Chased Dreams

Chased Dreams

Lian was a popular girl. She was the kind of kid with brains, beauty, talent and charms. She was everything any girl could get jealous for. She was an epitome of perfection.

She was known for being helpful, kind and generous. Guys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her friend. She got everything she could ever ask for. She was happy.

It was in her junior year when she first met Jongin. She was walking the hallway through the Student Body Office when she heard a faint bass of the music reverberating through the silence of the corridor.

She looked around, curiousness perked up. She decided to find where the sound was coming from.

"It it's those troublesome kids again I swear I'll tell the principal about this." She grumbled to herself.

The music became louder as she near the junior's hallway. Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

The music was coming from the ajar door of the 3-C classroom. She peeked at the window silently ready to burst in and tell the intruders off but when she saw what was happening inside. She was surprised.

There were no troublesome kids. No party going on.

There was just one guy... dancing. And by the looks of his dishelved hair Lian was sure he had been there for a while.

Lian tried to look away or maybe find a voice to speak but she couldn't. She was amazed at how talented the guy was. It was like the music was his oxygen; breathing in and out of his lungs. Any sane person who would see this guy could say he was amazing, talented even. The flow of his arms, the step of his feet, he wasn't following the music. The music follows him.

The music went on and on and Lian almost forgot what she came in school for. She took one last look at the sweat dripping on the guy's jet black hair and with a smile playing on her lips. She left.


She learned that the guy name was Kim Jongin. She had seen him a couple of times in the cafeteria but she didn't pay any attention to him. All she knew was that this Jongin guy was shy. He didn't talk much, even though he was friends with her co-officer Byun Baekhyun. She didn't know anything about this Jongin guy... at all.

Ever since the incident she found herself staring at him. It was stupid. She didn't even know why, but she found herself getting more intrigued with this Jongin. She wanted to approach him but she didn't know what to say, or how to explain herself why she wanted to know him. And for almost two months, all she could do was stare.

It was the monthly meeting of the SB Officers. Lian got to the office way ahead of the others so she decided to fix the papers needed for the proposals and others necessities for the upcoming Foundation Week.

Byun Baekhyun, the SB Auditor got in. They exchange greetings and the office turned silent again. Baekhyun doesn't talk much around the office. He was always composed and serious unlike when he was outside and with his friends. Lian continued fixing the papers when she heard,

"You really like staring at Kai do you?"

She looked up at him, daze and confused. "Who's Kai?"

Baekhyun smiled slightly. "I'm sorry, I meant it as Jongin."

Blood crept up on her cheeks. She didn't know anyone noticed it. She tried to sound nonchalant.

"I... wasn't aware."

Baekhyun snickered and Lian almost die in embarrassment. "It's cool Lian, don’t sweat it. I don't think Jongin is aware about it."

Lian pursued her lips. "I saw him at your classroom... dancing."

She didn't know why he confessed to him but Baekhyun smiled.

"He always stays after class ends. We didn't really know what he was doing. “He shook his head.”Jongin doesn't really dance in front of everyone you know. If he knew you saw him, he'd never show his face to you ever again."

Shock flitted on Lian's face. "But he is amazing! Why would he be shy at such thing?"

Baekhyun looked up at her, eyes unreadable. "Maybe you should ask him."

- -

Lian was a senior, student body president and running to be the valedictorian of their year. Everyone was expecting it.

She was yet again walking at the corridor when she heard the music coming from the senior’s 4-B room and she knew who it could be.

She tried to muster up all the courage and confidence that she had as she approached the door.

There was Jongin dancing. Lian was yet fascinated at how precise and in control his moves were. She looked at him in pure admiration. It has been almost a year of her staring at the guy from afar but up until now, she was still amazed at how he dances.

The music ended and Jongin stopped as he picked up his phone on the table, breathing heavily.

Lian was in dilemma but then she had been admiring Jongin for a while now and she knew she needs to have the courage to speak up; with trembling hands, she turned the knob.

"That was great." She said loudly, smiling earnestly. It was the perks of being a Student Body, you'll get used to speaking to the crowd even though in reality inside of you, your heart has been rocketing all over.

Jongin turned around in absolute surprise, he almost threw his phone. He didn't speak and just stared at her, expression never changing.

"I'm Lian." She said as she approached him to offer him her hand.

Jongin ran away.


Lian's mind was in a mess. She didn't know if she should just ignored everything that happen or continue to pursue this Jongin guy.

The guy ran away from her. It was clear he didn't want to be friends with her.

However, they, out of the blue met at the library after class. It was a coincidence that they were both in the Science section looking for the books that'll help them for the research paper needed.

Jongin recognizes her, and by the looks of his face, she knew he would run away again so before he could do that, she holds her hands up as if surrendering.

"I won't" she whispered carefully, trying to gauge what could be his reaction. "I just wanted to be your friend." She didn't even know why.

"You have a lot of friends. There are a lot of people, ask them to be your friend." Jongin said. It was the first time Lian had heard the guy speak. He sounded like a child.

"I... uh... I have been watching you dance since our junior year."

Jongin's eyes bulged out and his ears started turning red.

"You, uh... I mean... uh" he stuttered like crazy.

"I didn't tell anyone about... that." Lian said awkwardly.

Jongin scratched his neck sheepishly. Lian thinks it was adorable.

"Jongin Kim." He said as he smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Lian Cho, I know."

Lian's eyes darted to him. "Does this means we're friends now?" She asked excitedly.

His nod was undeniable.


Being friend with Kim Jongin was dreams come true for Lian. She didn't need to sneak glances with him during lunch. She didn't need to hide just to see him dance anymore. The given freedom to be his friend raises an unidentifiable feeling inside her. She would greet him in hallways with a smile and he would return it; her heart always does something weird after that. She knew she has a crush on Jongin – for how long she doesn’t know - and she thought maybe it was only because of that.

One time, they were at the deserted 4-B classroom. Jongin was huffing steadily with Lian beside him. It has been their hang out ever since Jongin and Lian began to be friends.

"What's you dream Jongin?" She asked suddenly, offering Jongin the bottled water she bought for him.

He looked at her and smiled crookedly. "To be honest I don't know what is."

She looked at him in confusion "Don't you want to do dancing? You're great at it."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Dancing... there's nothing much I can get from dancing. I mean it wouldn't even make me rich."

Lian didn't answer.


News spread like wildfire how Lian was hanging out with an unknown senior named Jongin.

Lian had never been exactly famous in their school but with her clean and almost perfect status especially in academics and social things it was a hot topic for her to befriend someone unknown and worse, to be hanging out with the guy every after school ends.

Jongin was one of the wallflowers of the school. Someone who you'd probably passed by then ignore. Lian was the first person to even put as much effort to notice him.

Soon enough they had been the talk of the school. Lian didn't care but Jongin do. So in order to save Lian and him from all the gossips, he started avoiding her.

Lian noticed that Jongin was avoiding her. She tried to ask what was wrong but whenever she would get a chance it was either Jongin was busy or running late. This has continued on for a week.

It was one afternoon class of Jongin in Photography when the 4-A students filed out also for their Math studying about area, volume and perimeter.

Lian's first thought was Jongin. The sudden avoidance and being abandoned by him. The outline of his frame brought hurt in Lian but she held it in. She had always been good at looking she’s fine.

"Don't look at him." Baekhyun whispered by her side.

She looked at Baekhyun. "Why?" She asked hoarsely, she didn’t even know why felt dry.

"He'll avoid you even more by doing that. The reason he avoided you is because of the attention everyone is giving you. You know how he hates spotlight." Baekhyun said, looking to where Lian was looking, which was Jongin.

Baekhyun patted her head sympathetically then walked away.

Lian couldn't help staring at Jongin for the rest of the class. She couldn't concentrate because every time Jongin moves in her peripheral vision, her heart somersaults and crashes at the same time. It was a torture not to focus her gaze on him but she took Baekhyun’s advice and decided to ignore Jongin until she finds an opportunity to talk to him.

Finally, their teacher finally let them round about the field and Lian took that as her chance to talk to Jongin.

"Jongin" she hissed as she planted herself not that near to him but just enough for them what the other was saying. She kept reminding herself he needs space. And space she gives.

"Lian, people are going to take notice." Jongin muttered, trying to subtly get away from her.

Anger fueled up Lian's blood but she didn't let it consume her. She took deep breaths before saying back to Jongin, "Look, don't you think I deserve an explanation?"

Jongin moved to the other area and Lian followed him, ignoring the pointed looks the others were giving them.

"Jongin you left me! I thought we were friends? Friends don't leave each other." She said angrily, spatting her hatred at the sudden abandonment of Jongin. She didn't care if anybody were eavesdropping or not. She tried to catch Jongin's dark eyes but it was clear he was avoiding it.

“Lian, look, friends fall apart and it’s just… like that.” He said softly. Lian strained to hear some more but Jongin let his eyes fall down the floor and Lian wanted to hear more.

"Jongin come on." Lian begged. She needed to hear more.

Liam tried to suppress her tears. She felt betrayed. She tried to calm herself and stay collected just as she had always been but having Jongin reject her just opened a big gaping hole on her heart and she didn't know how to not let that big of a hole to show.

She walk away biting her lips so bad it almost bled.


Lian tried to forget Jongin. She tried to forget his eyes, the way they crinkle when he smiles. She tried to forget about his childish grin, the one that's shows all his teeth. She tried everything to forget him.

She avoided passing at the 4-B classroom where she used to see Jongin leaning on the door waiting for her to watch him dance. She avoided eating at cafeteria every lunch where her eyes will land in Jongin and they'll exchange sheepish grins. She tried to avoid everything that might remind her of him. Because she realized somewhere in between sneaking glances and getting to know Jongin, she fell in love.


It took four months for Jongin to finally got the guts to talk to her. It was in the middle of February, the wind was cold and Lian was left alone at the SB office finishing the final decisions about the upcoming Prom.

Someone knocked on the door. Lian thought it was Minah, the External President. She looked up and was surprised to see Jongin, standing there looking lost and just so unreal.

"Oh" she gasped in shock and surprise. "H-how can I help you?"

"Lian" he called softly and Lian wanted to smile. Oh how she missed the way her name rolled off Jongin's tongue.

Everything came flooding back to her, the after class meet ups, the ice cream five blocks away from school, the secret glances, the sheepish smiles, the light bumping of shoulders, the warmth that spread through her like wildfire whenever Jongin smiles and she wanted to hate it but she can’t because even if she hates it, she missed it, so much.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked shyly. She took notice how Jongin’s bangs was a bit longer now, passing past his eyebrows.

Lian wanted to cry, in anger, in frustration, in happiness, she didn’t know. Can I talk to you about what? Lian didn’t know but she didn’t want to assume so she settled that maybe Jongin was here for professional purposes only. ‘Nothing changes’ Lian she told herself. She tried to put away all her feelings as she looked up at those dark eyes.

"What can I do for you? Everything you wanted to share with me?" She said trying to smile as naturally as she could.

"Lian, I want to talk to you." He started again. "I wanted to apologize." He whispered.

Her smile wavered and quivered and she knew Jongin could see that. She didn't answer at first. She was afraid her heart would eat her up alive because of its excessive pounding.

"You don't mean that." Lian muster to say as she looked away.

"I do. I do Lian and I'm sorry for ignoring you, for avoiding you, for everything." He said as he step forward and took one of her hands.

She recoiled at his sudden gesture. Betrayal was like poison coursing through her veins; her yearning for him was too consuming. She stood up. The room suddenly felt so small for her. She could hear her heart getting louder. She was afraid how even just the sight of him could make her weak in the knees, how even after all that happened he still have that pull on her.

"There's nothing to apologize Jongin. It-its okay you should have just left it like that." She stuttered refusing to look at his eyes in fear he would see she was lying. He was forgiven already, just like that. She just doesn’t want to admit it to herself.

"There's everything to apologize for Lian. I couldn't forgive myself of what I did to you. I feel miserable." Jongin explained and the way he said it sounded so sincere that Lian wanted to believe him.

"You're lying." She muttered.

"I'm not."

"You are." She yelled, surprising the both of them."Stop, stop feeding me lies Jongin. Let's not play this game anymore. You don't need to explain why we grew apart. That's just it, friends grew apart right? It's okay I'm not hurt." Lian said softly. She felt like she was assuring more herself than Jongin.

They stood there for a moment. The air was suffocating. There was so much going on and Lian wanted to go away, run away, anywhere.

"I need to leave now." Lian muttered and turned her back to him as she fixed her things. She wanted to leave, to find a place where she can let out all her frustrations.

"Lian listen-"

"No, Jongin, I said stop. There's nothing to hear anymore." She gritted her teeth. She just wanted for Jongin to leave her alone.

"Maybe I don't want to be your friend that's why." Jongin said loudly.

She froze at what he said.

She turned around. Jongin had this seriousness around him that she had never seen before.

This was not the childish Jongin she knew. He looked grown up without his sheepish smile; His dark eyes look darker under his hooded lids.

"I like you Lian” he said and Lian almost, almost choked up on it “Even before you knew me. I saw you for the first time in the cafeteria with your camera slung around your neck. I asked your name with Baekhyun and since then I had been watching you, from the lockers, the hallway, everywhere. I couldn't tell it to you because I'm a nobody. I wasn't as good looking as Taehyung, or as rich as Seokjin or maybe as talented as Jungkook. I've got nothing to show you, nothing to prove, unlike them." Jongin sat down at the bean bag chair at the corner as he confessed his feeling to her. The way he pronounced Lian's past admirers were so full of bitterness and resentment.

"Then you showed up on our classroom one day. I was so shocked and so... overwhelmed that you were looking into me and smiling to me that I ran away. That time in the library, it wasn't a coincidence that I met you. I asked Baekhyun where you were and he told me you'd be there. I thought you already got home but then you showed up and I was unprepared and flustered I forgot what I was about to tell you." He looked up at her eyes and Lian didn't know what to do. Her heart was leaping out of her chest. She had clamped shut, her ears alert. It was like hearing and seeing Jongin was all she could do at the moment.

"I like you Lian that's why I avoided you, I don't want to cause you trouble. Look at me Lian, I'm a nobody and you're... you, beautiful, charming, kind and smart, everyone wants to be with you. And I don't deserve to be with you." Jongin shook his head in defeat.

Lian remained glued at her spot hearing again and again what she heard. She couldn't believe that the person she had been admiring for so long had managed to hide his feelings for her. She remembered the times those what it’s about the both of them passed through her mind and she wanted to cry in joy at what she just heard. Jongin loves her. All this time, he has feelings for her.

Lian smiled along with her heart. Jongin confessed to her. It was a thing she had always been dreaming for a few months but she knew it would be impossible yet it was here right in front of her. And she was so loss at words.

"Prove it Jongin." Was the first thing she said.

He looked up confusedly. "What?"

She knelt in front of him and look into his gravitating dark eyes.

"Prove it, that you're deserving for me."

"How?" Jongin said dejectedly. "I'm not good at anything."

"You can dance."

He looked down. "You know I don't dance for money or fame. I dance for passion and hobby."

Lian kissed him in the cheeks. "Then dance for me Jongin. Dance for me."

Jongin started to look flustered, ears and cheeks red. He had his arms rigidly pinned down on his side.

“A-are you still-still mad at me?” he stuttered and it reminded her of the time they first met.

She smiled. The smile only reserve for Jongin to see. “I’m not. And just so you know, I like you too.”


They didn’t hit it off like a normal people would. Jongin wouldn’t let himself date Lian even if she was practically throwing herself at him. He kept telling her that he still didn’t deserve her just yet and Lian lets him find himself first. She love Jongin too much.

Graduation came and Lian had to fly over abroad for her college. And the two lost contact and Lian thought it was the end for their short fleeting love story.

Three years had gone by. Lian was about to graduate from her college. She already had passed all the requirements needed, had her picture taken for the yearbook and settled all her accounts. She had been homesick and with almost all her dorm mates going home, she decided to be home for a week.

This was the first time she would go home again after those three years she had been studying in Alaska. She was nervous and excited upon her arrival.

Nothing changed much in their house. There was still her mom who was left alone with her widowed Auntie. The house was still as quiet as ever; Her neighbor friends were still in their school and she has no one to talk to except for her mother and auntie. She suddenly missed her friends back in Alaska.

She had been watching the television all day. Her parents had been out all day along with her Auntie, they decided to go grocery. Knowing that it'll probably just bored her to death, she didn’t come.

She decided to watch the music program, Inkigayo. She wondered who could be the idol rookies now. She remembered how she used to idolized Super Junior back then.

Suddenly, the boy with a childish grin invaded her mind.


She smiled, suddenly feeling nostalgic. It has been so long since they met. She remembered the time when he used to dance to Super Junior's songs and make her laugh. His memory still left tingles in her heart. She wondered how he is? If he got over their puppy love for each other.

Her thoughts were suddenly disrupted at the opening music of the first group to perform on TV. She looked at it, trying to keep her mind clear. She shouldn’t be even thinking about him in the first place.

She blinked at the six guys in uniform in the TV. She blinked at the man in brown hair. She blinked at the hooded eyes of Jongin.

She clamped her hands over . No, it's just your imagination! Jongin would never...

But Lian was sure she saw him.

She stared at the TV hard. The guy who looks like Jongin was dancing like it was his last stage, the fluid steps, everything about the guy on the TV reminds him of Jongin. The group changes and she waited till the group that has Jongin came back. She watched the guy suddenly sure he was definitely Jongin. He dyed his hair brown, he looked unrecognizable with a smirk on his face. Jongin never smirks. There was an overwhelming aura around him, while he was on stage dancing. She had never seen it before.

The dance ended and she was still gaping at the screen. The MC thanked them, calling them EXO. It really has been long since she had been in Korea. She had to be sure about the guy that looks like Jongin.

She grabbed her phone and searched "EXO"

There, on the members, black and bold, screaming at her screen.

Kim Jongin, Kai, Main Dancer, EXO-K

- -

Lian still wanted to be sure, somehow even doubting the power of the Internet. So she decided to attend the broadcasting studio and waited along with the other girls outside the studio. She would hear various names occasionally; Suho, Luhan, Yixing, Tao, and if she was not mistaken, Baekhyun.

Soon enough they got inside the studio. All around her, girls were doing fan chants, waving up their lightsticks even though the show hadn't even started yet.

She took in the audience and wondered how did Jongin or Kai overcome his shyness? It  was absurd. Jongin couldn't even dance in front of the whole school.

Soon enough, the boy group EXO was on the stage. The yelling, the chants, Lian thought she was going to be deaf. Everyone had someone on stage that they're pinning to.

She stared at Jongin or Kai, dressed in uniform, somehow reminding her of the times she used to dance alone in the classroom. The thought made her smile. The screams around her continue to rage on but she couldn’t care any less. Jongin was in front of her, a few meters down and he was the only one that matters.

She focused her eyes solely in Jongin for the entire number, searching for that Jongin who used go dance for her.

The dance ended and the guys began panting hard, holding their sides and pulling off their blazers. The others were wiping their face off. The screams were louder than ever.

Baekhyun was the first one to thank the fans and all. Lian couldn't believe that Baekhyun would end up as an idol too. She stared at Jongin again but for someone reason; she couldn’t seem to place her Jongin in the guy wearing the uniform. He had the face of Jongin but he was Kai.

He was thanking everyone. He was still panting a bit but the words were clear. He flashed them his childish grin. The Jongin’s childish grin.

Somewhere inside Lian flipped and came alive.


Three days later, her parents, along with her Auntie decided to go to Jeju for a vacation. It was unfair for her but they would be staying there for a week and she only has three days left before she flew back to Alaska so she decided to stay yet again.

Her encounter with the not so normal Jongin anymore disturbed her thoughts for that past three days. She had been with her high school friends home and all they ever seem to talk about was the fast rising group star EXO and how Jongin or Kai and Baekhyun had gotten more handsome. Lian wanted to  flip them off for looking at Jongin like that when back then, she was the only one who was really interested in Jongin… or Kai now. She was confused on why did Jongin chose to be an idol though. He didn’t want to be, when she asked him four years ago. He doesn't even know what he wants.

Does this have anything to do with the last words she said to him?

That's so long ago... she thought. Any sane person would have move on from that puppy love.

Did I? She asked herself. She thought of Jongin. She thought of the guy who was so shy and so cute and adorable. She thought about his childish grin, her weakness. And suddenly she wasn't so sure if she had. She dated some guys in her college but nobody really sparked something in her that somehow she felt when Jongin caught her attention. She thought maybe it was just because she wasn’t ready to be in a serious relationship but now she was sure it was because after all those years, there was still that part of her that wants Jongin.

There had been no closure around for them. Maybe Jongin just realized that he wanted to be an idol after all. It wasn't hard. He was handsome, charismatic and talented.

Lian groaned. Why was she even thinking of him? He was out of reach now! He was unreachable now. There was no chance. He was an idol and even in retrospect of them meeting, he can’t date her. It was a rule in their showbiz industry. She had lost Jongin for Kai.


The doorbell rang. Lian stood up, trying to fix her hair while the doorbell continued to bell, loud and persistent.

She grumbled at how rude the pizza delivery guy was. She opened the door ready to scold whoever the delivery man was when all the air knocked out on her chest.

She waited for the air to come to her lungs.

"Hi." The person on the door greeted her.



"Oh, I, hello." She breathed.

There, in front of her house, was Jongin.

He was wearing something casual although there was a mask on his face. No traces of Kai could be seen from him.

There was no make-up, no blinking lights, no eleven members, no MC's. There was no glamour, only Jongin. Lian's Kim Jongin.

"I didn't remember you being this quiet." Was the first thing Jongin uttered to her and his voice started to spread warmth through her again like a current.

She smiled inwardly. It felt so long ago since she felt that same current run through her body. It was getting her addicted. It was true though, Jongin had really gotten more handsome and compare to her now, she was probably the one looking so undeserving for him.

"I heard you're in town so I- um... I decided to p-pay a visit." Jongin stuttered like always and Lian grinned. She felt like her heart was going to break in million pieces from all the feelings bursting out on her.

She leaned on their door frame – suddenly feeling comfortable - studying Jongin, noticing the slight redness in his ears. She wanted to laugh but she held it in. The Kai of EXO would be caught dead getting a blush but in front of Lian, he wasn’t Kai. He was only Jongin.

"It's been so long Jongin." She said softly. "You've gotten so tall."

Jongin’s eye’s crinkled and Lian knew he was smiling.

"You became a dancer after all. Why are you here anyways? I mean, not that I'm not glad to see you but, you're an idol now right? People might notice you." She said slowly suddenly remembering that no matter how Jongin-ish he was in front of him. He was still the Kai of EXO, the dancing machine.

The place where Jongin resides in her heart suddenly ached for everything to be normal and he was still the same simple Kim Jongin she got to know.

"Can we walk for a while?" Jongin said quietly.

- -

The whole street was quiet. Somehow, the atmosphere between them turned into moist. Neither of them was saying anything but there was something passing through the light brushing of their hands.

"Lian." He whispered, finally breaking the silence.

Jongin surprised her as he took both of her hands completely. It was just his eyes that she was seeing but she could tell he was serious.

Lian couldn't breathe.

"You... remember the time, the last time we met?" He asked and Lian stared at him, face void of emotions but inside she was on verge of hyoerventilating. "The one you told me to prove to you I'm worthy?"

She nodded slowly.

He looked down at their hands. "I didn't stop. I- I became an idol because of you. I wanted to be something to you, someone you'd be really proud of. Those years that I was a trainee, you'd been my energy. I know two years had been awfully long and you may have found somebody now," he stopped for a while. "I guess I just wanted to let you know that... I didn't stop. I still like you."

She froze, heart pounding loud in her chest. She didn't know what she did to make a guy fall for her like this to make him do all these things just for her.

"There’s- There’s no one Jongin." She said quietly and Jongin looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

His eyes warm his heart up. She smiled crookedly. “There’s no someone Jongin.” She squeezed her hand in his and slowly, Jongin started to grin.

He was suddenly all smiles and light… so Jongin-ish. The Kim Jongin she had known in their high school.

Jongin smiled melted off as he started. "I know, I'm still not-"

She put her finger on his lips, silencing him.

"Jongin. You have always been deserving. Why do you always think like that?" She asked, shaking her head in disapproval.


"Jongin, you're perfect and I like you as you are right now. There's nothing for you to do about it."

Jongin shook his head, smiling. "You know I can't just accept that." He softly kissed her hands, even though there was a mask on his face, she could still felt the weight of his kiss against her hands. "I'll always be undeserving for you."

She tried to smile at his sweetness but instead she felt like crying. Jongin was the sweetest guy she had ever met in her life.

"Can I make you promise one thing?" He asked, back to the usual shy voice of his.

Unable to speak, she nodded.

"This is selfish but, could you wait for me? You know I’m an idol now and I can’t… I don’t want to cause trouble with my group mates or my members... Just, wait for me, at least until the day I’m deserving for you then?" Jongin asked, eyes silently pleading as he stared at Lian.

"I told you-" Lian said, she wanted to kiss Jongin but it just didn't feel right considering they just met and all.

Jongin pulled her for a hug and whispered at her.

"Please promise me you'll wait for me."

She smiled at his back, hugging him tighter because she doesn’t know when will she get the chance to do that again. “What if-“

“I wouldn’t find anyone else. As you can see, after all these years I didn’t see you, I’m still head over heels for you.” He said teasingly, his hands rubbing reassuring hands on her back.

She remembered the silent gazes, the sheepish grins, the light grazing of shoulders. She remembers the feel to have Jongin beside her.

"I will Jongin. I will."




Asianfanfics are just so hard to navigate with eeep!  I'm always on wattpad but I'm an active reader here so yeah


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 1: ya right more please.....
^ Fanatic fan XD
Chapter 1: oh my gosh i love this :DD it's very different from those stories where jongin is a player who smirks every 5 seconds LOL (not that i dont like those stories haha i actually do XD) i look forward to reading more from youuuu ^^