

He sat across the table, watching her take long sips from her glass and converse with her colleagues. God, she is beautiful. Yifan was completely mesmerized and he couldn't believe his eyes. A queen, no, a goddess stood before him, almost as if they were peers. He felt a sudden rush of superiority, but he knew that he was in no place to even attempt to speak to her. Even though he couldn't take his eyes off of her, even though she did give a warm greeting before the evening began, even though she once stared him straight in eye and smiled, he could not approach her. And he would not approach her.

Yifan closed his eyes and sighed, trying to wipe the negativity out of his mind. He started to realize the pain that came from dreaming and facing reality. She would never go for me, he would constantly say to himself as he stared into his champagne glass. 

It seemed as if the time was going slow, but believe it or not, only 20 minutes had been drained away by Yifan's hopeless whining. He switched on his phone, to see a text from his mother, a few emails from producers, and a wall of emojis from Luhan (?). Being Yifan, he immediately replied to his mother and ignored the rest. As he turned around to carefully slide his phone into his back pocket, he felt a hand gently place upon his arm. Slowly, he turned back around to see Fan BingBing standing less than 3 centimeters away from him. Her hand was touching him for God's sake. Yifan couldn't breathe. His heart was beating so fast, he didn't know what to do. 

He took a deep breathe and smiled, "Hello, Ms. Fan, it's a nice evening, isn't it?"
She smiled back and cocked her head to the side, "You're very polite, just like they said. It's a pleasure to finally meet you; China's current celebrity craze."
Yifan mouth was getting dry, he was still in disbelief she was talking to him. When he finally found his words, he said, "The pleasure is all mine, I promise you. You... you... You're Fan BingBing...!"
She chuckled the way women do and put her hand to his cheek, "And there's the comical side I've also heard about. You're a rare specimen, Wu Yifan. I hope you know that."

Oh my God, Yifan thought. What is happening? Is this real? Is she really doing this?

Yifan, who was sweating, was also at a loss for words. What does he say to that? What has he even been saying these last three minutes? A rare specimen? What does that even mean?

BingBing's brows furrowed. She pulled her hand away, and blinked, "Are you alright?"

Yifan nodded and sputtered, "Yeah-- Yes. Yes, I am wonderful. Sorry, ma'am-- Uh, Ms. Fan--"

Her expression softened and she looked Yifan tenderly in the eyes, "Call me BingBing, please."

Yifan nodded again, this time, without words following it. BingBing was about to speak, but at the moment, a man came and pulled her aside murmuring something into her ear. She gave a dry laugh while giving Yifan a long glance. She turned back and waved the man off.

She began her walk back to Yifan's lonely end of the table with a slightly frustrated look on her face. Yifan noticed this. He waited until she arrived at the table and heaved a sigh, shaking her head.

"What was that about?" Yifan asked.
BingBing sighed, "My boyfriend wants me to sit with him and keep him company. Men can be like children sometimes. You constantly have to babysit them."
Yifan's face dropped. Boyfriend? This night just keeps getting better and better! After he recollected his thoughts, he built up his strength to hold his "cool" attitude and let out a small chuckle, "You do realize that you're talking to a man right now? That was a heavily biased comment."
"Point taken," BingBing groaned.
It seemed that her mood had declined, Yifan was a bit worried. "You can sit down you know," Yifan sighed.
BingBing frowned, "If I sit down, I'll look at the champagne. And if I look at the champagne, I'll end up drinking it again. And after I drink one more--"
Yifan stood up and pulled the chair beside her out, demanding, "Sit."
She smiled at Yifan in a surprised way as she gracefully sat herself into the seat. Yifan followed through and slowly pushed her in. He sighed to himself as he walked back to his spot.

BingBing propped her elbows onto the table and rested her head above them, looking at Yifan with a small smile, "I'm still trying to place what kind of person you are.... I can't figure out what category you fall into."
Yifan took a sip from his glass before replying (mainly because he needed time to think of a witty reply), "Maybe I'm my own category."
Without missing a beat, BingBing bursted out laughing. She must've thought it was quite humorous because she laughed for some time. Yifan was confused. He sat there in silence until she had finished and ran out of breath. He worried he said something wrong or embarrassing, like he always does.
She had finally calmed herself down and said, "Yifan. My dear sweet Yifan, you are something else. Say, would you be alright joining me at my house for a little afterparty? They'll love having you there."

Did she just invite me to her house?, Yifan asked himself. This is so hard to believe. But, even through all the disbelief, he still knew his answer, "Yes. I would love that."

After sharing several toasts with a few legends and laughing along with groups of experienced actors (even though he knew nothing about the conversation), the night had ended and he had been ecstatic for the next event. He was kindly invited to ride with the elusive Fan BingBing and her loving boyfriend. Although being present in the same vehicle as this goddess was more than a blessing, he was sat next to his idol's date. As awkward as it was, he was still gleeful. He had hoped that this party would be great and that he wouldn't be thrown to the side. Because evidently, the last time Yifan was invited to something like this, he had been left out and ignored. He sat on his phone, scrolling through Weibo the entire time. Never again, he though to himself.

Fast forward to the party; Fan BingBing had been escorted in with not only her boyfriend, but Yifan. They walked in together, linked in each other's arms. The second everyone in the lobby had laid their eyes on the host of this festive event, they had stopped everything to smile and wave. I wouldn't be surprised if she was royalty, Yifan thought. After their grand and fashionably late arrival, BingBing had sent her boyfriend off to go socialize with someone else for a change and clung to Yifan.

Yifan was as worried as he was excited. He gave a soft sigh, "What if someone drops the question?"
BingBing laughed, "Nobody here is going to ask you if you're a or not! Don't be silly!"
Yifan's jaw dropped. Really? Is that what she thought? He pulled his arm out of hers and looked her in the eyes, "I mean the question concerning how I am coping with leaving EXO or anything involving them."
She smiled, "Of course, that's what you meant. I knew that. Now let's mingle, Yifan. Enjoy yourself! I'll see you later, It's about time I make my rounds." And then, she floated away like the beautiful social butterfly she is.

Yifan shook his head and walked into the crowd of people, taking a glass off of one of the waiters' serving platters. What do I do now? He had s his way through the thousands of nice smelling women in expensive dresses and clean cut men in solid black suits and found himself at an empty couch that was silently calling his name. He went to sit down and rested his arm upon the ledge, watching all his higher-ups talking, dancing, and drinking together. This isn't me. This isn't my scene, he sadly thought to himself. He thought about how great it would be if Jackie Chan wasn't busy today, and how he would be able to converse with him easily. He thought about how great it would be if BingBing had invited Xu Jinglei or even Wang Likun. He knew nobody here, besides that they were probably stars on screen, the funny thing was, he didn't seem to recognize anyone. He even wished Luhan was there. Then at that moment, he remembered that he "forgot" to reply to Luhan's text message. As Yifan slid his hand to his pocket to grab his phone, the music had stopped. He then heard Fan BingBing call out, "Wu Yifan, don't you dare touch that phone. Why don't you come up here and give us a live performance?"

Yifan started laughing nervously, "No no no, you can't be serious? Me? Perform?"
BingBing looked to the crowd, amused, she was laughing. "He thinks I'm kidding! Wu, get your up here."
Yifan sighed and stood up, making his way through the crowd once again. He stopped at the DJ booth where BingBing had called him to come to. He was a bit nervous. Singing in front of fans made him nervous enough, but in front of all these ridiculously famous and talented people? Are you crazy?
BingBing looked to him and asked, "So what song are you going to grace our ears with today? Time Boils The Rain? There Is A Place? Or maybe a sneak peak from your top secret mini-album?"
Yifan laughed, "I'm afraid that "top secret" mini-album keeps word to its name. But... I think I'll go with There Is a Place."
BingBing smiled, as well as every other person in the room.

He had sang in front of them and they seemed to like it. They seemed to like it a lot. He smiled and bowed and bowed some more. He really hoped they actually liked his performance and that they all weren't just hammered. BingBing led him to another seating area and patted him on the back. "That was great, Yifan. Your voice is beautiful, it has so much potential," she said softly. Yifan thanked her. She then began to whisper, "You see all those people? Everyone you sang to? They're not actors. They're not famous artists. Those are directors and producers for various filming and recording companies. And they liked what they heard."

Yifan stopped in his tracks, "I'm sorry... What?"
BingBing just smiled.
"You've been planning this the whole time, haven't you?" Yifan asked.
"Oh, so we're placing accusations now?" She asked in reply while slowly pushing Yifan onto the couch.
Yifan sighed, "You could have just told me, you know."
"Then you would have declined," said BingBing as she sat beside him.
"You know, I had wondered why I didn't know anyone here. I thought I just didn't get out enough... Now I know," Yifan stated matter-of-factly.
Sliding her head down onto Yifan's shoulder, BingBing sighed, "Good speculations, Yifan. But, I'm afraid to say Tao wasn't able to make it."
"Whoa whoa whoa, who?" Yifan immediately asked.
She laughed, "David Tao, dear. I should learn to clarify, my apologies. I must've scared you. But evidently, he's busy working with your former colleague Luhan. I wonder what or who made him choose an ex-EXO member." She then gave a subtle wink.
"Yeah, I wonder wh--" Yifan stopped, and realized that she winked for a reason, "Oh."
BingBing nodded, "Oh is right... Anyways, I've been meaning to show you something. Follow me."
Yifan blinked, "What? Follow you wh--"

BingBing had hopped up, taken Yifan by the wrist, and pulled him through the crowd. She then dragged him up the stairs, and that's when he began to become a bit confused. But, unexpectedly, she brought him to a calm balcony attributed with various plants and a cute table set. It had a beautiful view of the stars. "This is where I come to think," she said with a smile before sitting down on one of the chairs placed at either side of the table, "Take a seat. Enter my world."
Yifan sat down without a single word, leant back, and sighed in contempt, "This is a nice balcony."
BingBing had her head buried in her folder arms on top of the table, she gave a muffled, "Thank you."
"Are you alright? You were so active a minute ago. Are you tired? How much did you drink?" Yifan asked, accidentally burying her in questions.
She looked up and stared him in the eyes, "Why are you interested in me?"
Yifan was silent, he had nothing to say, well... nothing he COULD say.
BingBing would not stray her vision from him, "Answer me."
"My mother taught me to be a caring person. I'm just doing my duty as a human being and checking up on you," Yifan blurted.
"That's not what I mean, Yifan. You don't think I notice your staring?" BingBing asked.

Yifan's mouth had become dry. He was frozen. His attempt to seem lowkey about staring had failed and now, he was put on the spot. He and BingBing had not released eye contact for this entire subject. Yifan's palms began to sweat and the only thing he wanted was to get out of there. 

"Why have you become silent?" BingBing asked.

Yifan closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair, "You know the answer to every question you asked, you don't need clarification. Why should you care anyways? You have--"
And at that moment, BingBing had made a choice that would make paparazzi rich. She made a choice that she knew was crazy. She grabbed Yifan by his tie and pulled his face close to hers and asked, "When will you ever shut up?"
Yifan's heart was beating a mile a minute, "Ms. Fan, we shouldn't be doing this. I-- I'm sorry I--"

Then, it happened. She brought her lips to Yifan's and kissed him. He wanted to kiss back. Every bone in his body wanted him to kiss back, but his conscience was preventing him from making a single move.

He soon figured out that when Fan BingBing kisses you, you kiss the back, so he ended up betraying everything he has ever believed and returned the kiss as passionately as he could. He thought about what he had said to himself before, and how he was sure she would never go for him. 

It's crazy how things can change in a heartbeat; Yifan out of all people can understand that. He knew the moment he kissed back, it was the beginning of a new era of his personality, a new avenue of his acting career. But, he wanted originality and something to set him different from the others. This act pushed him into a deep pit with the rest of the other trouble-ridden celebrities. Even then, even if this simple choice made him regret every other choice he had ever made, he enjoyed this moment more than anything. Then Yifan remembered, choices have consequences.

Just as BingBing broke the kiss, the doors to the balcony slowly opened. He saw BingBing's boyfriend standing there with the most confused and sad look on his face. He said nothing, neither did Yifan nor BingBing. She rose to her feet to approach her heartbroken partner and ran to him. He pushed her away and wouldn't take his eyes off of Yifan. His eyes were filled with anger, disappointment, and sadness. After their eyes has locked, he surged towards his offender. 

And that was the last thing Yifan remembered.

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Chapter 1: Lol he got beat. It was worth it though to Yi Fan.