Pathcode #EXO

Tao’s pathcode is the most difficult one to be understand for me tbh. Idk, there’s too many mystery, from the continuation (because he stopped the time) and then, why would he looks so shock while reading the news paper, till the password of his photos teaser, why his photos teaser password is Sehun’s code? (the one that written on Overdose album cover), I think Tao has some connection with Sehun, and Sehun’s teaser was released at the 21st of March but you could see at the date at the MV is 20, it could be some error, but at the keyboard, the gap between 1 till 0 is pretty far. 


Well, we could see that Tao is at the café and reading a news paper, and then he saw a news about… UFO? and there’s 10 UFO or whatever is it, and he looks somehow shock? panic? idk (maybe because he doesn’t understand the language, so am I)

After that, the light bulb is broken, the time stopped, idk, is that a warn or a signal from Baek? idk, because baek’s teaser doesn’t have anything that related to Tao. We see him left the café, but before he really left, he stare at a book, idk if he stares at the book or the person, but we could see 3 persons, a person with laptop, with book, and the waiter, and this is what I think about:

The person with laptop: A journalist. Could he is the person who wrote the article about that?

The person with book: He’s a professor. Well, a professor is a knowledge, a high educated person, I’m pretty sure he would know about UFO and such things.

The waiter: The witness. Idk, I just kinda have a feeling that he’s the witness.

And the he left the café and the time is back to normal (well, the glass is falling), idk, but there’s something that I don’t understand (not like I understand the teaser from the start though), is the time only stop inside the café or because he left the café, everything back to normal again?

After he left the café, it looks like he’s looking if anyone caught him doing something or what, and after that he runs away.

Idk, but Tao’s pathcode is too hard for me to understand

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