sweetest thing

Our story...

JInyoung and the others ordered their food. While Zyra was writing down all their orders, Jinyoung can't help but wonder why the Singaporean girl seemed interesting to him. Since it was his first time in Singapore, he wanted to learn more of Singapore's people. He wanted to see their culture and their way of life. Maybe it might be almost similar to where he lived. But Jinyoung was a shy guy. He's not good at starting a conversation. Though he didn't have a hard time making friends with Sandeul, Baro, Cnu and Gongchan , since all of them were the ones who talked to him first, he knew that if he wanted to get to know Singaporeans, he had to make the first move.

Jinyoung watched as Zyra repeated their orders again. He just nodded blankly. He was in a daze. How can I get to know more about you? He thought. Suddenly, he felt a hard nudge. Jinyoung glanced to his right to find Gongchan staring at him, confusion written all over his face.

"Hyung, gwenchana? Why are you staring at nothing?Did something happen?" Gongchan asked, his voice full of worry.

"LOL. He's not staring at nothing. HE"S STARING AT THAT SINGAPOREAN GIRL!!" Sandeul exclaimed, a mischievious smile formed on his face.

"CHINJA?! Hyung! You've just arrived in Singapore and you're targeting a girl already?! You're amazing Hyung!" Baro added, his eyes bulging with amazement.

"ANIYO! There's no such thing. What nonsense are you talking about. I'M NOT TARGETING HER!" Jinyoung denied, trying hard to hide his flushed cheeks.

But no matter how hard Jinyoung tried to deny them, sandeul and Baro just smirked. Then, Zyra came in with the cakes that they ordered.

"Um, your double chocolate cake with chocolate sprinkles. Strawberry cake with strawberries. And cheesecake." Zyra passed them their cakes and added " Ouh and, our specialty, banana split sundae. Enjoy your meal!" She smiled and headed back to the counter.

"WAHH!!! LET'S EAT!" Sandeul grabbed his chocolate cake and began to indulge it. "YUMMY! THIS IS AWESOME!" He exclaimed while eating his chocolate cake.

"Yah! Eat quietly. Don't talk with your mouth full." Cnu nagged at him.

"THIS THE BEST THING I EVER TASTED! ITS SO SWEET!!!" Gongchan exclaimed as he his spoon thoroughly.

JInyoung agreed. Yup.It's sweet. I bet she's sweet too. Jinyoung glanced at Zyra and smiled. He really wanted to get to know her.

In the meantime...

Zyra was helping taking orders from every table. Seems that the place was more crowded than usual and since there wasn't enough workers present, she had to do the extra work. After she placed the order for 2 tables, she suddenly felt someone tugging her sleeve. Soon, she was being dragged away by an unknown force.

"What are you doing? Let go off me!" Zyra cried, trying to shove away the hand that was tugging her.

"Chill will you." a familiar voice said. It was hannah.

"Why did you do that for?" I shouted, irritated by her sudden actions.

"Well, sorry for being rough! I can't help it when that new guy keeps staring at you. He bugs me!" Hannah spat.

Zyra looked at her in confusion."What are you talking about?"

"Come here." Hannah dragged Zyra to a corner and pointed at Jinyoung table.

Zyra eyes widened. She was right! Jinyoung was looking at her! HE WAS LOOKING AT HER! Their eyes met and Zyra couldn't glance away. It was as if she was being pulled in by a magnetic force. But Jinyoung realised he was caught and immediately shifted his glance. Zyra could see that he was super embarrassed! Cute! Zyra was then pulled back and was now facing Hannah.

"He's up to something. I hate it." Hannah stated. She seemed really irritated by Jinyoung's behaviour.

"I think he's just anxious and shy. It's his first time." Zyra said.

"First time or not, the way he looks at you seems like a 'despo idiot' to me" Hannah rebutted, her voice filled with sarcasm.

"Up to you. I think he's nice. I want to get to know a South Korean." Zyra told her. especially Jinyoung. He seems really nice.

"Whatever...." Hannah stormed off, leaving Zyra behind.

Zyra grinned. Will she ever be friends with him?

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LJoeIsMyHusband #1
Oh my gosh!! It's so kawaiiiii!!!
Lololol so cute :)
beedeoneeJY #3
Haha. She's still a girl what..I'm a chocolate lover too. but I'd never want to be covered by chocolate. Messes my hair! >< HAHA Jinyoung is always cute. LOVE HIM! <3 i'll update asap (: Thank you for reading.
NyanKat #4
OMO!!!! an update!!!!!<br />
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UPDATE >3< please?<br />
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really now....i keep wondering why would Zyra be angry while covered in CHOCOLATE, why the *toot* would she be angry while covered in *tooting* yummy yummy CHOCOLATE +_+.....don't blame i am a chocolate lover too.....seriously,nobody can stay that angry at Jingyoung....he's so cute!!!!<br />
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UPDATE!OMO! <3 >3<
beedeoneeJY #5
WAHH! THANK YOU! I'm glad you like it XD
NyanKat #6
OMO!!!!!!!!!<br />
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how cute!!!! jinyoung is so shy >3<<br />
such a "coincidence" that both of them are seatmates,block mates,and NEIGHBORS!!!!!<br />
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