
Not a friends since beginning

Couple days passed since Ji Ahn confessed to stop his onesided love. And I don’t know why but I can’t see his eyes straight. I can’t even see my sister eyes. I got something wrong with my self. This is wrong.


“unnie... Unnie... unni!” eun bi finally snapped at her sister

I starled for a second, but “YA! Why you yelled at your unnie, huh?!”

“I keep calling you but you just keep daydreaming there.. why? Is there something happen?” her clear eyes full of curiosity and worried.

“who do you think you’re talking to?” I sneered

“but.. unnie just keep acting weird since that night! What’s wrong? Why can’t you tell me?”

“that night? When? What about me being weird?” This is new to me, i didn’t realize i’ve been acting weird

“when you come home with that medal.. “ she softly answered

That night? What is it?

I unconsiously gulp, and my body feeling a bit cold

What is it? Why i don’t like to remember that night?

“unnie.. did something happen between you and Han Ji Ahn?”

“what?” “i still his friends, he is still my best friend. What do you think happen?” that answered just go from my mouth without a second, but what is it, why now i am not so sure,

“really?” she asked one more time

My body feels colder now

Eun bi reach to hold my hand, but why she feels so warm, no, its more than warm

“unnie, are you sick? Why your hand so cold?” she seem suprised.

I realeased my hand and pat her head, “what are you talking about? I just got shower, pabo”

“aaa.. right.. hehe” now she seems relieved

I got up from bed that we’ve been gossipping about an hour, but suddenly I remember something more important. that i have lots of homework to do. And its already 11 pm!! God! Why i distracted by this matter and let my self down? Feeling a little annoying, I turn my back to sneer at my sister, “ya eun bi, you waste my time. You know tomorrow i have lots lots lots of homework, don’t you?!”

“eh?” she just realized that too, maybe because she still haven’t transferred yet. So she sometimes cant remember that we’re still students and homework is our daily job? “eh.. he he he.. sorry unnie”


“ah.. i forgot! I promised mom to sleep with her tonight! Hahaha.. fighting unnie!” and she flew from our bedroom after snatch one pillow

“liar! Ya! Eun bi! Come back here and help me finish it!!”

“sorry unnie.. i help you when i already come back to school.. my brain now doesnt work on study modee...” she scream back while running away.


That eun bi, really.. lately she forgot that i was her sister, she gone with mom even before i wake up, avoiding my anger. I rub my eyes sleepy, this morning is too much. The sun that through the curtain was overly shining, it just morning but my room already light up like its 10.

Wait. What time is it? I search my handphone under the pillows. Yes, its officially the best day ever. Its already 10 am. I am dead late.


10.45 Class 2-3, break between subject. Class is as noisy as usual. Tae kwang is sleeping as he always do. Shi ji looked troubled with her phone, she already text eun byul why she is not coming school. But no answered until now.

Ji ahn came late. Last night something doesnt feel alright and he throw his frustate with swimming.

“Ji ahn, where is eun byul?” soo joo yelled

“eh, she’s not here yet?” Ji ahn suprised. For days he cant go to school, and he not that active communicate with eun byul too. He go to school expect to see her face scold her to not text her.

“yes! She hardly come late though.. “ shi jin thinking outloud. “is she sick?” ask to Ji Ahn that still stood in the door.

“Ji ahn move over!”  suddenly the main topic person come, eun byul.

“ah! You suprised me! Why yelled in the morning?” Ji Ahn unconsiusly sigh relieved, she’s ok.

“what?” eun byul glare. She come and passed through Ji Ahn, she seems tired and unwell.

“are you sick? You even uglier this morning. Did you even take a bath?” Ji Ahn matching her steps and messing with her hair that seems longer.

Suddenly eun byul stop and turn around. “bath? Are you really ask that to a gir.. forget it!” she flared up. “don’t talk to me, don’t touch me, don’t come near me! You are annoying!”

Ji Ahn seems a little take a back. “what? Annoying? Who yelled first?!” he can’t help but being angry, they don’t contacted to couple days, and now she is acting like this. “you insensitive girl!”

“huh?!! You dumb!” eun byul hit Ji ahn a couple times, and thats not kidding. She really annoyed.

“aargh stop it!” Ji ahn yelled too this time. Everybody in the class now paying attention to them. Its really normal to see them bickering here and there. But not like this. Both eun byul and Ji ahn eyes show no kidding or teasing, they were just purely frustated each other.

“Ya Ji Ahn STAY AWAY FROM ME!!” eun bi yelled and now the class completely quite. She starled by her own voice. Ji ahn seems shock too but recover and glare at her, when he open his mouth to fight back, eun byul already left and sit angrily at her chair, not looking back or glare at him.

Couple of seconds passed, and the students in the class suddenly pretend to be busy with anything. Couple girls suddenly say want to go to toilet. Some guys huddled and pretend to play games. Other suddenly find the next texbook was really interesting and keep glace up and down.

Soo joo, shi jin, tae kwang have their jaw dropped. “are they finally losing their mind now?” asked tae kwang. Right after that two crumpled paper hit his faceflatly, with two glares from soo joo and shi jin.

“you keep quite. We don’t know why, but something must be happened. Their head now burning! Ah boiling! We better just watch or get doomed” soo joo whispered to shi jin and tae kwang.


When lunch bell rang eun byul automatically turn her head back, but midway she realize and get her head straight again. She frowned and get up, going away.

“eun byul ah... wait us..” shoo joo and shi jin imediately following her.

And all that scene, every single thing and every single move eun byul made, had been watch by Ji ahn. He can’t help but feeling more annoyed by her weird acts.

“that little brat” he curse.

“han ji ahn?” tae kwang looked ji ahn closely. “what the heck are you doing now?”

Ji ahn turned by tae kwang voice. He frowned deep and glared, “you. What do you mean just now?” he was feeling annoyed earlier, and now tae kwang put more fire.

“what! Why are you act so dumb like that?” tae kwang was known easily riled up. But now he is completely just curious. He could not understand why ji ahn, a man who completely care toward a women being riddiculously act confused by his own feeling and throw anger instead.

Ji ahn was not in the mood. And now tae kwang becoming nosy about eun byul and his problem. No, he can’t let tae kwang in again. “why you suddenly care about our problem?”  he get up and walk to tae kwang. “you. If you think i would let you into my bussiness again, you completely wrong. Stay away from our problem” he cannot be angrier and more annoyed than this. After sending daggers to tae kwang, he strom out of class.

In the other hand, tae kwang left dumfounded. He just ask nicely and suddenly getting answered like a dead threat. “what do i do wrong?” he lay his head in the table and wondering, “what is it me who was dumb, or he that can’t realize his own feeling? Suddenly being riddiculously jealous like that.. fuuhh.. i think this is not my style, i should never care about their problem.. huuh.. now i can’t go eat because that was hack scary.” Tae kwang hit his head in table and decided to continue his disturbed sleeping.


I cant keep my eyes open. Last night was not kidding, i was late doing my high pack of home work, yet my mind keep loosing focus. I ended up sleeping at 8 and jus got 2 hours sleeping.

Why this teacher keep blabbering out, ugh.

Just please, just let me go home right now. Sleepy, annoyed, angry is not the best mix up feeling. It my energy out and left me feeling really tired right now.

“eun byul ah.. you know mr. Jang is scary why are you keep dozing your head?” soo joo whispering from behind me

“sorry can’t help it. I was just sleepy it hurts my head”

“just hold it back, just 10 minutes before you can go home.. ugh, this rascal, what are you doing last night exactly?”

I can’t hear her anymore. I have to at least focus on one thing, keep my eyes open. And right now, my head too hard to handle more than one focus.

“BRRRRRRRIIIIIINGGGG” finally! That bell finally rang.

I just quickly gathered my things and want to go straight home.

“guys, i go first ok?” i ask soo joo and shi jin who was just smile meekly and nodded their head. They already knew i was feeling really sleepy, so they let me out.


A hand grab my wrist out of nowhere right when i want to stop a taxi.

“where are you going so fast?” ji ahn come up

“what do you want now?”

“what?” his eyes was troubled, and i can see my own troubled reflexion through his eyes.

“i just want to go home. Talk now or let me go.” I stated flatly. Without looking in his eyes.

“did i do wrong? What’s  wrong with you?” he sounded irritated

“and did i do wrong with you? Why are you being so mad?” i can’t help but sighed and start seing his hand that never let go of my hand.

“mad?” ji ahn raised his eyebrows, “you started this silly act, and now you just act like nothing happen? Are you doing this again? Igonoring other person feelings?” now he sounded both wounded and sad.

“Ignoring other person feelings.. silly act,” he crossed the line, that was really hurt. I swayed away his hand. Glared up angrily at those two very familiar eyes.  “are you really think of me like that?”

“ya han ji ahn, what are you playing with me right now? First you saying good bye, now you say i was ignoring feelings?!”  My eyes now feel really hot and i don’t know how long i can keep my tears from flowing out

“what? are you mad because you are not the center of spotlight anymore? And you mad and being angry with me, after no calls, no texts in couple days? Are you being childish right know? You want your crown back after you realize you lost it?” She must know it was harder for him to say that, than to her. But why she acting like she is the one who lost the world. It was one sided love, with him in suffer and her like nothing happen right?


“han ji ahn, i thought we know each other well. But, how could you say..” my voice broke, the tears fall and my heart drop a thousand mile. I cannot face him anymore. It was damn hurts. Suddenly there is a gap between us. If i still face him right now, i might broke down ugly. I am scared, i am beyond sad, i was sacred that all that he was saying was true.. am that arrogant? I never know my self so good, it was always him who know me better. And now he is saying that.. am i? Am i that ?

I shakily take a step back. I lower my head, now he can’t see my tears. No i don’t want him to see my broke. I turn my back and begun walk away. The taxi caught up easily. I slip my self in and hid my face. Now i messly sobbing. And left ji ahn stood there alone.


“i did wrong” ji ahn hissed to himself

Right after seing that broken face of eun byul. He know he was hurting her more than he thought. He was just being annoyed that she didnt bother to call and text him in the couple days when they cant see each other. But ended up blaming her for all frustation that he feels.

“aarghhh.. damn it!” he continue to curse himself like that. Still infront of gates.

A couple steps come close, “han ji ahn!” eun bi, with fuming eyes and hand shakingly. Behind her soo joo and shi jin who glared. “just because you confused about your own feelings, you ended up hurt her like that? Are you crazy?” “its true that i like you. But that doesnt mean you need to pay it back. You have your own feelings! Are you that dumb?”

“eun bi, i just need to find my true feelings right now. I want to start with clear mind”

“what? You end your one sided love so you can start clearly? If you really mind her feelings why you ending it up infront of her? Its the same as you say ‘i dont love you anymore, so you just dont love me’” eun bi let a tear down “and after that cruel thing you still want her to smile to you, to call you, to text you, to let you bother her? How could she? You dump her! And you want her to be normal?!!”

Ji ahn shocked. He never think that eun byul will hurt by his confession of ending the one sided love. He dump her? How can?

“and now you pour salt in her wound with your words?!! Go fix it right now, or i would never let you near my sister again” eun bi stated clearly. She is clearly dissapointed in ji ahn yet she know how much care and love between him and her sister. It was just a big messy dumb misunderstanding.


Its already dark. Yet he can’t find eun byul. Its start raining too. He skipped his evening traning to run here and there to search eun byul. But she was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly he was feeling a creep, what if he hurt her too much she want to dissapear once again?

“No! No! NO!” he run faster and faster, not bother how wet he become right now.


He glance at his watch, its already 8 pm. “!” he panted hard. Its cold, tired and frustated. All at once. How can he mess thing with her. His only one.

Then it hit him. How can he not search her in that place.

Both ji ahn and eun byul was a kid swimmer. They spend most of their time in swimming pool. Feeling the calm and silent of the water. They play, train, make a promises there.

Ji ahn surely feel tired. The frustation that he felt is out his energy too much. But stopping wasnt an option. Now he headed to his elementary school pool.


“The tears keep flowing down. How much until its stop...”  eun byul whimpering in one cold sport hall.

No matter what she try, the tears and her body keep shakingly hard. She never be the type who cried out loud. She held back and just let a few tears down. But right now, she cant help it.

She crouch down in the corner of her old elementary pool. Shakingly hard and sob mess is not her style. Eventhough its hurt so much. She already want to think of what should she do next. How can she face him. Where she should see when they talk. What should she act infront of him.

But her mind wont cooperate. It just rolling her memories of them. Making it harder for her to breath.

“i love him..” she sobbed

“how can i erase this feeling in one night?” she clutched her heart.

The water in pool calmly waving here and there. And the moonlight that comes from all big high windows in wall make the water sparkling. No sound beside the water sound. She thought it will calm her. But The place that held best memories of her life. It just remind her how he always beside her, cheering on her, being the one to lean on. But she rudely never give a sign to repay his love. She was childish. She want all that attention and continously about that.

Why cant i open up my self? Why is it so hard to say those words? He waited in suffer by himself right..

 “now i loose everything...” eun byul whisper as a silent scream who needs a helping hand

‘It hurts, it suffocated, it all too much.. i need to calm down, i cant act like a coward.. ji ahn will be dissapointed..’ she  told herself.

She tried to get up, shakingly she lean on the cold wall. Slowly, she walk towards the pool.

‘i need to calm down.. this will help me’

Her eyes were red and swolen, yet the tears still there. Her hand tried to grasp anything dearly, but still shaking.

She stood in the edge of the pool. With irregular breath, bluring eyes, and pained heart. She just want to feel the water. One thing that remind her so much about ji ahn, about them.


‘the water held me. Its feel good. Let me dry my tears here.. ‘

Eun byul got into the pool. Its 2m. She doesnt bother to kicking or splashing. She just flying there. She needs the calmness of the water to try bend her heart.


“! Where is she” ji ahn open the door to the pool. No one. He hurriedly goes to another pool room, but he realized something. The water to wavy.

He run back to the main pool room. Right, the pool too wavy in this hour.

“crap!” he started to have a bad thinking

‘she afraid of water, how can she do this.. please eun byul, dont do this to me’ he pleaded in heart

There it is, in the deep pool. Someone flying in the water.


He dont need a second to jump to the pool. His body and mind tired and left no power. But this time he must do something, he must save his one.


Eun byul starled by the scream of her name, she open her eyes and see the most beautiful eyes that she  want to see. Han Ji Ahn..

She struggled to start making movements, but she doesnt realize that she was in fact in very fragile condition after all scream and tears for hours. Her hand and feet could only make a small move. And she was already too long in the water, she need oxygen.

Ji Ahn swim fast to the center who eun byul start struggle. He desperately reach her hand and lock his eyes to her eyes. He bring them up fast. And finally eun byul can breath.

He just floating there, holding eun byul closely, dearly. He just burried his face in her damp hair. Checking her breath and hold her close.

After eun byul seems calmer, he starts to move her body with him out of the water.


She coughing, tried to make her breath come to normal pace. He sit down there with her. Looking closely and close his eyes. He just want to hear her breath. Nothing more important now than she is ok.

Eun byul cant lift her head. No. She just dont want to. She secretly gather her strenght to get up.

When ji ahn hear that eun byul try to get up, he imediately get up and hold her hand. But eun byul swatted his hand. She shakingly try to get up by herself.

Ji ahn were a little suprised by her ignorance. He stood  still while eun byul now take a step to walk away from him. He flared up again, with frown he grab her hand and turn her around.

He held both of her arms, forcing eun byul to face him. Yet eun byul keep looking down.

“eun byul ah...” he wishpered. But its more like pleading.

She doesnt respond.

He look closely to the girl in front of him. She is so fragile here in his arm right now. Her body trembled and shivered. Her hair mess and damp. Her face so red and her eyes looked really tired from all the tears. Now it hit him really hard, how could he make eun byul become like this? He never see her broken down. Of course he gave her shoulder when she want to cry, but it was completely different and heartbreaking.


He kept hold her like that. He cant find her face, so he looke down. There was something that broke his heart more. She is crying. The tears dropping between them. But she make absolutely no sound. ‘Why she tried so hard like this?!!’ ji ahn thought frustately.

He gather her into his embrace. Her cold body resisted. She was never a weaker. She tried to push him. But now she has no power to fight back. He hold her close and tried to at least say that he is here with her through it.

“i’m sorry.. i’m sorry.. i’m truly sorry...” he pleading while buried her face in the crown of her head.

And she broke once again. She cried hard there in his arms.


Now they were in the clinic beside the pool. Ji ahn piggy back her cause she is really tired. and he bundled her with thick blanket. Put her in front of the heater machine. He is too, grab some blanket. And sit close beside her.

Eun byul sit there hugging kness.  now the colour already back to her face.

“its late..” she stated softly.

He start to feel uncomfortable. It have to be done fast. She already hinting to take her home. And leave it for tomorrow. But he cant risk that. He cant risk that gap between them becoming more distant if its till tomorrow.

He change his position and now sit closely facing eun byul. He fold his feet infront of her. His hand hold her hand that hugging her kness. and he leaned his head in their linked fingers.

“i am wrong” he started, “i am sorry i am wrong..”

“han ji ahn” she replied

“just mad at me and kick or hit me, just dont send me away”



“what did you do wrong?” her voice still cracked


“i dont like you” ji ahn held up his head, and see straight to her eyes “i am in love with you”


Her pupils dillated and become bigger. she shocked to hear that. She really want to believe that to accept that but,

“what do you mean before then? Did you play with me?” her eyes getting heavier again “why you say you stop loving me, its more like a message that i need to stop bothering you..”

“I.. I am confused. It makes me greedy and make me want to rush your feeling toward me” he grasp tighther her hand.

“you..  you are bad. You hurt me, dont you know that?” she cant keep her tears any more.

“i am sorry.. eun byul ah.. forgive me..” he held her tighter. His hand then wipe her tears and pull her head so they rest their forehead together.



“you’re not the only one whose wrong.., i make you suffer too this past ten years”

“ji ahn, i have to confessed one thing..” she looked into his eyes. Her eyes both held fear and hope. He tighter his hold onto her hand, telling her to continue.

“i was never feeling you as a friend since the beginning”

Ji ahn was shocked. He want to say something, but nothing left out his mouth. Open and closed his mouth for a couple time. Eun byul just feel more embrassed by his silly reaction.

“since the beginning, i already feel you are more than a friend” she confessed.

“since the beginning i never feel that we were friends, so when you suddenly put a clear line between us.. i .. I dont know what should i do”

And now he know why she was beyond sad and angry after his confession of stoping his one sided love. It was different for her. It was like she lost her one, her one to lean on, to play with, to bother, to tell story, the one that always be with her.

“i .. i have the same feeling at you. But i cant let you know that. Yet i keep you around me and make sure you always beside me..” she confessed, with that watery eyes. Red face and pleading eyes.

“i am sorry..”

He found his smile after hearing that. ‘ugh this girl..’

“then tell me properly” he cant help but smirking

She starled a little, and slowly blush crept into her face. She freed his head and hand. She grasp her kness tighter and bury her face at her knees.

He smile at that. Moving closer. Embrace her with his long hand and rest his head above her.

“i am sorry... i . . love you” she said almost whispered.

And right at that moment, his heart feel like to explode. It race really fast. And he cant help but grinning.

They stayed like that for a moment with  a bigger heart now.

“and i am sorry i love you more..” he stated clearly, he hug her closer. Feeling their hearbeat becoming one.





“mm.. go eun byul, its really late right now. Come on, i walk you.” Said  ji ahn with a smile

Eun byul still hide her face between her kness.

“go eun byul..” he start messing her hair, now its not so damp anymore.

“but i am scared.” She said suddenly

Ji ahn puzzled, “about what?”

“do i loose my best friend then?”

“What do you mean?”

“how should i act now? I am now more afraid to lose you, now that you already hear my heart” she keep mubling in her kness.

“you never gonna lose me” ji ahn say clearly and sincere. He held her head up, see in to her eyes. “both as a best friend and as a boyf...” he cannot finish his line, eun byul put hand to his mouth. Her face red again, but this time is a good sign.

“i am not yet accept you to be that one, did I?” she


“dont high up your hope too high han ji ahn..” she patted his head,

His face ready to frowned by that nonsense. but then eun byul smile so sweetly and he cant help to join the smile.



That night he ended up piggy back her home. She found sleep in his back peacefully. He realize how much she broke down that night, and becoming so tired and let all her guard down. She never let her guard down that much to him until that night.

And after that he come home, smiling like idiot.


Next morning, He waited for her in the front gate. Keep checking his phone and glance at her door.

He feel a flick in his head, and imediately turn around.

“what are you doing?” there eun byul stood,

He get up fast, and giving his best smile. Feeling relieved and happy that they are now back to normal. Oh, no. Back to better.

“what else?! I pick up my go eun byul of course..” he lock her head in his arms. Flicking her head and spinning their body playfully.

“ya han ji ahn!” she yelled,


“ya! You!”

“what...” ji ahn keep playing with her

“ji ahn stop it!” she tried break free again

“no way eun byul, you owe me big time..” ji ahn say loudly

“yaa!!” she know she cant escape his now. Not that she want to. She now just accept that both of them know that they are meant dearly for each other.

But she has to break free. Well he played and , should she play back?

Suddenly she circle her arms in his waist. Hugging him closely and buried her face in his chest. Ji ahn shocked. His hand left midair, and his face now blusing hard. Sure they hug many times, but never she make the move.

In her head she chuckled, ‘you fell to the trap ji ahn ah..’

After couple seconds, still holding him close, she turn her head up. Looking into his eyes.

Well that all that need to dumbstruck ji ahn.

Suddenly too, she freed her hug and turning around, and running from ji ahn.

“now i am freee..” she cheerly scream while running away.


It was  just last couples of second, but make his heart go crazy. He is sure now. They are, having each other is the best thing happen in their life. He held her close passionately. She held back deeply yet silently. And now he doesnt bother if anything happen in his life, he has her. She has him.

Now he chase his girl down the road, with playfull shout and still with an idiotic smile. He cant help it, he waited for long to feel this feeling..



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Keyq1998 #1
Chapter 1: i like it soooo much <3 sequel please hahaha
Chapter 1: I like it that you made an alternate ending between those two. But its Yiahn or Jiahn? I supposed it was Yiahn, no?

Anyway, many viewers voiced their dissaticfaction at how the ending ends. Many people shipped eunbi with taegwang more compared to eunbi with yiahn and many hoped that yiahn ended up with eunbyul because if that happen everything would make sense just fine. Since taegwang clearly showed his affection for eunbi and yiahn's first love is eunbyul. Its a twist when eunbi didnt like taegwang back and eunbyul at the same page as eunbi. Then suddenly, yiahn started to like eunbi. He just realised that he likes eunbi more than his long crush towards eunbyul. Yeah these are parts that many found absurd and did not developed well.

Lol I rant on you. Hahaha I am just a big fan of nam joo hyuk who played yiahn and this whole school installment. Now we have to wait for school 2017.