'mon let's go.I'll bring you back to your room." He said then he hold my hand which really shock me.
We walk in silence but after a minute I talk.
"Hey I'm sorry if you were forced to do that.I didn't expect that you will follow all what I said. But I will never take back my words because I mean it. " I said softly.I feel his hand pressed against mine which give me the electric feeling spread through out my body. But I like the feeling.
"It's OK I understand. You're s role model student here in our school and dating me on the ball will totally ruin it." He answer and its feels really different to talk to him this smoothly.
"It's not that. I know since the first grade.you've been my classmate for a very long time and that is not the Jongwoon I know.I am just going

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1641 streak #1
Chapter 2: I really like this enemy to lovers concept. A pity this story seems to be canceled. It started so nice and Yewook's development was adorable to read. It's sad we would never get the ending here. My Yewook heart is crying. But thank you for keeping the chapters here ❤️
1641 streak #2
Chapter 1: A nice start for this story. I like the plot of Yesung acting as jerk with a secret crush on Wookie. And Ryeonggu as bold and sassy counterpart is really adorable. Thank you for sharing ❤️
pearlblue_15 #3
Chapter 2: PLEASE UPDATE!!! ㅠㅠ
tinasrf #4
Chapter 2: nice chapter ^^
Chapter 2: good present, yesung is really good to choose. Hihihiihihi~ don't be awkward guys even meet tgt. But they r so cute.
Crazy yesung falling in love with ryeowook :D :D
tinasrf #6
Chapter 1: I realy love Yewook's Story thank you chingo ^^
Abhirami #7
Chapter 1: your title made me think about KRY's song 'loving you'. Anyway the story is cute.. keep it up
Chapter 1: ryeowook really so cute even like tho. Ahhaha don't you dare thought even ryeowook could not be so scary even anger guys, he could be soft but not even anger :D
yah you should changes yesung !!! Go go go