Cooking Disaster

Our story...

It was our F&N lesson (cooking lesson). We were all gathered at the cooking room.

"All right class. Today we are going to bake cupcakes! Grab a partner and lets get started." Miss Foo instructed. 

Zyra immediately turned towards Maria. She had been Zyra's cooking partner ever since the beggining of the year. 

"Maria! Partners?" Zyra asked her just to make sure.

"I'm soooo soooo sooorrryyyy!!" Maria placed both her palms together and held her head down. She then inched closer to me and whispered,"Hannah forced me to be her partner. You know her. She hates pairing up with anyone. she's a LONER."


Maria immediately spun around to find Hannah glaring at her. "If you don't want to be my partner. Fine!" Hannah yelled and stormed off.

"Yeaaah weelll. That's how it is...." Maria told Zyra and quickly followed Hannah to apologize.

Zyra watched them as they made their way back to their seat.

"So who's going to be my partner now...." Zyra thought.

"Does everyone have a partner?Who doesn't have a partner? Raise you hands!" Ms Foo asked the class.

Zyra raised her hand. She looked around to see if anyone else didn't have a partner. 

"This can't be happening!" 

There was one other person that didn't have a partner. But it's not just any person. It was JINYOUNG! 

When both of them realised they were partners, they smiled. LUCKY!!~~~ XD

Zyra grabbed her stuff and went towards Jinyoung. He smiled at her. She smiled back too. "Seriously can't get enough of that smile~~"  

She grinned idiotically to herself. She can't believe how lucky she was.

And so, after Miss Foo gave them the neccessary ingredients to bake the cupcake, Zyra and Jinyoung started baking. Ouh I almost forgot! When cooking, we always need to wear an apron and a cling wrap thingy that covers your hair. So yeah imagine Jinyoung wearing an apron and a hat. He looked damn CUTE!!

Anyways, Zyra can't help but stare at the adorable Jinyoung. His hair was pushed back. And his wearing a doremon printed apron!! He looked really funny yet adorable at the same time. She really wanted to take a picture. She quickly fished out her handphone and glanced around making sure that Miss Foo was nowhere in sight. Then skillfully, she snapped a picture of Jinyoung making the batter of the cupcake. She looked at the picture. KYEOPTA~~~!!!! 

She quickly hid her phone and helped Jinyoung with the baking. When the cupcakes were fully baked, Zyra smeared the creamy white icing on top of the cupcake.

"Hey Jinyoung, how do you want to decorate the cupcakes?" Zyra asked him, still focusing on spreading the icing evenly

"I don't know.. Up to you.."Jinyoung answered her, holding a bowl of hot melted chocolate and walking towards Zyra.

"Theeeen how about we write our........" Zyra the last bit of icing on the spatula and turned towards Jinyoung. At that very instant, the melted chocolate that Jinyoung was holding fell right towards Zyra. The creamy chocolate smeared all over her apron and some even landed on her face.

"I'M SO SORRY!!!" Jinyoung apologized profusely, grabbing a nearby towel and trying to wipe of the chocolate.

"OMG!! WHAT THE- ....GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Zyra exclaimed pushing Jinyoung away from her. Jinyoung willingly stepped back. He didn't know what to do. He was perplexed. Seeing Zyra all covered in chocolate made him feel guilty..

Zyra on the other hand was shocked. Angry in fact. She couldn't even form the right words to say. She was drenched in choclate! Her clothes has chocolate! Her hair has choclate. Even her face is covered in chocolate! Though she loved chocolate very much, she didn't expect herself to be covered in them. By then, Maria and Hannah were rushing towards Zyra. Maria brought Zyra to the toilet to clean up while Hannah glared at Jinyoung intensely before following her two friends. The whole class watched as Zyra was brought away. Some stared at Jinyoung and whispered among themselves. But Jinyoung could here them. No! He knew what they were saying. How could he? Poor thing.. That's just wrong...  

JInyoung sighed. His heart felt as though it's been pierced by thousands of daggers. He felt guilty. He should have been more careful.

"But she suddenly turned and the chocolate slipped..."Jinyoung tried to reassure himself but he knew it was all his fault.

He grabbed the towel and began cleaning up the chocolate. She hates me now....

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LJoeIsMyHusband #1
Oh my gosh!! It's so kawaiiiii!!!
Lololol so cute :)
beedeoneeJY #3
Haha. She's still a girl what..I'm a chocolate lover too. but I'd never want to be covered by chocolate. Messes my hair! >< HAHA Jinyoung is always cute. LOVE HIM! <3 i'll update asap (: Thank you for reading.
NyanKat #4
OMO!!!! an update!!!!!<br />
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UPDATE >3< please?<br />
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really now....i keep wondering why would Zyra be angry while covered in CHOCOLATE, why the *toot* would she be angry while covered in *tooting* yummy yummy CHOCOLATE +_+.....don't blame i am a chocolate lover too.....seriously,nobody can stay that angry at Jingyoung....he's so cute!!!!<br />
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UPDATE!OMO! <3 >3<
beedeoneeJY #5
WAHH! THANK YOU! I'm glad you like it XD
NyanKat #6
OMO!!!!!!!!!<br />
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how cute!!!! jinyoung is so shy >3<<br />
such a "coincidence" that both of them are seatmates,block mates,and NEIGHBORS!!!!!<br />
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